How to insulate a dog house for the winter: kennel insulation materials and other ways to protect a dog from the cold

The owners of private houses try to make every effort to make it cozy and warm during the cold season. But what about the dog that guards the yard and the owners? The booth in which the pet lives also needs thermal insulation. From our article you will learn how to insulate a dog house for the winter.

Do I need to insulate the kennel

Everyone freezes in winter. And this applies not only to people. Even long-haired dogs feel uncomfortable and chilly. Especially if the kennel is not insulated and not ready for winter. You should definitely take care of creating the proper conditions for the animal in advance.

How to insulate a dog house for the winter: kennel insulation materials and other ways to protect a dog from the cold

Taking a dog into a house that is constantly on the street is not the best option. The animal may feel uncomfortable. The dog may ask to go outside, tear things, spoil furniture and even show aggression. In order for everyone to be comfortable and familiar, it is necessary to prepare the booth in advance, protecting it from rain and cold.

Video “Building a warm dog house with your own hands”

From this video you will learn how to build a warm booth for a dog with your own hands.

Warm dog house with your own hands, in three days.

General rules

There are a number of rules and requirements that must be observed:

  1. It is better to position the booth so that the entrance is located in a calm – with minimal wind movement.
  2. The ideal option is a kennel made of wood.
  3. To eliminate the risk of rain or melt water, you can use one of two options: make high-quality insulation or place the kennel on a hill.
  4. The dimensions of the booth should correspond to the size of the dog. The main thing is that the animal does not crowd there.
  5. It is better to put the kennel not in continuous shade, and not in the open sun. Choose the golden mean.
  6. It is important to repair the roof in time to prevent leaks.

Which material to choose

The owner has many different materials at his disposal, each of which guarantees good thermal insulation and a neat appearance of the kennel.


How to insulate a dog house for the winter: kennel insulation materials and other ways to protect a dog from the cold

Mineral wool leads among other materials in terms of technical characteristics. She needs to be handled very carefully. Fiber negatively affects the health of the animal. Wherever the owner uses it – inside or outside the booth – the layer must be covered with a cladding. Don’t forget about waterproofing.

When using mineral wool, thermal insulation resembles a layer cake:

  • wall of a dog house made of wood;
  • polymer film that protects against moisture;
  • a layer of mineral wool;
  • membrane;
  • outer cladding.

As for the ceiling and floor, they will also be insulated with several layers.


How to insulate a dog house for the winter: kennel insulation materials and other ways to protect a dog from the cold

Styrofoam is another very popular material that is presented on the current market. It is not affected by moisture and does not contain dust. Mounting the structure is not difficult. By the way, branded mineral wool is many times more expensive than polystyrene.

The material is versatile. It is used and placed on the walls and floor of the booth. They also insulate the kennel from the outside. If the owner of the dog settled on this option, additional waterproofing is not needed. A facing material can be easily applied to the insulation layer.

As a rule, insulation work occurs as follows:

  • measurements are taken and foam is cut out;
  • insulation material is fixed with a special adhesive foam;
  • cladding is installed.


How to insulate a dog house for the winter: kennel insulation materials and other ways to protect a dog from the cold

This material is natural. It is inexpensive, and guarantees complete safety. Felt is an ideal material for warming a dog kennel.

Among its characteristics is vapor impermeability. This means that the booth will always be dry. The material is also not blown, so it is not necessary to close it. If desired, you can fix the insulation layer with ordinary nails with large caps.

liquid insulation

How to insulate a dog house for the winter: kennel insulation materials and other ways to protect a dog from the cold

An alternative to the options proposed above is a liquid insulation that will protect the animal from the cold. In appearance, the material resembles foam, after spraying it solidifies. When choosing a liquid insulation, remember that the layer must be at least 5 cm. The material has shown good wear resistance, and “promises” 30 years of service. Cured foam does not absorb moisture and steam. At the same time, after applying a layer of liquid insulation, lining is simply necessary.

