Our men, for the most part, do not really understand that we, women, need both food and air — gallant courtship, or, more precisely, the attention that is shown to us with the help of this gallant courtship.
A woman needs constant confirmation that she is loved. In what does a woman see the maximum manifestation of love? Strange as it may seem for men who work day and night for the well-being of the family and thereby prove their love and commitment — in romantic deeds and small, but so dear signs of attention. Without flowers, perfumes, opening doors, giving coats, invitations to a restaurant, cafe, for a walk, buying favorite sweets, gifts not for the eighth of March, without male gallantry, a woman’s heart becomes very sad, but men do not know about it. Where are they from? Their mothers did not raise them as gallant gentlemen; this knowledge was not taught at school.
What to do? The recipe is primitive, but it works well with normal people: take it and tell the man that all these “little things” make you happy and ask him for some of the “little things” listed. And what is important — not only to tell and ask, but also to react very violently and joyfully when for the first time he embarrassedly clumsily drags home a couple of flowers or a bag of sudden sweets.
Do this several times — the man will like it, the consolidation of the new behavior will occur, the man will more and more often show gallantry.
Recommendation for advanced cases
There are more difficult situations when a man does not respond to such conversations, does not respond to requests. In this situation, you can be angry, but you can act wiser. And a wise woman in this situation does this: she looks for at least something even remotely resembling gallantry in a man — for example, he takes out the garbage every morning, or helps to carry a too heavy package to the house — and begins to celebrate it. Say sincere thanks for this, praise him in front of friends and relatives, call him a gallant gentleman, a courageous man, etc. Few people refuse praise, and as a result, the title of “gallant man” slowly sticks to him. A man begins to realize himself in a new image for himself, and soon he will want to justify this title. Try it, it works!
See video blog E.V. Goncharova on youtube
Thus, it is possible to instill and develop in a man not only gallantry, but also many, many more qualities. We discuss in detail with distance girls what qualities each of them would like to strengthen in her sweetheart and with what behavior she will be able to stimulate, inspire, inspire. Each of them thinks over where in what situations she will be able to notice the desired quality even in a rudimentary minimal manifestation and admire it, forming in a man a new definite image of himself, from which he will enjoy, in the form of your feedback, and with the help of which , he will slowly begin to act differently, move differently through life. This method, meticulously tested by our distancers, has proven to be super-effective. Now you know about it, and I’m happy for you, use it!