How to hire a lawyer if there is no money: tips and videos

😉 Greetings to regular and new readers! Friends, how to hire a lawyer if there is no money? Information and video in a short article will answer this question.

If there is no money for an experienced lawyer, the first and easiest way is to try to defend yourself on your own.

True, in this case it is necessary to thoroughly prepare. It is necessary to collect all the documents in the case, the testimony of witnesses. To study the “suitcase of laws”, the Criminal Code, the Criminal Procedure Code, the Law on the Organized Crime Control Department, and judicial practice. Not everyone can do this. Therefore, it is worth looking for a free defender.

Free lawyer

How to hire a lawyer if there is no money: tips and videos


According to the law, the state provides a free (by appointment) lawyer to everyone who cannot afford due to lack of money.

How to do it?

The detainee or the accused must apply to the law enforcement agencies with a request to provide a lawyer. After that, law enforcement agencies contact the nearest law office and ask to provide a specialist for free defense.

It is important to understand that your defender will still receive money in this case. Only not from you, but from the state.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is often said that a free lawyer is not interested in the result and will not make the necessary efforts. As a rule, this is a misconception. Many advocates are serious about winning cases like this in order to build their portfolio and gain more practice.

It is no secret that such lawyers are often associated with law enforcement agencies and act in the interests of the prosecution. If possible, it is worth making inquiries in advance about the number of cases won.

Legal clinics

This system is also created by the state and provides free legal assistance to socially unprotected segments of the population. Such clinics exist at the law faculties of higher educational institutions. In them, services are provided by both students, teachers and graduates of these universities.

Human rights activists

In addition to the state, you can try to get free defense lawyers in one of the human rights centers.

You save money. Such attorneys often win cases because they have extensive experience and are interested in strengthening the positive reputation of their organization.

Often, human rights defenders care more about PR than about the real interests of the client. And such publicity is not always beneficial and may negatively affect your future destiny.


In this video additional and informative information “How to hire a lawyer if there is no money”

Free criminal lawyer. Advantages and disadvantages?

Friends, I wish you that in your life you do not have to face this problem, which we considered in the article.

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