How to help your child choose a profession

All parents wish their child to find a vocation, an interesting job that will bring pleasure and well-being. There will come a time when a teenager will have to choose the trajectory of vocational education. What can parents do to make this decision mature and conscious? Tells a specialist in developing practical courses for children.

Projects and experiments

Children learn better and understand the essence of tasks if the information is not presented as a dry abstract theory. The game form of education requires a creative approach from them, which is lacking in school education today. It is imperative to give the child the opportunity to do design, practical tasks with their own hands, which will introduce the real tasks of professionals from different fields of activity, will allow them to understand the essence of their work. Let it be a game, but not make-believe. The child will see how efforts bring real results.

We are guided by these beliefs when creating educational kits for children: in the practical part of the tasks, young doctors learn how to place fillings and listen to a patient with a stethoscope, engineers assemble a working robot arm, and artists master several different techniques. It is best to start introducing your child to different professions at an early age, around the age of four. In high school, it will be easier for him to judge for himself which field of activity he is attracted to.

Variety of options

A child can regularly try himself in a new activity, for him it will be an exciting game. This will increase the chances that some area will generate deeper interest. Now in Moscow and other cities there are many projects that introduce children to adult professions.

One of the interesting formats is a city for children, where they can try themselves in different roles. There are also museum projects of a scientific orientation, which reproduce the standard format of lectures and seminars, but serious scientific topics are discussed with children, usually beyond the scope of general education.

The benefits of new technologies

Technology should not replace working in a group or with a teacher, but it can be a great way to complement learning. They should become a familiar tool for the child, because every day life interacts more and more with artificial intelligence or robotics.

Technology opens up new perspectives for education, helps to learn about professions and activities that children do not meet in their immediate environment. For example, virtual reality (VR) allows you to see with your own eyes what different specialists are doing, whether they create complex machines in factories or make art in workshops. Many perceive visual information better, and VR technologies create the effect of presence. Traveling in virtual reality children live as their full experience.

Professions of the future

Whether we like it or not, many habitual activities will soon change dramatically, if not disappear altogether. This inspires anxiety in parents and complicates the process of choosing a specialty for their children. You can’t know for sure what the world will be like in 10 years, but some predictions are worth paying attention to.

The study of man, space exploration, artificial intelligence, technology are areas that will be actively developing in the near future. Giving your child the opportunity to become familiar with these areas of knowledge is a far-sighted decision. Experts name new professions that have hardly entered our lives yet, but will soon play an important role: virtual reality architects and smart habitat specialists, ecosystem rehabilitation engineers and recycling specialists, IT geneticists and food scientists will be in demand. engineers.

Flexible Skills

Children need skills that are not related to a specific activity, but will help to become a professional in a changing information society. They are called soft skills – “soft skills” associated with personal development. These include critical thinking, the ability to build relationships and work effectively with other people, creativity, and emotional intelligence.

About the Developer

Natalia Simonenko, creator Oyster – developing courses for children. The company produces educational kits for children 4-12 years old.

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