How to improve your health in the fall

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The cold season begins, and the body is already beginning to react not in the best way. Sometimes we do not pay attention to alarm calls and blame everything on a simple indisposition. And in vain!

Autumn is the period when you need to strengthen your immune system and prepare your body for the upcoming cold weather. It is imperative to include in the usual schedule of sports – it is not necessary to train hard in the gym, you can just do exercises or light gymnastics in the morning. Yoga, walking, walking in the park also have a beneficial effect on the immune system. Pay attention to nutrition – fatty foods, sweet pastries, alcohol not only “clog up” the body and worsen the state of health, but also prevent the immune system from fighting negative influences.

Autumn is also unfavorable for allergy sufferers. Allergy is a kind of scourge of modern man. There are a great many reasons for the emergence of a “popular” disease. Chief among them are poor ecology, unhealthy diet and, of course, water, which often does not meet quality standards. Let’s add here some more flowering plants that cause allergies, a painful reaction to pollen. To avoid the onset of allergy symptoms, you just need to avoid contact with the allergen. Therefore, it is better to take walks in nature in the evening, and not during the day, when it is hot and there is a great danger of swallowing plant pollen. And further. In many cities, local publications provide useful information about the forecasts of the flowering of the most harmful plants that cause allergies. However, allergies are an insidious disease. Products, or rather, the ingredients they contain, also cause excruciating symptoms. In addition, there is an allergenic reaction to certain medications. Therefore, our advice to you: watch out for the state of the environment, observe the rules of personal hygiene – and do not forget about the annual diagnostic examination.

Expert Opinion

Elena Sergeeva, doctor allergist-immunologist, candidate of medical sciences, Medical center “Immunology and Allergology”:

– There are several useful and fairly simple folk remedies for strengthening the immune system. For example: Mix nuts and honey in a 1: 1 ratio and take a tablespoon 3 times a day. Tea milk will also be helpful. It is very simple to prepare: green tea powder (you can finely grind loose leaf tea) and milk. But keep in mind that such remedies are contraindicated for pollen allergy sufferers. The most effective ways to strengthen immunity are reasonable physical activity, exercise, yoga, swimming, and, of course, giving up addictions.

Mother Nature has taken good care of our body to work like a well-oiled machine. And all the failures are more often associated with the fact that we, figuratively speaking, today remind the walking periodic system of Mendeleev. We are talking about toxins that float in polluted air and get into food as “useful additives.” If everything is clear with them, then the situation with slags is more complicated. For example, we would be happy to get rid of them after the summer, but it doesn’t work. Therefore, we “drag” the accumulated fat to the winter. Fortunately, all is not lost and there are a number of ways to get rid of it. A good sauna with a steam room, a fragrant broom will help you get rid of excess weight. The main thing in this business is not to overdo it and adhere to the norm. Another method that will help remove toxins and toxins deeply hidden under the skin is a detox wrap. You are wrapped in healing mud like candy in a candy wrapper, so that the body goes through a process of beneficial cleansing. By the way, this method helps to get rid of cellulite. A sure way to improve the metabolism in the body is massage, especially with a lymphatic drainage effect.

Expert Opinion

Olga Bakulina, dermatocosmetologist, head of phytostudio “Formula of health”:

– Not so long ago a unique Japanese procedure “Kabu gi jutsu” came to Russia. This procedure removes toxins, stimulates metabolism and provides lymphatic drainage. With the introduction of preparations of the vitasomal complex into the acupuncture point, due to prolonged exposure to small doses of various biologically active substances, the function of tissues and organs is maintained and restored. The procedure is an effective solution to such problems as normalization of the function of the gastrointestinal tract; heaviness and fatigue of the limbs; swelling of the body and face; acne and age-related skin changes; hair problems; memory impairment; sleep disorders; mood swings and blood pressure in weather-sensitive patients; cellulite.

After a hot summer, autumn is the most favorable time for skin restoration, giving it elasticity and a healthy look. Chemical deep peeling is the most useful and necessary procedure. With its help, you will prepare your face for the harsh winter trials. Note that chemical peeling is universal; it is used by women at any age. During the procedure, the upper layers of skin cells are removed, its renewal occurs, age spots and irregularities disappear. By the way, courses of moisturizing masks and mesotherapy have a significant effect. Local injections of, for example, hyaluronic acid perfectly eliminate wrinkles and restore skin moisture. Of course, it would be nice to have several massage sessions in the fall. It helps in the absorption of nutrients, stimulates blood circulation and maintains skin tone. And we hope that while it is fine autumn days, you will try to prepare your skin for the upcoming winter trials.

