The autumn-winter period is a time when many of us start to wonder how to take care of our immune system, which is a key line of defense against microbes. The answer to the question – how to improve your immunity, can be found not only in a pharmacy. Many elements of our lifestyle affect how our body can cope with the avoidance of infection and our daily dietary choices and forms of spending time. Let’s not forget that we will not build immunity for one day, because it is influenced by how we function for weeks, months and years – so how to strengthen it in the long term? Here are the tips of Joanna Marciszewska, dietitian

Stress reduction

It turns out that chronic stress is particularly troublesome for the immune system. This is due to the hormones released during prolonged mental stress. Their high concentration in the blood leads to the activation of inflammation – however, if this condition persists for many weeks, our body will be too weak to react fully in the event of fighting the microorganism. That is why relaxation and rest should appear in our schedule permanently – thanks to mental balance, it will be much easier for us to maintain physical health.

To strengthen immunity, we recommend a set of four Natjun teas. It includes green teas: Spring stimulation, Summer refreshment and black teas: Autumn strengthening and Winter immunity. The kit is available at

Regular exercise

Each of us knows how important physical activity is in terms of health – but sometimes we don’t realize that it can protect us from infectious diseases. According to scientific research, in the field of strengthening immunity, moderate-intensity exercise works best. Regular walks, exercise, cycling – these are the elements that will certainly help our endurance much better than sitting all day long.

Being physically active, it is worth adding dietary supplements to your daily diet, which will help to replenish vitamin and mineral deficiencies and strengthen the immune system. At Medonet Market you can buy the Do! Protection dietary supplement or N ° 1 Colostrum PRO, which have a positive effect on the immune system and strengthen the body. See the offer of other supplements supporting the work of the immune system.

Adequate length of sleep

The long autumn and winter evenings are sometimes so long that we stop sleeping long enough. It turns out that the aspect of sleep is extremely important in terms of our body’s immunity.

You can not sleep? Do you suffer from digestive system problems? Opt for a mail-order mucosal immunity test available on Medonet Market. There you will also find a quantitative test for the determination of beta-defensin, which is helpful in the diagnosis of mucosal immunity.

One study found that people who slept less than 6 hours a day had a four times higher risk of developing a viral infection than people who slept for more than 7 hours. That is why it is worth trying to sleep 7-9 hours each night – thanks to this, our body will be strong enough to defeat microorganisms before they take control of us.

If you want to strengthen your immunity, try CBD oil 5%. The oil strengthens the immune system and has a positive effect on the functioning of the body.

To strengthen immunity, we also recommend natural preparations, such as Bioherba’s beetroot leaven with lemon, turmeric and ginger, available in single bottles of various capacity or in a set of shots for 7 days.

Vitamin D supplementation

Although we usually associate immunity mainly with vitamin C, vitamin D is catching up with it when it comes to influencing our immune system. It turns out that its deficiency is conducive to infections, and due to the fact that in the autumn and winter all Poles are exposed to low blood levels, supplementation should definitely be introduced.

Deficiency of this vitamin usually appears in the months that are not very sunny, because it is the sun’s rays that trigger the synthesis of vitamin D. If we do not have the opportunity to be exposed to the sun, our supplies are gradually depleted.

However, we can prevent this and follow the recommendations according to which every person living in Poland should supplement vitamin D from September to the end of March. Recommended dosages vary by body weight, but usually 2000 IU per day.

Vitamin D can be found in the comprehensive liquid supplement Panacea Immunity Pharmovit, which also contains other vitamins and minerals that are of great importance for building immunity. We also recommend Daily Shield ° for immunity with vitamin D3 – a smart supplement that can be modified so that its operation is tailored to a specific person and his needs.

For immunity, also remember about vitamin C, which you can order at Medonet Market. Try Aqua Kick Vitamin C – OstroVit vitamin C powder.

