How to help the hormonal system

The hormonal system is too complex and difficult to correct with food. However, there are certain rules and dietary habits that can restrain hormone imbalances and not provoke deterioration of the condition.

  • Give up allergens

All foods that potentially pose a threat to the development of allergic reactions can adversely affect the production of hormones. Pay particular attention to milk, sugar, and gluten.

So cow protein causes hormonal imbalances due to disruption of the endocrine system, sugar reduces immunity and reduces the production of growth hormone, gluten is harmful to female hormones and can lead to polycystic disease.

Doctors who prescribe a diet with the rejection of sweets, dairy products and wheat, note that the hormonal system of their patients returns to normal much faster – inflammation decreases, and nutrients from incoming food are better absorbed.

  • Give up coffee

Or at least significantly reduce the consumption of this drink. Caffeine stimulates the production of cortisol, a stress hormone, as well as insulin and estrogen. Plus, due to its diuretic properties, coffee flushes calcium, vitamin B and magnesium from the body, which are also important for the proper functioning of the hormonal system.

  • Choose proven products

It’s better to overpay for proven organic foods than suffer the effects of hormone and pesticide-based foods. They provoke the production of excess hormones, disrupting the liver.

  • Eat cabbage

A damaged and stressed liver should be freed from harmful toxins in time, otherwise it provokes an increased production of estrogen, which entails a lot of unpleasant pain symptoms. Cabbage will help get rid of excess estrogen and normalize hormonal balance. Whichever type you choose, the benefits will be palpable – cabbage contains a hormone that lowers estrogen levels.

  • Regulate your metabolism

Thyroid hormones regulate metabolism, and disturbances in their production can lead to changes in body weight. Often, it is the loss of body weight, loss of strength and digestive problems that speak of a malfunctioning thyroid gland. Add to your diet foods that will speed up your metabolism – lemon juice, apple or beetroot juice.

  • Eat healthy fats

The right fats are also important for the health of the hormonal system. They are found in avocados, nuts, vegetable oil, red fish and help control appetite and make the body healthier.

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