How to help a cat in a fever
Comfortable air temperature for cats is up to 25 °C. If it is higher, it becomes difficult for them to breathe, they begin to lick themselves more often. Unlike dogs, cats can’t cool down quickly, so they need help to survive the heat.

How to keep your cat comfortable in the heat

There are some easy ways to help your pet survive the heat.

Keep your home cool

To create comfortable conditions, if you are not at home all day, you can program the air conditioner to turn on and off after a certain time. If there is no air conditioning, you can turn on the fan, ventilate the room or draw the curtains so that the sun’s rays do not heat the room.

Set up a dark corner

Place the house, carrier, or regular crown box in a dark, cool place. Lay a bed there, put a toy, put a drinker next to it.

Don’t give ice food

Feeding cats frozen meat, thinking that in this way you will help her to cool down, is impossible. On the contrary, your pet may catch a cold. If you feed your cat liquid food, do not leave it in the bowl all day. In the heat, food spoils quickly. If the kitty does not want to eat, put the plate in the refrigerator.

Change the water often

You need to change the water 2-3 times a day. And not just pour a new one, but also wipe the bowl so that there is no plaque in it. Arrange several drinkers around the apartment.

Wipe the paws

To help endure the heat, wipe your cat’s paws, stomach, and ears with a damp towel a couple of times a day. Leave a bowl of water at room temperature in the room. If the cat wants to, she will climb there herself. If not, rubbing with a towel will suffice. But in no case do not forcefully drag the kitty into the shower.

Comb out the wool

It is not necessary because of the heat to cut the cat to zero. You can shorten the coat, especially if it rolls a lot, but so that the animal does not get sunburn.

Every day in the morning or evening, when it’s not so hot, brush your mustachioed pet – this will help him survive the heat.

Signs of Heat Stroke in Cats

In extreme heat, if no action is taken, the cat can get heatstroke. Here are the main symptoms:

  • the cat lies and does not react to anything;
  • sticking out her tongue and breathing very fast;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • pupils dilate;
  • vomiting and convulsions;
  • begins to poorly navigate the room and look for a place to hide.

What to do with heat stroke:

  • moisten the paws and nose with water;
  • wrap with a damp towel;
  • take it to a cool place, you can put it on a tile;
  • point a fan at it;
  • give a drink – if the cat is not able to drink on her own, moisten her gums, in no case give ice water, so as not to cause shock due to temperature changes.

Popular questions and answers

About how cats react to heat and how to help them, we talked with livestock specialist, veterinarian Anastasia Kalinina.

Which cat breeds are most affected by heat?

Persian cats trimmed with a typewriter do not tolerate heat very well. In animals, thermoregulation is disturbed, and due to a short nose, this can even lead to the death of a pet. Remember, long-haired cats in a fur coat are not hot, wool has excellent thermal insulation. And if the owner is too lazy to take care of the luxurious wool of the Persian, and it is tangled, then it is better to take an exotic or Siberian.

Does heat tolerance depend on the age of the cat?

In kittens under one year old and older cats, thermoregulation is imperfect, so they tolerate heat worse. They try to lie down on their side and stretch out, or even fall on their backs.

Overfed animals also do not tolerate heat well. And also animals with various chronic diseases.

Is it worth it to bathe a cat in the heat?

No, cats with wet hair freeze quickly. They cannot run like dogs and wallow on the grass to dry off. Cats are washed when absolutely necessary, after which they are thoroughly wiped and left to dry in a warm room.

How to protect a cat from overheating when traveling in a car?

Carry in a comfortable plastic carrier, spacious enough for the animal to turn around. Turn on the air conditioner or open the window while driving. You can use a special cold pad from the pet store, an injury cold pack from the drugstore, or simply chill a couple of water bottles in the freezer, wrap in a washcloth, and place in or near the carrier.

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