  1. See also: Seven Signs Your Body Needs Vitamin D.

Adequate diet

How should we eat to increase immunity? One of the ingredients that has been shown to support the immune system is zinc – its deficiency can significantly worsen our ability to fight bacteria and viruses. For this reason, it is worth introducing its sources to your diet, that is: legumes, fish, dairy products, meat, whole grain cereal products, almonds, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, eggs and … dark chocolate. A way to supplement zinc in your diet is also to use supplements. Zinc lozenges from the Solgar brand will be a good choice.

In the autumn and winter period, it is especially worth taking care of a properly balanced diet – therefore, it is worth considering the purchase of dietary catering, where meals are optimally composed.

To improve immunity and to support digestion, use preparations with the addition of ginger

  1. Kombucha Wellness with ginger for immunity and digestion,
  2. A set of juice shots with ginger and lemon for immunity.

Vitamin C is associated with immunity for many of us – indeed, its deficiency promotes infections. This vitamin is found in large amounts in kiwi, peppers, strawberries, citrus fruits, raspberries and parsley, as well as in many other plant products, such as rowan berries or rosehips. You can buy rowan fruit and wild rose fruit in the form of dried tea for making tea at Medonet Market. Also try Raspberry Syrup EKO.

It is not always easy to get the right amount of vitamins and minerals through your diet. Therefore, it is worth enriching it with appropriate supplementation. You can use the preparations of the Intenson brand, e.g. Superfoods Elixir, which strengthens the Immunity. If you are looking for natural immunity supplements, which additionally have ecological packaging, be sure to try SOLHERBS preparations, including Selenium and Vitamin C1000 in capsules or in powder. You can also find vitamin C in the form of a convenient shot – Vitamin C 2000 – OstroVit lemon flavor shot.

We should also remember that our diet is not too low in calories and contains a sufficient amount of protein. It is recommended that adults consume at least 0,9 g of protein for every kilogram of their body weight each day.

The immune super-foods are garlic, honey and chili peppers – each of these products helps to prevent the growth of microbes and it is good to add them to the diet at times of higher risk of contamination.

Remember also about the positive effect of silage on the immune system. Drink regularly, incl. Organic pickled beetroot juice.

It is worth using dietary supplements based on natural plant extracts to support immunity. At Medonet Market, you will find Herbapol brand preparations that have a positive effect on the immunity and functioning of the entire human body. We recommend, for example:

  1. Mistletoe elixir – additionally regulates blood pressure,
  2. Licorice elixir – has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system,
  3. LIPOTERM syrup with vitamin C and linden – helps to fight fever.

Also try cough and sore throat preparations to increase immunity. Check the offer. As an addition to tea or cocktails, try the Ecological Elderflower Syrup.

If you want to find out if you have vitamin and micronutrient deficiencies directly affecting the immune system, you can make an immunity e-panel. Thanks to it, it will be possible to assess how your immune system works. If you are struggling with recurring infections, you can also get a pack of 6 immunity blood tests that you can buy from Medonet Market.

In order to improve immunity, we also recommend Invent Farm preparations based on natural ingredients:

  1. Borio Farm – liquid supplement,
  2. Para Farm – liquid supplement,
  3. Para Farm capsules,
  4. Para Farm Max Plus – liquid supplement,
  5. Lungs – liquid supplement.

Ginger, which is part of herbal teas, such as Ginger Lemon Bio Yogi Tea or Immune Support Bio Yogi Tea, which additionally contains acerola juice, rosehip and elderberry fruit, also works well for immunity.

Ladies, in turn, can drink teas designed especially for them, which will not only strengthen their body, but also give strength and improve digestion, for example Women’s Energy Bio Yogi Tea.

To sum up, in order to take care of your immunity in the autumn and winter period, it is best to take care of your diet, physical activity, sleep and vitamin D supplementation. By taking care of all these aspects, the risk of infections and infections will be significantly reduced. It is also worth avoiding factors that could disrupt the functioning of our immune system, i.e. excessive alcohol consumption, smoking and frequent use of so many fast-food dishes.

This may interest you:

  1. How to take care of the immune system?
  2. What improves immunity? Here are the rules to follow

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