How to help a child believe in goodness: 4 books for children

What will books from our selection teach a child? Develop talents, stand up for your rights, work in a team and use advantages to help loved ones.

«Maestro Theo»

Thibault Pryn, Young mother

From 6 years old. Boy Theo lives in a fishing village on the edge of the ocean. He helps the ship’s carpenter Lucien, but boats and hammers do not interest him at all — Theo lives for music! He hears it everywhere: in the creak of the masts and in the splash of the waves. One day, at high tide, carts of wandering musicians stop at the lighthouse, and Theo has a chance to prove himself.

«Molly Has a Right»

Anna Carey, CompassGuide

From 12 years old. Bright, dynamic novel in letters. 14-year-old Molly lives in Dublin in 1912. A lively girl is interested in everything that happens around, but she can’t do anything! Learn your lessons, do the cleaning… And then Molly learns that her sister Phyllis has joined the suffragettes. They demand the right to vote for women! It’s incredible!

«Tea is always at four»

Elaine Konigsburg, Pink Giraffe

From 14 years old. A gripping story of understanding. Participating in an intellectual tournament, a team of sixth-graders, assembled by a young teacher Eva-Marie Olinsky, unexpectedly becomes the champion of the city. How do they know the answers? How did it happen that the team turned out to be so well-played?

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