How to improve summer sleep in the heat

1. Buy blackout curtains or blinds that let in a minimum of sunlight and keep them closed all day. Or purchase a special light-repelling film on the windows, which will reflect thermal energy. This will prevent the bedroom from heating up, which means you will have a great opportunity to fall asleep much earlier than the roosters crow.

2. Opening your windows wider at night and getting a fan is not as expensive as an air conditioner. Yes, it practically does not cool the air. But its advantage is that it brings the cool breeze into the house, which you need so much now. But the main thing is that it creates a circulation of air masses: the air heated up for the whole day comes out through an open window, and it is replaced by cool air from the street. Just be sure to pay attention to the tips about the open window. Otherwise, the fan will not bring any result: hot air masses will simply go back and forth around the room, thereby driving you crazy.

3. Get the right bedding. Remember: no synthetics that interfere with the natural heat exchange of the body with the environment. You don’t want to feel like food baked in foil in the oven, do you? Look for lightweight, breathable fabrics that quickly evaporate moisture from the surface. Silk, linen or cotton underwear will do. All these materials regulate heat transfer well, just with different efficiency, in descending order. But here it all depends on the funds that you plan to spend on comfort.

4. Do not go in for sports before going to bed, and also leave any intense exercise the next day – washing, cleaning, etc. Otherwise, instead of the necessary cooling, your body will receive the opposite. Better to take a cool shower before bed to get closer to the optimal body temperature for sleep.

5. Do not eat heavily digestible foods at night – meat, hard vegetables, fatty and fried foods. Give up alcohol too. Don’t believe the myth that it is soothing. Alcohol, on the other hand, irritates the nervous system. It is better to drink a cold mineral water before bed.

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