How to have breakfast?

How much time to devote to breakfast, when to start it, what products to choose? The nutritionist Yves Kalinik tells about the three main commandments of the most important meal of the day.

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Why is breakfast so important to us? How to have breakfast? For starters, it controls the production of the hormone cortisol, also known as the “stress hormone.” The thing is that immediately after waking up, when all the processes in the body start, cortisol begins to be produced on an equal basis with everyone else. And it is a healthy and hearty breakfast that can lower its level to an adequate norm.

But it’s worth skipping the morning meal, as the level of the “stress hormone”, which is not restrained by anything, will begin to grow. This entails increased feelings of hunger, general depression and irritability during the day. Well, if you chronically skip breakfast, then in the future it will inevitably lead to weight gain, especially in the abdomen. And of course, to problems with digestion. But it should be noted that due to the high level of cortisol in the morning, our “satiation hormone”, also known as leptin, works perfectly. This means that it is more difficult to overeat at breakfast – the body will instantly make it clear that it is already full. Also, we must not forget that immediately after waking up, the level of glucose in the blood and liver glycogen will be low. Only a healthy breakfast is capable of raising their level, “starting” the work of the brain and, in principle, “turning on” the body.

But breakfast is different. A plate of pancakes with condensed milk or Belgian waffles with whipped cream may look very attractive, but this amount of sugar in the morning will only ruin our day. The body will begin to produce insulin to lower the sharply jumped blood sugar level, which will inevitably lead to a breakdown within an hour after eating. That is, you can feel tired as early as 9 am! And then a vicious circle begins: to cheer up, you drink sweet coffee, the sugar level jumps, the body suppresses it, you feel tired, and everything repeats …

So how do you eat breakfast to feel invigorated at least until lunch and not gain weight? Nutritionist Eve Kalinik shares three tips to help you start your day right.

1. Make time for it

A croissant with coffee on the run, a sandwich eaten on the subway, a bowl of cereal at your desk – a familiar sight? Try to give breakfast at least 20 minutes. Do not read the news feed at this time, do not watch TV. Chewing your food thoroughly and making a list of plans for the day is much more beneficial. So the food will be better absorbed, without the usual haste and unrest that interfere with this process. And try to eat within the first two hours of waking up.

Would you like to have breakfast with friends or business partners in a cafe? Drink a glass of water with lemon at home – this will start the digestion process.

2. Include protein in the menu

Protein during breakfast is necessary – it is he who charges us with energy during the day. An ideal product for the first meal of the day is eggs. They are full of amino acids, fatty acids, as well as vitamins A, B12 and D. Soft-boil them, bag them, bake them in the oven. If you want to cook scrambled eggs or scrambled eggs, then try not to fry in butter – choose olive or coconut. It will not affect the taste of the dish in any way.

The recipe for the perfect breakfast? Rye toast with avocado mashed with a fork, a piece of salmon, goat or curd cheese, tomatoes and a soft-boiled egg. You will be satisfied, but you will not feel any heaviness or lethargy after eating.

3. Be careful with cereal

Be careful about “healthy” cereals and granola, which are sold in supermarkets. Usually they have a lot of sugar, which is not immediately noticeable when reading the label. Syrups are also listed there, which are also full of sugar. And if you bought granola with raisins or other dried fruits, then you should know that they also have sugar. It is better to cook oatmeal with honey and a handful of nuts, and in summer diversify the taste of porridge with fresh berries and fruits.

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