In pharmacies there are dozens of preparations to improve the condition of the eyes or mouth. Meanwhile, one of the most important organs, the ears, often lags behind. And yet, there are ways to improve your hearing in the comfort of your own home.
The first thing we should do if we hear worse is to clean our ears thoroughly. However, it is important to know how to do it correctly. Contrary to appearances, inserting a stick into your ears deeply and twisting it hard can do more harm than good! Often it is this action that damages the auditory nerve or the eardrum and this is what causes it hearing is getting worse. Therefore, it is better to wash your ears gently. Special seawater solutions can also be used for this. Ear candling is also becoming more and more popular. To make them, we will need special “candles” – pieces of wax-coated material rolled into a trumpet. Such a material is inserted into the ear with the thinner end and the other one is set on fire and then held in the ear for several minutes. Thanks to the pressure and heat, the ears are clogged and cleaned of residual earwax. This is accompanied by a distinct feeling of lightness and cleanliness around the ears.
Lifestyle change
If we are sure that the ears are not clogged due to pollution, all we have to do is take care of the proper condition of the auditory nerves. Unfortunately, there are few tablets on the market specifically designed for this part of the body. We often have to act on our own. Sometimes it gets worse hearing complain about people who eat poorly, abuse alcohol and avoid vegetables and fruits. Reason? The auditory nerves, like other nerves in our body, need a number of nutrients to function properly. If they are missing, your hearing may deteriorate.
Hearing minerals
So what to do? It is best to start with supplementing the deficiency of vitamins and minerals. The most important should be vitamin C, which improves blood circulation, also within the ears and auditory canals, and also strengthens them. Then it is worth taking care of the amount of nerve-strengthening (also hearing) vitamin PP and magnesium. Vitamin A and unsaturated fatty acids will also be important, which make the ear canals less vulnerable to damage and keep their youth longer. If such treatment after a few months does not bring results and we still hear badly, it remains to reach for a hearing aid. But don’t worry – the latest models are often very discreet and unobtrusive.