How to help the liver fight obesity and toxins

Interesting fact: the most important metabolic organ in our body, which is responsible for weight loss and maintenance, is the liver.

In the conditions of modern life, this organ suffers almost in the first place. For example, over the past few years, the number of diagnosed cases of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (non-alcoholic fatty disease, NAFLD) has grown exponentially. So, today about 10-20% of Americans suffer from this disease. According to the British Liver Trust, non-alcoholic fatty disease is the leading liver disease in Western countries, affecting 20-30% of the population, with most people not yet diagnosed.

I very often come across information about this disease in the context of studying healthy eating issues, and today I decided to talk about how our liver helps us get rid of toxins and excess fat and how we can help it in this process.

Liver function


The liver performs over 200 metabolic biochemical functions and plays a central role in almost all bodily functions, such as:

– digestion and transformation of nutrients,

– elimination of metabolic waste,

– production of bile for the digestion of fats and elimination of toxins (through the intestines),

– accumulation of energy and nutrients,

– control of cholesterol levels,

– maintaining hormonal balance,

– blood purification by filtration and destruction of toxins.

What toxins destroy the liver

Toxins include microorganisms, common metabolic waste products, hormones, alcohol, drugs, cigarette smoke, and more. If the toxic load is too high, and the diet is poor, liver health suffers, metabolism is disrupted and many other problems appear.

How the liver burns fat and supports metabolism

The liver plays a central role in the metabolism of any type of calorie and weight control. When it is overworked and nutrient deficient, metabolic waste can be trapped in liver fat cells and back up into the bloodstream, causing inflammation and oxidative stress.

A diseased liver stores fat, not burns it. When the liver and visceral cavity are filled with fat, the main functions of this organ are impaired. As a result, metabolism deteriorates, fat digestion and nutrient absorption are slowed down, and hormonal health suffers. The risk of developing other more serious diseases, such as diabetes, heart and liver disease, is increased. 

What can help support liver health

This can be done by foods that satisfy the liver’s needs for nutrients, such as vitamins B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, E, carotenoids, selenium, zinc, magnesium, amino acids, etc.

These vitamins and minerals are essential for the breakdown and elimination of toxins, converting them into water-soluble compounds, which are neutralized and eliminated from the body through the kidneys (urine), intestines (bile and feces) and skin (sweat).

Here are some foods that support liver health well:

— All kinds of cabbage… Glucosinolates – sulfur compounds – help bind and eliminate toxins. They also boost glutathione, which is an antioxidant for the liver.

— All types of onions… It boosts glutathione and is also rich in sulfur, which is good for liver support.

— Beetroot… Betaine helps beetroot produce thinner bile, making it easier to move around and flushing excess fat faster.

— Orange vegetables… Carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, and all carotenoid and flavonoid-rich plants support healthy liver function.

— Greens… Containing a lot of nutrients and plant chlorophyll, greens help cleanse the liver and produce bile.

— Citrus… Lemon, lime, grapefruit, and oranges are rich in vitamin C and phytonutrients that support liver health.

And also cparzha, tomatoes, sweet peppers, avocados, apples, peaches, mustard greens, chicory, endive and Radice, green tea, turmeric, dandelion leaves and root and thistle very useful for liver health.


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