how to improve relationships with the teacher, the child is offended at school: what to do

In our country, education is free. Nevertheless, there is hardly a single parent who would never have to donate money for the needs of the school. The pretexts can be different: to buy chairs, textbooks, re-glue the wallpaper in the classroom … Is it legal? Let’s figure it out!

“We drop off on new windows for the school”

“We regularly collect money to renovate the class,” complains the mother of the third-grader Sema. – Last year we rented 2 thousand for linoleum, wallpaper and painting desks. Now in the classroom they want to change the old windows for new, plastic ones. And this is again 5 thousand from each student. Even though you don’t go to parent-teacher meetings, they demand money all the time! “

– In accordance with Article 5 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, the state guarantees citizens accessibility and free of charge in accordance with federal state educational standards of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education.

Then why are teachers asking parents to chip in on the windows? The fact is that public money may really not be enough – not all corners of the country have good funding. But there are also the opposite situations – there are many abuses on the part of the administrative and economic personnel of the school, who are not averse to ripping off an extra penny from the parents of the students. So if you see that the condition of the offices is not critical, you can safely refuse to pay for repairs.

“If the parents believe that it is necessary to strengthen the security or replace the carpets in the assembly hall, they have the right, individually or by uniting, to make a donation to a general educational organization,” the lawyer continues. – But this is a voluntary matter and any compulsion to donate money is unacceptable.

“Collecting money for a bouquet for a teacher”

“Every year our parent committee gives the class teacher very expensive gifts: either a gold bracelet, or a slow cooker, or a gorgeous bouquet worth 7 rubles,” says the mother of 8-year-old Lisa. – Personally, I don’t understand why such spending. Yes, the teacher teaches our children, but this is his job! “

If you are categorically against such ruin and at the same time strongly fear the revenge of the “offended” teacher on the child, the first thing to do is to contact the school administration: the head teacher, the director. Of course, you need to behave diplomatically, but at the same time convincingly show your acquaintance with the legislation. If you feel that the bosses are at the same time with the class teacher, make it clear that in case of contrived problems with the child’s academic performance, you are ready to involve the educational authorities in the proceedings. The school administration is not interested in taking the litter out of the hut, unnecessary checks and clarifications, which, moreover, can reveal a lot of other violations. Therefore, feeling the firm attitude of the parents, their readiness to use the control bodies, the director often meets halfway and tames the obstinate teachers.

“We are buying new sets of textbooks”

“Every year the school collects money for textbooks,” complains the mother of 11-year-old Kuzma. – This turns out to be a pretty penny, considering that by September 1, I buy my child a new wardrobe and a mountain of stationery! Is the school itself unable to provide the children with the necessary teaching aids? “

According to the law, money is allocated from the city budget for the purchase of textbooks for each school, just like for the purchase of furniture or for repairs. So you have every reason to resist these extortions. If the extortion is systematic, contact the school management with a request to clarify the basis for the collection of funds. The application can be submitted through the office of the school; have a second copy with you so that a mark of acceptance can be put on it.

– You can also file a complaint about improper fees with the Department of Education. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation has a service for citizens’ complaints about corruption at school – they can be sent to the email address: In addition, you have the right to apply to the bodies of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation in order to supervise the implementation of laws and the observance of your rights and the rights of the child.

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