How to identify the Indian strain of coronavirus by symptoms

The Indian strain of the Delta coronavirus has already reached Russia. Experts have listed the symptoms that can identify a dangerous disease.

As we know, the first cases of infection with the Indian strain of COVID-19 in Russia were registered at the beginning of May this year. According to doctors, in comparison with the Wuhan strain, the “delta” is much more aggressive (about six times), and the transition time from a mild course of the disease to a severe one is much shorter. The peculiarity of the Indian form is that the improvement does not occur after two weeks. On the contrary, after this interval, the condition only worsens. Experts talked about the symptoms of the Indian strain of coronavirus.

It should be noted right away that only physicians can use laboratory tests to determine for certain which variant of coronavirus infection a person has fallen ill with. However, there are a number of symptoms of the Indian strain of coronavirus. The disease manifests itself on the first day, and not within ten or fourteen, as it was before.

Patients often note in the early stages of the disease the same symptoms of the Indian strain of the coronavirus in adults as in the case of the “usual” coronavirus: increased fatigue, nausea, vomiting, cough, joint pain, loss of appetite, as well as a rash on the face. In addition, doctors indicate that patients often began to complain of hearing loss, swelling of the neck area, inflammation of the tonsils and ulcers in the oral cavity.

At the same time, the most dangerous symptom of the Indian strain of coronavirus is called thrombus formation, which is a frequent complication after infection. It can flow in the vessels that feed the intestines and the nervous system.

“The Indian strain has clearly shown that not only the upper respiratory tract or mucous membranes, but also the gastrointestinal tract can be an entry route,” said Alexander Gorelov, deputy director for research at the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor.

By the way, doctors note that many patients did not show any symptoms of the Indian strain of coronavirus at all, except for signs indicating a stomach upset. It is also added that young people from 14 to 29 years old are most vulnerable to this type of infection.

In addition, there are some genetically unique people whose immune system is tolerant to the presence of the virus, and they shed it longer than others. These are usually asymptomatic carriers.

Materials used RIA Novosti

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