How to improve your mood here and now? A few simple and free ways at your fingertips

When you are in a bad mood, you are irritable and tired, you look at everything that surrounds you in black. Then it is easy to feel helpless and think that you feel bad because of the bad will of other people or a particularly unfavorable combination of events. Then it is worth not to get hopeless and reach for proven ways to improve your mood. What?

Contrary to appearances, science knows quite a lot of them. We list a few below. They all have something in common: they are good for your health, free (or very cheap), not too complicated, and generally available.

  1. Respond before it’s too late. Get to know your Health Index!

The material was created as part of the #KOCHAJSIEBIE social campaign, encouraging Poles to change their habits – caring for mental and physical health that was severely strained during the pandemic. The action is carried out jointly by Medonet, Onet and United Nations Global Compact Network Poland.

Go on a walk

“Walking is a superpower that makes us smarter, healthier and happier”, argues Shane O’Mary, neuroscientist and author of the book “Praise of Walking”. A walk is not only about movement, an energy boost, the ability to get out of your home routine or contact with nature. While walking, you have to constantly find out where you are, stimulate your internal GPS – O’Mary argues, proving that it is a very valuable gymnastics for our brain. He also argues that people who move more have more developed qualities such as openness, extraversion and agreeableness. In other words – they are less grumpy and are better at socializing.

Let’s not forget about the benefits that a walk brings to our body: it strengthens the heart, burns calories, helps to “keep blood pressure and sugar levels in check”, increases immunity and gives a mobilizing “kick of energy”.

  1. Orthopedist: we are made to walk. Do you have to do 10 thousand? steps a day?

Listen to the music

Research conducted under the supervision of Dr. Yuna Ferguson has shown that listening to music not only improves the mood here and now, but – if we listen to it regularly – it improves our well-being for longer. The participants of the Ferguson study, however, were given an important task: they were to try to improve their mood, consciously work on raising it. If they did, the music was stimulating and optimistic for them, unlike the group that was simply in the room with the songs playing.

What kind of music to listen to? Try to make it optimistic, preferably lively and rhythmic, which will not only put you in a better mood, but maybe even motivate you to dance or a short dose of gymnastic exercises.

  1. What to eat to improve your mood?

Hug yourself

Touching during cuddling acts like a massage – it stimulates the receptors on the body, calms down, gives a feeling of pleasure and reduces the level of stress hormones. At the same time, it stimulates the secretion of oxytocin, which is responsible for the feeling of happiness and attachment.

Science knows many experiments confirming the thesis that hugging has a soothing effect on the person being hugged (as well as hugging!), Bringing them physical relief and mental support.

One study found that hugging is good for our immunity – in a group of 400 people, hugging was found to raise our antibody levels and protect us from infection. Another study found that hugging and holding a loved one’s hand helps to lower blood pressure and regulate the heart rate (a 20-second hug is enough). Scientists also agree that hugging reduces the level of anxiety and increases self-esteem.

The rest of the text is below the video.

Find an opportunity to laugh

“Never regret a thing that made you laugh,” says a popular saying, and anyone who has had the opportunity to laugh out loud and heartily knows how nice and cleansing this state is. Scientists have a lot of evidence that shows that laughter is good for our health: it lowers the level of stress hormones (cortisol, adrenaline, dopamine), increases the level of endorphins, or the “happiness hormone”, and strengthens the heart and many muscles (stomach pain after intense laughter is nothing but a strongly stimulated diaphragm), relaxes and strengthens our immunity.

Laughter also helps to redirect our attention from negative things (e.g. anger) to positive ones: it opens us to social relations, makes us more kind and cheerful.

  1. Happiness hormones – how do they work and when are they released? Proven ways to induce happiness hormones

Think about what went well

Exercise “What went well” is one of the most popular techniques to improve mood, strongly recommended in the field of positive psychology. What is it about? At the end of the day, look back and find three things that either worked out for you or are going in the right direction. Think about them, play them back in your mind, think about what else you can do with them. Thanks to this, you will feel contentment, satisfaction, self-agency and efficiency once again. Or maybe even gratitude, which also makes us feel better? Repeat this exercise every day and good thoughts will become a habit for you.

If you have problems with low well-being, reach for Hapisiv ™ YANGO for a good mood. You can buy the supplement at an attractive price on Medonet Market.

  1. How to arouse your inner optimist and stop worrying?

Seek support

If none of the methods described above have worked for you, don’t feel guilty. This may mean that you need stronger, more professional help. If you are in a bad mood, cannot cope with negative thoughts, you feel anxious and life is crushing you – consider seeking professional help. Talk to a psychologist or psychiatrist – you can make an appointment with the latter without a referral. Helplines may also be helpful, in which you will find professional help and relief. You can find their numbers on this website.

Remember that depressed mood that lasts two weeks or more can be one of the symptoms of depression – a serious condition that requires treatment.

Read also:

  1. What is being optimistic about, and can you learn it?
  2. How Can I Deal With Stress?
  3. Are you looking for friends? Make friends with yourself – how to understand and love yourself

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