Before you increase potency, you need to understand why it is reduced. If you have checked your health, eliminated diseases that lead to a decrease in potency (prostatitis, vesiculitis, etc.), then you need to think about why potency itself suffers.
As has already been said a lot here, the hormone testosterone plays a decisive role in obtaining a stable erection. If it is reduced in the body, then you can not hope for a good potency.
What leads to a decrease in testosterone and a deterioration in potency:
- Stress, constant workload and at home – all this leads to the refusal of the brain to give signals for the production of testosterone. The body is so exhausted, and it is also loaded with sex – no, the brain will not do this. The mental component of potency reduction will be discussed in more detail below.
- Excess weight. Fat deposits in the abdomen choke the glands that produce testosterone. And here is a vicious circle. Less testosterone is produced, and in a man this leads to even more accumulation of fat mass. Stop lying on the couch! Save your manhood. In addition, if you are overweight, then you probably have high cholesterol, which ultimately leads to atherosclerosis of the cerebral vessels, but not only it. The penis also consists of blood vessels and cholesterol also impairs their patency and blood filling, which in turn leads to a weakening of the erection.
- Alcohol and nicotine in general practically suppress the work of the glands that generate testosterone. Of course, these lines will not force a single smoker or alcoholic to quit smoking and drinking, but when it does, remember what is written here. On the forum, many wrote that it was thanks to prostatitis that they found the motivation to quit smoking.
Increasing potency is a process of healing the whole organism. If you minimize the above factors, the level of testosterone itself will return to normal, or even be in excess, like Mick Jaeger, potency will increase naturally. Choose, or you are with a beer and a cigarette in an armchair, or you are in bed with a charming woman. Nothing more to say here.
Mental factors of potency reduction
The mental side of the issue. Prostatitis and neuroses are the main reasons for the decrease in potency and deterioration of erection in men. Today’s image and pace of life of a modern man inevitably drives men into a state of stress and neurosis. The desire for career growth instilled by society and life itself leads to the suppression of the reproductive system in both men and women, a decrease in potency, libido, and sexual desire. Persuading and changing someone’s value system is not the purpose of this section of the site. The only thing that is proposed to be taken out of this material is that in order to increase potency and strengthen erection, you need to learn how to unload your nervous system.
Scientists (Western) say that the average man thinks about sex 120 times a day. Do you think about sex 120 times a day? Not? So what kind of increase in potency, what kind of increased erection are we talking about? But there is no direct fault that one of us does not think about sex. Direct guilt is in emotional tension (depression). Intimate contact requires an outburst of a huge amount of energy. The balance, conservation and expenditure of energy is controlled by the brain. Experiencing depletion of energy, the brain refuses to start the sexual mechanism. The conclusion suggests itself – in order to give the brain the opportunity to think about sex, you need to restore the energy of the body, and for this you need to learn how to relax properly.
Here the Spaniards have no problem with the time to think about sex. Siesta and all! We are not Spaniards and no one is going to quit work, but something can be learned from them. Learn to switch off from thoughts about work at least for the weekend. On weekdays, leaving work, leave thoughts about it – all tomorrow. The main source of stress is work. Learn to resist it, learn to relax, this is a prerequisite for restoring and increasing potency.
However, if you are already in a state of deep mental exhaustion, neurosis, then just getting enough sleep will not be enough to restore energy and increase potency. It is necessary to restore mental balance and this is possible only in two ways – either the help of a psychotherapist, or systematic auto-training. Do not be afraid of meeting with a psychotherapist. For complaints about problems with potency, no one will close you to the “yellow house”. On the contrary, in the West something is a little off on a personal level, everyone immediately starts with a psychotherapist, and rightly so! Another thing is if there is neither time nor opportunity to attend doctor’s sessions. Then there is a way out – auto-training – I will succeed, I have no problems in the intimate sphere, etc. Sounds a bit fancy, but it works!
However, auto-training is a very specific type of work on oneself and is far from being amenable to everyone, and it will take a lot of time. We will not dwell here in detail, there is enough information on the methods of auto-training on the Internet. You can take a step towards motivation to start working on yourself with Prostatitis – what to do right now.
The problem of a psychological barrier to intimacy often arises after a long illness with prostatitis. A long-term deterioration in potency reduces a man’s self-esteem and a certain complex arises. Along with work on restoring mental balance, drugs and potency drugs can help very well to increase potency, strengthen erection and gain self-confidence.