How to help sensitive skin

Contrary to popular belief, her hypersensitivity is a temporary phenomenon, not an innate property. To cope with the vagaries of the skin is quite in our power. Enough to show understanding.


The sensitivity of the skin is its reaction to internal and external factors. And it can increase with any type of skin: dry, oily or combination. Our skin becomes especially sensitive for various reasons. The three main ones are stress, unfavorable environmental conditions and a lack of certain substances in the body. By determining which of the factors affects us most strongly, we can alleviate the “dissatisfaction” of the skin, providing it with thorough and gentle care.

Soul storms

The state of irritation is peculiar to our skin as well as to our soul. Negative emotions, chronic fatigue, insomnia and anxiety are devastating to health and beauty – for the most part, stress hormones are to blame. “In a situation of nervous tension, the body produces a large amount of adrenaline and cortisone,” explains dermatologist Olga Ganelina, Vichy expert. – Firstly, it leads to vasoconstriction of superficial tissues, the access of blood to skin cells worsens. Secondly, cortisone significantly slows down the process of cell regeneration, suspending the synthesis of collagen fibers responsible for skin tone and elasticity. In addition, under the influence of stress hormones, nutrients in the body are redistributed in such a way as to primarily provide vital (internal) organs with them. Meanwhile, the skin suffers from malnutrition. As a result, its defense system weakens: the skin becomes more susceptible to chemical and bacterial aggression, that is, more prone to irritation and rashes.

The good news is that positive emotions have a beneficial effect on the protective function of the skin. And above all, thanks to beta-endorphins – hormones that our body produces in moments of joy, sexual arousal, pleasure from delicious food… . “And uncomfortable sensations like tingling and burning are subsiding.” That is why many cosmetics contain substances that act in a similar way.

External aggression

Oxidative stress associated with environmental pollution is one of the causes of skin hypersensitivity. “In the atmosphere of large cities, the content of carbon and sulfur oxides is increased,” states dermatologist Tatyana Zlobina, an expert at Sanoflore. “When in contact with the hydrolipidic film (the protective layer of the skin in which most of the dangerous bacteria die), the particles of these substances, on the contrary, are restored to their active forms, which are considered the culprits of premature aging.” Ultraviolet, free radicals, sudden changes in temperature and air-conditioned air gradually undermine the skin’s immunity. The skin becomes more sensitive not only to alkaline cleansers or alcohol components, but also to tap water. The fact is that it contains salts of heavy metals – remaining on the surface of the skin after washing, they cause a feeling of dryness and tightness.

Internal resources

“The skin often lacks vitamins,” continues Tatyana Zlobina. – Among them, C and E are the most powerful antioxidants. In addition, vitamin C stimulates the synthesis of supporting skin fibers, partly compensating for their loss as a result of stress and free radical aggression. B vitamins are involved in fat metabolism, cell regeneration processes, and speed up metabolism. Vitamin B5, for example, reduces irritation and itching and has a soothing effect.” “Vitamin A is essential for the development of the stratum corneum of the epidermis, which is an important protective barrier,” adds plastic surgeon and dermatologist Des Fernandes. Of course, most modern skin care products include these necessary components, but if the skin is prone to sensitivity, it is imperative to get them from food and in the form of nutritional supplements.


Practicum delicacy

Here are some ways to make life easier for the skin if it is prone to hypersensitivity.

1. Give it a rest

Feelings of irritation, tingling, burning after applying cosmetics are signs that the skin is in a state of hypersensitivity. First of all, simplify the mode of care for her. Give up for a while from powerful, active agents (for example, including retinol, cellular components, essential oils). If your skin reacts to water, try cleansing it with a micellar solution or thermal water. When the balance is restored (that is, the discomfort when applying cosmetics will completely disappear), gradually return to your usual mode.

2. Nourish from within

“Products containing antioxidants (citrus polyphenols, vitamin E, lipoic acid) will help to cope with oxidative stress and increase its resistance,” comments Olga Ganelina. If the skin is prone to reaction to cosmetics, make sure that it receives enough nutrients from the inside. With the help of a doctor, select vitamin complexes or antioxidants in pills for oral administration.

3. Moisturize Regularly

Moisture enters the upper layers of the skin from deeper layers, as well as from the air. At the same time, the lipids of the stratum corneum hold it and create a protective barrier – a hydrolipidic film. “Moisturizers contain components that are related to natural substances found in the skin,” explains Olga Ganelina. “They not only give a moisture-saving effect, but also normalize the state of the hydrolipid mantle, as a result, the skin becomes more protected.”

4. Clean carefully

If the skin is prone to sensitivity, it is first of all important to select cleansers that restore its natural protective mantle. “Means containing analogues of the skin’s own lipids will help to do this: polyunsaturated fatty acids (linoleic, linolenic), ceramides and cholesterol,” advises Olga Ganelina. “They will improve the barrier function of the skin.” A tendency to rashes and acne also indicates a violation of the protective function – refrain from using alcohol-containing lotions or powerful antibacterial compounds. In case of irritation and peeling, it is worth abandoning peeling and using the mildest means until the skin returns to normal.

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