Unfortunately, forgetfulness is not unique to the elderly. Parents of many schoolchildren are faced with the fact that their children have difficulty remembering poems and names of geographical objects. There are many tips on how to improve memory and brain function. Recommendations are suitable for all ages. It’s never too late to remember everything.
The internet is evil. It is the ability to look at the necessary information at any second that is not good for our memory. Previously, all phone numbers were in the head, but now they are in the mobile phone. It turns out that people do not even need to memorize information. The brain, like the body, needs daily exercise. If you ignore at least an elementary exercise, then after 30 years your mental abilities will begin to deteriorate. Of course, it all depends on genetics and lifestyle, but time is not working for you either. Age will still make itself felt. Don’t be upset. There are simple rules for improving your memory. By doing them, you will keep a clear mind to a ripe old age.
Means that improve memory are familiar to everyone
Means that improve memory
Today, pharmacies sell various medications to help improve cerebral circulation and memory. Only a doctor can choose the necessary medicines and vitamins. Before taking the tablets, try the following:
Healthy sleep
Memory impairment is associated with a violation of the daily routine, insomnia and overwork. It is not worth working for wear and tear. Don’t forget that your body needs rest. Be in the fresh air more often, and spend your vacation not in household chores, but traveling. New impressions and emotions restore well not only strength, but also memory. When asked how to improve a person’s memory, Japanese centenarians answer without hesitation: “There should be as many moments in life as possible that you don’t want to forget. Bright adventures, falling in love – everything that brings joy, makes us not only happy, but also healthy. “
Physical Education
A popular way to slow down age-related changes in the body is to exercise. Exercise can help reduce the risk of diseases associated with memory loss. The main thing here is not to overdo it. Rocking will be less beneficial than swimming, Nordic walking, or yoga. In winter, skiing or ice skating is helpful. Improve your wellness and IQ while walking. Choose new routes each time.
More sex
Decreased sexuality only harms your memory. An intimate life is a guarantee that in the future you will not forget the name of your neighbor. The fact is that lovemaking equips the body with oxygen, promotes the growth of brain cells.
Verbal counting
Try using a calculator as a last resort. Today many people cannot make elementary mathematical calculations in their minds. In vain. Thanks to oral counting, both the left and right hemispheres of the brain begin to work actively.
Brain load
Reading books, doing crosswords, solving logical problems, learning a foreign language, reciting poetry by heart – all this forces your brain to process a large amount of information. Old age is not a hindrance to new knowledge. Naturally, mental exercise must be diluted with physical exercise. Get rid of monotonous and routine work. Also, now there are various special puzzles that will tell you how to improve memory at home. Here are some easy exercises. Choose pictures that depict various objects (piano, candy, bow, etc.). There should be about 25 of them in total. After viewing for one minute, you need to reproduce the picture on a sheet of paper.
Memory is always selective. Why do we remember certain events? Some dates stay with us forever. But ordinary days, in which we do not experience strong feelings, are forgotten without a trace. If you want to remember everything, then you need to write down facts from your own biography or other useful information in a notebook every day. A personal diary will help refresh your memory and plunge back into the past. It is better to entrust a large amount of information to paper. Another effective method of dealing with absent-mindedness is making music. Singing or mastering musical notation is a great memory trainer.
Right-handed to left-handed
You will notice an improvement in your memory if you try the habitual actions in a different way. For example, try learning to write or brush your teeth with your left hand. Alternate exercises gradually. For example, during breakfast, hold a fork in your right hand, and during lunch, in your left. For the brain, activity is very important, you need to constantly literally strain the “gray cells”, as the legendary detective Hercule Poirot used to say. By the way, a high-quality detective is an excellent tool to combat memory loss. Be sure to watch a movie that makes you think and reflect.
Only positive
Depression, stress, bad mood only exacerbate the situation. Yes, time is ruthless. The main age-related sign of aging is cognitive impairment, which often manifests itself after 55 years. Still, it was not in vain that women retired earlier at this time. If you or your relative begins to poorly navigate in space, constantly asks the same news, forgets the name of acquaintances and friends, invents something that has never happened to him, then these are alarm bells and a reason to seek advice from a neurologist. But there is another scenario: a person is absolutely healthy, while he is so afraid of memory loss that he begins to wind himself up. “What training can be in my age?” “This is old age. No crossword puzzles will help me anymore. ” Such phrases are often heard from people of advanced age. Absolutely wrong thinking. Think only of the good and that life can be joyful even at 70 years old. You need to become happy here and now.
How to improve the memory of an adult? To do this, it is enough to revise your diet. Be sure to have whole grain bread on the table, which contains a large amount of folic acid and B vitamins. It is they that increase blood flow to the brain and improve memory. Rice, barley, oats, walnuts, apples, eggs, liver, legumes and dairy products are good for you. For berries, give preference to blueberries – a source of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. There is even a popular proverb: “Where blueberries are eaten, doctors have nothing to do.” A treasure trove of useful properties is found in carrots. First of all, this vegetable is appreciated for beta-carotene, which in the human body turns into vitamin A. It not only strengthens vision, but also helps to cope with various cognitive impairments. The best thing that makes the brain work is dark chocolate. It dilates blood vessels, nourishes cells well. All this happens due to the fact that the delicacy contains phosphorus and magnesium. Your “gray cells” will say “thank you” if you include broccoli in your diet. It is appreciated for its vitamin K, which helps to improve memory. And this vegetable also inhibits the development of cancer cells and is indispensable in cardiovascular diseases, especially in atherosclerosis.
To improve brain activity, it is useful to eat an orange every day, which contains the daily requirement of vitamin C. Pumpkin seeds will also help you remember everything. This product contains many antioxidants, as well as iron, magnesium, copper and zinc – an excellent composition to combat age-related changes in the body, including memory loss. Ginseng also contains substances that are responsible for improving memory. Among the spices, it is worth paying attention to turmeric, which improves blood circulation and reduces the risk of developing such a terrible disease as Alzheimer’s. Rich in nutrients and rosemary. Its use in food also helps to improve memory, but alcohol, salt, canned food, fatty foods, on the contrary, destroy brain cells and provoke the development of diseases associated with memory loss.