The answer to the hardships associated with quitting smoking are e-cigarettes and tobacco heaters. Consumer research confirms that they can be an effective intermediate step, and scientific data shows that they are significantly less harmful.

Specialized chewing gums and patches, and even alternative medicine – smokers reach for various ways to quit the addiction. Unfortunately, the hardest part is keeping non-smoking long-term. Anyone who has smoked and tried to quit knows how hard it is.

Meanwhile, an effective solution may be to gradually abandon tobacco, which has proven to be very effective. Well, many cigarette smokers switch to e-cigarettes or tobacco heaters (which means reducing the emission of harmful substances by up to 90-95%). Since in both cases there is no combustion of tobacco, there is also no release of the most harmful substances. Of course, such a replacement does not solve the problem, but it significantly reduces the negative impact of smoking on the body and may be a step towards definitively getting rid of the addiction.

Consumers appreciate in e-cigarettes that they provide sensations similar to those associated with smoking regular cigarettes. In addition to reducing harmful substances, this is the most important argument for which cigarette smokers are changing their habits more and more often; they are moving away from traditional tobacco in favor of innovative solutions.

Contrary to the traditional cigarette, the electronic cigarette does not burn, so the substances that are most harmful to the body are not emitted. It is worth remembering that when using an e-cigarette operating in a closed system, i.e. one with pre-filled cartridges (for example Vuse ePen on the Polish market), or in an open system, when we consciously choose a liquid ready for use, we inhale the preparation subjected to comprehensive tests.

The British Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) announced in the summer of 2018 that more than half (52%) of the 3,2 million adult e-cigarette users in the UK (previously smokers of traditional cigarettes) had quit the addiction. In turn, recent research on the Spanish market confirmed that as much as 90 percent. smokers who have used e-cigarettes have reduced or quit smoking. In New Zealand, the Vaping Facts portal on e-cigarettes and the effects of their use has been created in cooperation with the Ministry of Health and the Health Promotion Agency (HPA). In Great Britain, France, Germany and Australia, public health institutions officially confirm that e-cigarettes are much less harmful than traditional cigarettes.

Of course, any such change is merely a replacement for cigarettes with something less harmful and is an intermediate solution. There is no doubt that the true success on your way to a healthier life will always be to quit smoking permanently.

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