How to increase the body’s immunity

How to increase the body’s immunity

Do you get tired quickly, sleep on the go and often catch colds? Perhaps your immunity is at zero, and it’s time to properly stimulate it. will tell you the ways.

How to increase the body’s immunity

The body’s immune system is able to distinguish intruders (viruses, bacteria and others) from their “legal” microorganisms and destroy pests. And when this system fails, we get sick. Drugs that allow you to regulate its work are called immunomodulators or immunocorrectors. They can perform various functions.


PROBLEM. The body itself produces an internal immunomodulator – interferon (a protein with antiviral and antitumor properties). But during illness, severe stress, or just in the season of massive colds and flu epidemics, interferon in the body is not enough, and immunity falls.

DECISION. To cope with the deficiency of this protein, immunostimulants are used: either containing interferon (Viferon, Interferon, Interal and others), or forcing the body to produce it more actively – interferonogens (Arbidol, Poludan and others). When choosing a drug, it is better to consult a doctor and follow the instructions exactly.

Reduce activity

PROBLEM. It is bad when the immune system is unable to withstand a threat from the outside. But sometimes it fails and starts on the contrary – to work too actively. In these cases, an allergy (hypersensitivity to certain substances) or an autoimmune reaction develops, when the system ceases to distinguish between “friends” and “aliens”, and the body begins to fight its own biomolecules.

DECISION. In such a situation, immunity must be reduced. For this, immunosuppressants are used – drugs that suppress the body’s resistance. They can only be prescribed by a doctor.

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Don’t take antibiotics whenever you have a fever


PROBLEM. In the summer and in the intervals between outbreaks of ARVI, you should not get carried away with immunomodulators. The body should not get used to the fact that it is constantly being helped: in the absence of a serious viral load from the outside, it itself is able to cope with dangerous “outsiders”. But it is necessary to maintain your immunity at a certain level.

DECISION. Do not take antibiotics every time you have a fever, because together with harmful bacteria, they destroy the beneficial microflora. In any case, once every six months for a month, it is advisable to take a course to restore normal intestinal flora from drugs that a gastroenterologist will recommend.

For prevention, you can periodically take adaptogens – substances that enhance the body’s resistance (ginseng root, eleutherococcus extract, echinacea tincture, and others). And, of course, physical exercises, evening walks, a contrast shower, good sleep and vitamins will help maintain the body in a combat state.


Regular sex leads to an increase in the production of immunoglobulin A, which means that it increases immunity.

Immunity is now being talked about by all and sundry, which leads to the emergence of many myths. For example, such:

  • The child must grow up perfectly clean. No: excessive sterility interferes with the formation of immunity.
  • All diseases are from immune problems. No: many diseases develop regardless of the body’s resistance, but weak immunity can be the last straw.
  • A decrease in the body’s immunity to infections can manifest itself in the form of pain in the heart, head or abdomen, as well as general discomfort. No: low immunity is characterized by frequent and prolonged colds (more than 4 per year in adults and more than 6 in children under 5 years of age); chronic diseases; constant subfebrile (from 37 to 38 ° C) temperature.

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