How to increase your chances of conceiving
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Each doctor treats in his own way, and even in the IVF program for compulsory medical insurance, some reproductologists carry out the embryo transfer strictly 5 days after fertilization, while others recommend cryopreservation of embryos and carry out the transfer after a month or two. Why?
– The reason for the different actions is the same – if delayed cryotransfer, in my experience based on world statistics, leads to an increase in the chance of pregnancy, I will strongly recommend it to you. Why can delayed IVF puncture increase your chances?
The secret of the “embryo blanket”
A woman’s readiness for a successful embryo implantation is very, very important. At this stage, this is a key indicator of success. If her endometrium at the current moment does not correspond to the norm (thickness, structure, etc., which is determined by ultrasound), then the degree of probability of pregnancy will be low. But I work with the patient for success, not for speed. A month or two respite is worth it!
The endometrium is a complex structure. This is a “blanket” for the embryo, and it must be such that the embryo can attach, take root and develop. Doctors “EmbryLife” aim to slowly, but correctly create the ideal conditions for future pregnancy.
If the patient insists on embryo transfer exactly “here and now”, then of course I can carry it out. However, you need to understand that for this attempt we will take
According to statistics, pregnancy in cryo-transfer is several times higher than in the “fresh” cycle, since there is no special effect of stimulation of superovulation on the endometrium.
Cryo transfer is also included in the OMS
By order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of August 17, 2017 No. 525n “On Amendments to the Standard of Medical Care for Infertility Using Assisted Reproductive Technologies, Approved by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 30n of October 2012, 556” Medical Service A11.20.032 “Cryopreservation gametes (oocytes, spermatozoa) “is included in IVF according to the compulsory medical insurance.
Is freezing harmful to embryos?
EmbryLife uses the most modern methods of embryo cryopreservation. The center’s specialists are confident in the method of vitrification (quick freezing) and can guarantee a high survival rate of embryos after thawing, which means they can put into practice delayed embryo transfer.
This reduces the risk of severe hyperstimulation syndrome and improves implantation conditions for embryos transferred into the uterine cavity. That is why doctors talk about a gentle way of carrying out subsequent IVF cycles for a woman. They understand that you want to get results sooner.
In your case, the key word is “rather”, the key word of the doctors is “result.” Embryologists day and night create conditions for the growth of embryos, fertility doctors are responsible for your endometrium. You just need to trust them so that in the near future you can raise your son or daughter.
Each ovum has a membrane that has a protective function. Within 5-7 days after ovulation, the membrane retains its integrity, but is steadily thinning. And it is right! Then the membrane ruptures, and the embryo is implanted into the wall of the uterus.
EmbryLife doctors are well aware that part of unsuccessful implantations lies in the fact that this membrane remains dense and does not allow the embryo to implant. To solve this problem, embryologists use the hatching procedure (opening the shell).
Today, there are several ways to hatch the embryo shell:
— chemical: the shell is pointwise dissolved with a solution;
– mechanical: a slot is made in the shell using a microneedle;
– piezo technique: vibrations produced by a piezoelectric micromanipulator;
– laser hatching.
Of all the above methods, laser hatching is considered the safest and most accurate at the moment, it is used at EmbryLife. However, not all women are aware of the existence of hatching and the indications for this procedure. But it is highly recommended if:
– the age of the expectant mother is more than 38 years old;
– the woman had IVF attempts that ended in failure;
– the embryos were cryopreserved (when frozen, the embryo membrane thickens).
The use of assisted hatching at a certain stage of embryo development and according to indications increases the chances of pregnancy. Therefore, doctors consider each case individually. And, of course, reproductive specialists always discuss the state of the embryo with the embryologist and give recommendations for assisted hatching.
Trust the experience and opinion of your fertility specialist. Let your family have a child! You can make an appointment