How to improve your mood for the New Year

How to improve your mood for the New Year

Everyone treats the holidays differently: most of them are happy, and some are not very … What to do if you fall into the category of people who are only annoyed by the New Year’s bustle and troubles? found out five reasons for not loving the holidays and ten ways to fix it!

People who do not like holidays, as a rule, react to them in the same way, for example, they loudly declare that the idea of ​​a Happy New Year is complete nonsense, a night of gluttony, nothing more. “It’s better to sleep well and get up in the morning without a headache and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach,” they declare. And they ask friends and family to leave them alone. Americans call this condition holiday blues, or “pre-holiday syndrome.” How does it arise?

5 reasons for apathy

  1. Dissatisfaction with your own achievements. In December, we all mentally summarize the results of the past year. If they are not encouraging, some of us begin to think of ourselves as failures.

  2. Failed Holidays. Several times in a row, the New Year did not pass as we would like: you were left alone, worked on a holiday, did not catch the plane and listened to the chimes on the radio at the airport … All this leads to thoughts that it is better to give up fun so as not to run into next trouble.

  3. New Year’s Eve bustle: you need to submit all reports, sum up the results, call all relatives, stand in hundreds of queues, choose a dress and comfortable shoes … All these worries are maddening and cause one desire: to hide on a desert island and get a good night’s sleep.

  4. Responsibility for gifts. You need to try to please everyone and give what they like. But what?! We do not know what to choose, and literally force ourselves to buy gifts, we get a lot angry and even more worried.

  5. Cash spending. You need to set the table, you also need to buy gifts, and if all your friends are still going to the mountains, how can you refuse? But, you have to fit into the budget, and in a crisis it is very difficult to do it. As a result … nerves again.

What to do? Find out 10 ways to improve your mood!

You won’t have to be sad in good company.

  1. First, stop thinking that you are a social outcast. After all, you are entitled to depression. The main thing is not to hide this fact from yourself and not to pretend.

  2. If discord occurs regularly in December, think carefully about why this is happening. Perhaps the stress is caused by non-existent circumstances and reasons. Count the positive aspects: husband, job, children or cat, apartment, car. Everything has its advantages.

  3. Summing up, are you not happy again? Drop unnecessary maximalism and self-exactingness. Remember what you have done and received good this year, make a list of praise for yourself!

  4. Don’t keep everything to yourself. Share your doubts and concerns with loved ones or friends. It is easier for others to look at your life from the outside, they can suggest something, and sometimes just cheer you up.

  5. Everything is not as it should be .. But, is it so? Perhaps in the hustle and bustle of life you have not noticed that everything has changed, you have become different, your friends and relatives too. But, after all, any time has its charms. Consider this.

  6. Take some time to relax. At work, delegate some of the tasks to colleagues and subordinates. If you don’t like shopping, take on the role of coordinator of the holiday preparation process and, for example, dress up a Christmas tree.

  7. Go in for sports. While you are exercising, your seething brain will calm down and rest, and thus you will be emotionally discharged.

  8. Change the script for celebrating the New Year. Organize a survey on the Internet on the topic “Fresh Idea for New Year’s Eve”. Believe me, not only you are tired of Olivier.

  9. Change plans. Were you going to spend all the holidays at home? Discard this dubious pleasure in favor of … something grand! Trips to the mountains, for example, or to distant relatives. Such a journey can be spectacular, too.

  10. Look at others. There will always be people who are worse off at the moment than you. So is life worth complaining about? It is better to thank fate for the joy and do not get hung up on yourself. After all, life is what we think about it. So let’s think about the good!

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