How to improve erection at home
From time to time, some men experience unstable erections. Let’s try to figure out how to deal with the problem and how to improve an erection at home

The reproductive system is very sensitive to stress, bad habits, lack of sports and proper nutrition. Many men begin to mindlessly take “miracle pills”, causing even more harm to their health. Let’s try to figure out how to deal with the problem.

Erection Products

If the erection is unstable and there are no concomitant diseases, it is enough just to pay attention to your lifestyle. Healthy sleep and activity, less worries – and now the medicine is ready. Good nutrition is one of those things.

Products have a strong effect on erection. No wonder people have used the so-called aphrodisiacs for thousands of years. They improve sexual desire, increase blood circulation and stimulate an erection.

And these are not necessarily delights like oysters or dry wine. Even pumpkin seeds, with regular use, have a beneficial effect on the condition of the prostate gland, which also affects erection. They contain special substances that are used in the manufacture of drugs for men.

Also, for men with weakened erections, walnuts and greens are the number one product, which increase testosterone levels. Usually, it is the low level of this hormone that is one of the causes of erection problems.

Obesity and a sedentary lifestyle also reduce testosterone – so we recommend a healthy diet with vegetables and lean meat.

Folk remedies that increase erection

Almost all folk remedies help by improving blood flow or helping to relax when stressed. But before using them, be sure to consult a doctor. Any remedy should be used in moderation and familiarized with contraindications.

If the cause of a reduced erection is addiction to a partner and a decrease in the severity of sensations, the bark of the yohimbe tree, which is sold in pharmacies as a dietary supplement, will be useful. Ginseng and ginger tinctures have a similar effect.

Herbal preparations soothe and strengthen blood vessels. Usually you need a long course of admission, you should not expect a quick result.

Plants that improve erection:

  • Ginseng
  • Nettle
  • Thyme
  • Mint
  • Cyprus
  • Tutsan
  • Camomile
  • Eleutrococcus
  • Hawthorn

Herbs can be drunk as tea, as well as warm medicinal baths with the addition of decoction. Both ready-made collections of several herbs and herbs are sold separately.

Doctors’ advice to improve erection

Experts recommend not to panic if sometimes the erection is weak – this is normal, this happens with healthy men. But if the problem has been manifesting itself for a long time, it is worth being examined to find out the cause. Avoiding smoking and alcohol usually improves the situation, even if they didn’t cause the potency problem.

The most effective method of improving erection will be the impact on the root cause. It is useless to take herbs if the problem is hormonal disorders. Testosterone levels are normalized with hormone therapy.

In medicine, there are reliable methods for improving erection, but the drugs must be prescribed by a doctor. Pills and injections are bought only in a pharmacy, fakes can do even more harm.

Known drugs to improve erection block a certain enzyme, due to which the vessels in the penis are filled with blood more actively. Often such pills are poorly tolerated or do not work – then they resort to injections into the penis, which lead to an erection. The doctor selects the dose, and in the future the man can give injections on his own.

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