There are many ways to deal with the effects of a hectic meal. And one of the main ones is the “correct” breakfast. And it doesn’t even matter how long it falls on.
Of course, the condition is often so unimportant that even the very thought of food causes nausea. But the lack of food intake can only aggravate the already unpleasant sensations. But some products can help the body recover quickly during this difficult period.
- Tomatoes… They contain an antioxidant that reduces inflammation and fructose, which stimulates the elimination of toxins.
- Eggs contain taurine (protects the liver from the harmful effects of alcohol) and cysteine (accelerates the elimination of acetaldehyde, a toxic decay product of ethyl alcohol). Therefore, scrambled eggs (or scrambled eggs) with tomatoes are a great dish for a hangover breakfast.
- Oatmeal contains a large amount of B vitamins, calcium, iron and magnesium, which help to cope with acidosis by neutralizing acids.
- Chicken bouillon (non-greasy) will help restore fluid and electrolyte balance. In addition, chicken meat contains cysteine, which makes it easier for the liver.
- Bananas, kiwi and spinach contain a large amount of potassium, the level of which is removed with a hangover. You can mix these products with low-fat yogurt for a healthy smoothie in this situation.
What to say no
- Alcohol… To “get drunk” is to load the body even more with alcohol, with which it can already cope with difficulty. A glass of champagne can lead to a short “health improvement”, but an even stronger and more prolonged hangover will follow.
- Fat… Digestion of heavy fats requires a lot of energy, and the body is already difficult.
- Coffee… For a hangover, coffee is a highly undesirable drink. And if one small cup is strong and does not harm, then coffee in large quantities (“to invigorate”) will lead to even greater dehydration and intensification of all unpleasant symptoms.
- Citrus… Orange, grapefruit, or lemon juice is not the best option either. On the one hand, citrus fruits break down alcohol well, but, on the other hand, they act extremely aggressively on the mucous membrane of an already affected stomach.
Be healthy!