Expert Opinion

Olga Bakulina, dermatocosmetologist, head of phytostudio “Formula of health”:

– Autumn is the time for chemical peeling. The sun is not as active as in summer, this will save you from complications such as pigmentation. Peeling helps to rejuvenate the skin, slow down the aging process; getting rid of wrinkles of varying degrees of complexity, from skin irregularities; removal of age spots, freckles, increased blood circulation; restoration of immunity, improvement of the skin; getting rid of acne, blackheads and greasy skin. The bioreparation procedure is also popular. It aims to accomplish a much more challenging task than moisturizing skin and smoothing wrinkles. It has a stimulating effect on the activity of fibroblasts – that is, the processes of active skin rejuvenation are triggered.

As soon as autumn declares its rights and from a short Indian summer will pass to prolonged cold rains, many people begin to have joint problems. Osteoarthritis is perhaps the disease of the century, which, unfortunately, is surprisingly younger. Now young people also suffer from joint pains. What is the danger of osteoarthritis? This ailment is insidious in that for the time being it does not make itself felt, and we somehow prefer not to notice small pains in the joints. And only after a decade, when the process of destruction of the joints has gone far, we turn to a doctor. Doctors have noticed that overweight patients with poor heredity are at risk for osteoarthritis. However, increased physical activity can also become the cause of the disease. And no wonder that athletes and dancers often suffer from osteoarthritis.

When treating joint disease, it is important to follow a diet. Food should be rich in vitamins A, B, C, E, D, calcium and iron. Of course, meat cannot be excluded from the menu (preferably lean), but preference should be given to fish. Baked potatoes, cabbage, lentils, peas, bananas, nuts are a must in the diet of a patient with osteoarthritis.

Yes, and if you experience even mild joint pain, see your doctor immediately. Timely treatment of osteoarthritis will save you from many problems.

And the last thing. With sore joints, you need to be able to choose the right shoes. Of course, it must be loose, made of genuine leather. To avoid stress on the foot, choose shoes with a small heel.

Expert Opinion

Ekaterina Makarovskaya, orthopedic practitioner, network of orthopedic salons “Rintek”:

– Orthopedic shoes are needed for the elderly, children, people with disabilities, people with diabetes mellitus and with such diseases as flat feet, clubfoot, corns, “bones”, joint diseases, fullness, etc. Orthopedic shoes are made only from natural materials , has an insole-instep support, which relieves and supports the arches of the foot, increased fullness provides comfort when walking for people with swelling of the feet.

Autumn time, often damp and cold, causes an exacerbation of osteochondrosis in most people. We will not talk about the causes of this disease here, a lot was said about them in their time. Let’s focus better on the prevention of osteochondrosis. Firstly, with an exacerbation of osteochondrosis of the spine, you need to consult a specialist. Medical gymnastics, massage and physiotherapy courses will greatly alleviate your condition and will help to restore your health to a large extent. Second: with osteochondrosis, you also cannot go to the other extreme – to lead a sedentary lifestyle. On the contrary, light, gentle gymnastics and even swimming in the pool will not hurt you at all. True, in this case it is necessary to consult a doctor. Third: whenever possible, try to avoid hypothermia and drafts. In your position, even wet shoes are dangerous, which can cause a relapse of the disease. Fourth: with osteochondrosis, learn to limit yourself in everything. For example, in the fall, during an exacerbation, in no case should you drink alcohol. Fifth: diet and proper nutrition are of great importance in the prevention of osteochondrosis. From the everyday menu for the autumn period, it is necessary to completely exclude foods with an increase in salt, sugar, and spices. And sixth: during an exacerbation, it is worth reducing any physical activity. At the same time, you cannot stand in one place for a long time. A sick spine will immediately make itself felt.

Expert Opinion

Demyan Khakhonin, doctor, chiropractor, neurologist, clinic «Manual»:

– Autumn is a period of exacerbation of all chronic diseases, including diseases of the musculoskeletal system. During this period, the most important thing is not to aggravate your disease by self-medication, not to drown out the pain with pills and sentences that “it will pass anyway”, not to transfer it from acute to chronic, but to come to the doctor in time so that he examines you, gives recommendations for examination and treatment, suggested a set of preventive measures (massage therapy, gymnastics, nutrition) to improve your well-being. Remember – self-medication is dangerous!

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