How to identify lactose intolerance

How to identify lactose intolerance

Delicious and tender milk gives some people trouble. Why is this happening, ask an expert.

A strange reaction to milk usually indicates that the body is unable to break down and metabolize lactose. In this case, “milk sugar” causes various digestive disorders. The most common symptoms of milk intolerance are manifested in the form of bloating, flatulence, increased gas production, and bowel dysfunction.

– Lactose deficiency – enzymatic loss, characterized by the inability to break down milk sugar lactose due to a decrease in the production or complete absence of the lactase enzyme. Lactose deficiency is most often diagnosed in infants and is characterized by frequent intestinal colic, flatulence, stool disorder (diarrhea), frequent regurgitation, insufficient weight gain and changes in the central nervous system: excitability, irritability, sleep disturbance. 

According to various sources, lactase deficiency occurs on average in 10–80 percent of the population, depending on the region of residence. This is of particular importance for infants receiving breast milk, since lactase is contained in breast milk, which is the main food of the child, and, given the priority of breastfeeding, this problem becomes significant. 


Primary congenital lactase deficiency occurs as a result of a lack of the enzyme lactase. The shortage can be complete or partial. Congenital lactase deficiency is based on a genetic disorder of lactase synthesis. 

Secondary lactase deficiency occurs when cells are damaged – enterocytes, cells of the intestinal mucosa. These are enteritis, rotavirus infections, acute intestinal infections and parasitic infections that affect the intestines. 

Symptoms: frequent loose stools up to 10-12 times a day, bloating, colic. Children develop sleep disturbances, irritability, rickets, and vitamin deficiencies.


Clinical research is a reliable diagnostic method. Diet diagnostics is also used, which is based on the exclusion of lactose from food.

Biochemical analysis of feces in children, which shows a pH below 5 or the appearance of carbohydrates in feces in children.

The gold standard is the determination of lactase activity in biopsies from a biopsy of the small intestine. However, this method is invasive and difficult to use in children and is performed endoscopically. A piece of the intestinal mucosa is taken for analysis.


The main solution is diet therapy. Products containing whole milk, other lactose-containing products (confectionery, fermented milk products) are excluded. Exclusion of probiotic preparations containing milk protein. 

Infants are transferred to substitution therapy and artificial feeding with lactose-free formulas. And also a restorative complex of vitamins is prescribed.

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