How to increase estrogen levels. Video
The hormone estrogen is produced in both the female and male body. Only its quantity among the fair sex is several times higher than among men. But everyone needs it. Therefore, when the natural production of the hormone is reduced for some reason, it can be stimulated with the help of folk remedies.
How to increase estrogen levels
Lack of the hormone estrogen in the body. How to increase production?
There are many synthesized drugs that can increase the production of the hormone estrogen in both the female and male body. But the use of drugs is often accompanied by strong side effects.
To avoid this, it is worth trying to increase the amount of the hormone with folk remedies.
Many foods help produce the hormone estrogen in the ovaries in women and in the adrenal glands in men. One of the first places is occupied by soybeans. The best effect will be if you eat sprouted soybeans. The concentration of nutrients in them is maximum. Eating soy is best in the morning, for breakfast, with plenty of liquid.
Natural dairy products can stimulate the production of estrogen in the body. The increase in the amount of the hormone is directly dependent on fatty acids. Therefore, eating sour cream of 30% fat content, milk, you can saturate the body with natural harmless acids.
Essential oils are useful not only in an aroma lamp. They can be mixed with any fatty cream and rubbed into the abdomen and chest area. It will help reduce premenstrual and menstrual pain.
Substances that stimulate an increase in the amount of the hormone in the body are found in many herbs:
- in rosemary
- sage
- sweet clover
- licorice root
Plants need to be brewed, infused and drunk in the morning and evening. It is best to take herbal infusions within two to three weeks, as these natural medicines have a cumulative effect.
Essential oils can be used to increase estrogen levels. Sage and fennel extracts contain a large number of phytoestrogens, which stimulate the production of a hormone in the body. Just remember that not everyone is sensitive to aromas, and the result of such therapy may not be good.
Folk remedies for the production of estrogen. Interesting Facts
Natural “live” beer stimulates the production of estrogen due to its high hop content. In men who abuse this drink, breasts begin to increase, fat appears on the waist and hips.
If beer consumption is not cut short in time, sexual function may suffer.
Onions and garlic not only treat colds, but also help the body produce the right amount of estrogen. Due to the high concentration of nutrients in these products, the effect of their use is very quick. Within a day or two, the hormonal background returns to normal.
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