Warming technique

Each of the above materials has its own characteristics. Speaking about the technique of warming a dog kennel, it is important to remember the following rules:

  • wood shavings are difficult to fix on the ceiling or walls, but they are ideal as a floor litter – environmentally friendly and soft;
  • parasites can start in the chips, if a considerable amount of moisture gets there, the material begins to rot;
  • it is recommended to add shavings of coniferous wood, the aroma of which pests do not like;
  • a dog can pull out or gnaw a fabric litter, so it is still better to use chipboard, replacing it regularly;
  • do not put sawdust in the kennel – they cause inflammation, prick and climb into the eyes and nose of the animal.

Collapsible kennel

How to insulate a dog house for the winter: kennel insulation materials and other ways to protect a dog from the cold

Among the advantages of a collapsible booth are:

  • ease of repair – a dog can gnaw a manhole, and then the owner dismantles the damaged elements, changes the damaged boards and fastens new parts again;
  • ease of manufacture – the kennel is made in an equipped and convenient place, after which it can be easily transferred to the yard and quickly installed;
  • ease of cleaning – in order to completely disinfect the dog’s home, the owner must completely disassemble it, carry out all the work, and assemble it again.

Non-separable booth

It is recommended to consider the option of a non-separable kennel for a dog. Such a dwelling has the following advantages:

  1. No possibility of blowing. In a non-separable booth there are no places where its elements are joined. The same can be said about the absence of micro-slits, because the floor and walls come together.
  2. No draft. Dogs tolerate it much worse than frost. So the dog will be protected from the constant wind flow, will not catch a cold and get sick.
  3. The corners of the kennel have the maximum continuous thickness of the wooden layer.
  4. All elements are rigidly connected. This is a guarantee of durability and reliability of the booth. The owner will also not need to periodically tighten the connecting fasteners, which is extremely important in collapsible kennels.

Alternative Methods

Sometimes, while looking for an alternative way to warm the booth, the owners use bold, but ineffective methods:

  1. Heating the kennel with a light bulb. The heating lamp can create the desired temperature. But do not forget that the dog can burn or overheat due to a hot device. 50 cm is the minimum distance that must be between the device and the animal. Given the size of the standard booths, it would not be easy to enforce such a rule.
  2. Autonomous heater. Often runs on batteries. There are models that resemble heating pads. Their filling allows you to retain heat for a long time. In order for the device to work well and generate heat, it must be heated. Using a battery-operated heating pad, the owner connects it to the main heating complex as an addition.

Electric heater

The simplest and most popular method among dog owners is the installation of a panel electric heater. Electrically powered infrared panels maintain the optimal temperature inside the dog kennel. In this case, the owner does not bear special costs for insulation and electricity. The system attracts with such advantages:

no noise during operation;

  • small-sized equipment (2 cm – standard thickness);
  • the air is heated no higher than 50 ° C, moderate heating does not dry out the air, so it is not necessary to cover the heater with a wooden grate;
  • ease of installation – it is enough for the owner to fix the electrical panel with self-tapping screws on the desired surface;
  • fire-fighting characteristics – it is possible to use the panel constantly during the day, while there is no need to monitor the booth.

IR film

Infrared film is used to insulate booths. This is an ultra-thin heater that accumulates heat by emitting IR waves.

The heating element distributes heat, so the animal will definitely not overheat.

The film heater consists of three components:

  • heating element – necessary for converting electrical energy into thermal energy;
  • foil – needed so that the heat evenly diverges throughout the kennel;
  • laminated film – guarantees excellent insulation and protects all components of the system inside from mechanical damage.

A dog house insulated with such a system has the following advantages:

  • electricity is used economically;
  • the output is healthy heating, which positively affects the immune system of the animal;
  • good level of heat transfer – uniform distribution of heat contributes to the fact that there are no “cold zones”;
  • the air humidity in the kennel remains unchanged.

Choose the best option and insulate the home for your pet in advance!

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