How to install the microwave correctly and safely

You need to install the microwave so that it does not create discomfort and does not suffer from unwanted neighborhood. To do everything right, you have to understand the conditions of its work. Let’s figure out how you can and cannot put a microwave oven.

The kitchen is not the most spacious room in the house, so there is such a great temptation to install one household appliance on top of another, but such solutions are not always acceptable.

What type of microwave oven to choose

Microwaves are much smaller than refrigerators, but they constantly run out of space. When it comes to placement, it turns out that in the kitchen there is a shortage of free space. If you hoist the stove on the countertop, a share of the working surface will be lost, which is unjustified in a cramped kitchen. There are also miniature models, but their capabilities are limited.

If you want a microwave with various functions and auto modes, consider in advance where to install it. If you have space in your kitchen set, it may be better to ditch the freestanding model in favor of a built-in one. This is a rational option that allows you to save space and beautifully fit a household appliance.

The installation method and location will depend on the type and dimensions of the equipment. If you buy a small model, it can be closed in a closet on any shelf.

All microwave ovens by size and installation method can be divided into:

  • conventional;
  • small;
  • built-in.

Microwave installation

You bought a microwave oven. Before turning on the power, you need to install it correctly. Step-by-step instruction:

  • Wipe the camera with a sponge slightly dampened with water. Be sure to check the tightness of the door. Make sure that there are no damages: defects in the chamber or near the door.
  • Install the microwave in its designated place: on a table or a sturdy shelf. Weight varies depending on the model and can be 4-15 kg. When moving the stove, keep in mind that it is heavier in front – do not lose balance and do not drop it.
  • To ensure proper ventilation, leave at least 10 cm of clearance between the rear and side walls of the appliance and other objects. The top of the stove must be at least 20 cm from other surfaces.
  • Remove the packing material from the chamber. Replace the caster and turntable and check for rotation.
  • Ensure that all openings and air ducts in the appliance are open. If they are blocked, the device may fail. Place the legs of the stove so that there is an air flow to the bottom. Therefore, when placing a mat, make sure that there is a gap between it and the bottom cover.
  • Damp or hot places are not suitable for installation – near batteries or stoves. Unfavorable proximity leads to damage to electronics and mechanical elements.
  • Do not use the device at temperatures above 40°C.
  • The installation surface must be level and firm.
  • You can turn on the oven in a socket with a current of 15 A.

People are wondering if it is possible to put it on the dishwasher. According to the rules, it is recommended to place the device as far as possible from any equipment: from the radio to the computer. This is necessary to exclude the mutual influence of devices. Everyone can check – even mobile communications do not work well near the microwave. But these rules have their own nuances, which we will discuss below.

What sizes

Going shopping, measure the area where she will be accommodated. The dimensions of the models are different, so choose them according to your data – otherwise the purchase will not fit in the allotted space. Ovens 30 cm deep will fit in a kitchen cabinet, deeper ones will have to be placed on a countertop or find another placement option.

Standard for 15-17 liters – the most popular option – has dimensions:

  • width – up to 50 cm;
  • depth – up to 40 cm;
  • length and height – up to 30 cm.

Where to put the microwave oven

There are several installation methods:

  • on the tabletop;
  • hang on brackets – it is important to fix it securely and safely;
  • on other household appliances – for example, on a washing machine (an option for a cramped kitchen);
  • embed in the headset;
  • on the windowsill, if it is wide enough for this.

Useful Tips

To put the microwave correctly, you need to take into account its interaction with the “neighbors” and other nuances:

  • When choosing a place, pay attention to the presence of an outlet. If you put the device on the windowsill, the window sash must be deaf. It is not worth putting flowers next to each other – electromagnetic waves will negatively affect them.
  • If you put it on the dishwasher, you need to put a thermal insulating layer between the appliances. It is not recommended to turn on the equipment at the same time.
  • Do not install near gas meters – microwaves can damage measuring instruments.
  • If your refrigerator is low, you can also put a microwave oven on it, but always with a heat-insulating mat. Read about it in the reviewCan you put a microwave on the refrigerator».
  • An oven weighing up to 15 kg can be installed on the front washing machine. Note that the washing machine generates vibrations that can cause the machine to move and even fall. Therefore, be sure to put a rubber lining on the machine, it will prevent slipping.
  • The most rational way is to hang it on brackets in a convenient place.

What and how to put

People often ask: is it possible to put objects on the lid of the stove? As mentioned above, there must be space between the bottom cover of the device and the surface of the mat for ventilation. If you put something heavy on the stove, its legs will sink into the rug, ventilation will be disturbed. Therefore, you can not put a slow cooker or other heavy objects.

When installing a microwave on a washing machine or dishwasher, you need to consider the following nuances:

  • Compare the depth of the stove with the width of the appliances you are going to put it on. If the depth is greater, it will hang down, which will cause a violation of ventilation.
  • If the microwave is on other household appliances, it should not be plugged into a common outlet, you need a separate one. An extension cord is not recommended..

The dishwasher is considered the most favorable neighborhood for the stove – it practically does not heat up and does not vibrate. It is strongly not recommended to install on:

  • TVs;
  • over sinks;
  • for refrigerators of great height;
  • over gas stoves.

What not to put on a microwave oven

It is undesirable to put a kettle, bread box, flowers and other items on the microwave. The temptation to use a free surface is great, but you shouldn’t do it;

  • due to lack of ventilation
  • because of the risk of crumbs, water and other small particles entering the vent.

Something like this can cause equipment to fail. If you want to put flowers or some kind of interior decoration in the area of ​​​​the microwave device, keep a safe distance – this will help you save equipment and avoid breakdowns.

It is also not recommended to put mobile phones and laptops on the cover of the microwave device. It has not been proven that these devices negatively affect each other, but it is known that an electromagnetic field is formed around the stove, which affects the SIM card in the phone, its magnetic tape. Also, close contact reduces the charge level.

The operation of the equipment depends on the method and place of installation. By following the rules of location, you can avoid negative consequences.

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