For some reason, many are very afraid of dinner, trying to skip it, not eating 6 hours before bedtime, or eating only a jar of yogurt at dinner – and at night the body persistently reminds of hunger and makes you fall for a night snack. What should be dinner so as not to be reflected on your figure by extra centimeters?
- Small
The calorie content of your dinner should be 20 percent of the total daily value. If you are having dinner in a restaurant, take one dish, preferably the first or second, and only then think about dessert – it is easier for a well-fed person to refuse sweets. The same applies to alcohol, especially since the sense of proportion is lost from a large portion of drinks.
- Belkov
Avoid heavy, fatty and carbohydrate foods, focus on meat, fish, cottage cheese or eggs. Protein will give you a feeling of satiety and will be digested for a long time without causing new bouts of hunger. Spaghetti, potatoes, porridge – although long carbohydrates, but if you don’t have a night shift at work, you don’t need them. Carbohydrate foods raise blood sugar levels and it will be difficult to fall asleep in the evening.
- Quiet
Dinner in front of a TV or computer screen is not the best solution. First, the brain, being distracted by the plot and information, simply does not record that the stomach is being saturated at this time, and therefore inhibits with signals of satiety. Secondly, you will not notice how much and what you eat automatically and in the future you will not be able to analyze what caused the excess weight gain.
- Non-cofein
Caffeine stimulates the nervous system, making you not feel the time. And if, according to the body, the evening is not yet soon, you can refuel with extra food. It is better to prefer a weak tea, herbal infusion or chicory.
- Not late
The ideal time for dinner is 3 hours before bedtime. The myth has long been debunked that after 18 you cannot eat, provided that you go to bed closer to midnight. In 3-4 hours, the dinner will have time to be digested, but still will not cause a new feeling of hunger. Falling asleep will be easy, and in the morning you will have an appetite for a hearty breakfast. And so that you don’t have a brutal appetite for dinner, do not ignore the afternoon snack – a light snack between lunch and dinner.