How to grow wild garlic in the country

Planting and caring for wild garlic in the open field will not cause difficulties, because the plant belongs to the wild and unpretentious to growing conditions. Bear onions will not grow under the scorching rays of the sun in a site with poor soil composition. If you choose the right site and plant wild garlic, in spring the plant will delight you with fresh herbs, and the diet will be replenished with a significant amount of vitamins and trace elements.

Is it possible to grow wild garlic in the garden

In its natural environment wild garlic grows under deciduous trees. This symbiosis dictates the biological cycle of the plant. In early spring, before the formation of leaves, the first sprouts of wild onions appear on the trees. The vegetation of the culture is fast, for photosynthesis there is enough light coming through the bare branches.

Ramson leaves at the end of April, after 2 weeks the plant begins to bloom and form seed pods. The blossoming crown of trees creates a shadow and closes the wild garlic from the sun. By this time, the aerial part of the wild onion is fully formed, the bulb root enters a dormant state until next spring. In autumn, fallen leaves enrich the earth with mineral components, play the role of mulch for wild garlic, during the summer last year’s foliage retains the necessary moisture for the bulb.

The distribution area of ​​wild garlic is Siberia, the Far East, the Caucasus, and the southern regions of Our Country. The culture differs by species, in the temperate zone (Far East, Siberia) Victorious Onion grows, a plant up to 1 m tall with a branched root system consisting of several bulbs.

The most popular variety is the Bear Bow, represented by several varieties. To grow wild garlic (Bear onion) in the garden, choose a variety suitable for the climatic zone:

  1. “Bear Ear” – an early ripe variety, the collection of leaves is carried out 10 days after the appearance of the first sprouts. The culture is perennial, up to 0,5 m high. It tolerates open areas well.
  2. “Bear Delicatessen” – a herbaceous perennial bush 0,45 m high. The collection of leaves and bulbs in the temperate zone begins in early May, in the South, a month earlier – in April. The culture grows only in the shade, on well-moistened soil. Suitable for lowland cultivation under spreading trees.
  3. “Bear” – perennial up to 60 cm high. The earliest and frost-resistant variety of culture. In early spring, if during the day the air temperature rises above zero and the snow begins to melt, the first shoots appear.

Bulbs, stem and leaves of wild garlic are used as food. They are used as a seasoning for meat dishes, pickled, and salads are made. The plant is unpretentious in care, so it is easily bred in the country or garden.

Attention! When creating conditions close to the wild environment, in the spring from 1 m2 get 1,5 kg of wild garlic leaves.

What do wild garlic bulbs look like

For planting wild garlic with bulbs, the planting material of the Bear Bow must meet certain criteria:

  • oval shape, slightly elongated;
  • sheath with parallel fibers;
  • White color;
  • the petiole is thin in the upper part, thickened at the base;
  • diameter 1,5 cm.

Onion victorious forms an onion of the same shape, but with a larger diameter (2,5 cm).

Ramson Growing in the garden

How to plant wild garlic in the country or in the garden

Ramson planted in the garden will adapt to any conditions, but in order to get juicy foliage and crop growth, you need to choose a site for wild garlic. A shaded place where light-loving plants do not grow is suitable:

  • under the crown of trees;
  • along a solid fence;
  • near the wall of the building on the north side;
  • between bushes;
  • in wetlands.

Gardeners with experience recommend making two beds, one in a more lighted place, the second in the shade, where the snow does not melt for a long time. The time for collecting wild garlic leaves will double. The first “sunny” bed will enter the flowering stage. On the second, young wild garlic will only appear.

How to grow wild garlic in the country

When planting wild garlic in spring or autumn

You can plant wild onions on the site in spring or before winter. It is preferable to plant wild garlic in the fall, by spring the bulbs will take root, get stronger and give young foliage. Work is carried out before the onset of frost, approximately in early September.

You can plant a plant in the summer, when the ground part of the wild garlic gave seeds and withered. Depending on the region, the approximate landing time is the beginning of August. In the spring, wild garlic is bred in early May. Pay attention to overwintered bulbs. Planting material must be of good quality, choose bulbs with a root without dry fragments.

On what soil can wild garlic be grown

In the wild wild garlic grows on a fertile layer of humus from tree leaves. In winter, the plant is completely covered with fallen leaves. These are the two necessary conditions for normal growth. The site is chosen in a shaded place, if it is located under a tree, there is no need to make additional fertilizers. If planting is done in an open area, soil enrichment is necessary.

It is necessary to plant wild garlic before winter or in spring on a previously prepared garden bed. The soil should be neutral and breathable. Site preparation:

  1. Acidic soils are neutralized with lime or dolomite flour (in autumn during spring planting) or in spring if planting is planned before winter.
  2. After adding alkali to the soil, add peat, compost or humus.
  3. The bed is dug up to the depth of a spade bayonet.

Before planting wild garlic, from above, based on 1 m2 pour the following mixture:

  • 8 kg – organics;
  • 35 g – phosphate fertilizer;
  • 25 g – potassium-containing products;
  • 20 g – ammonium nitrate.

They dig up the earth and start planting wild garlic.

Important! Fertilizer laying is enough for 5 years, then top dressing or transfer of beds is necessary.

How to plant wild garlic

The best way to breed a crop is to plant wild garlic bulbs in the fall. In the spring, the foliage quickly appears on the plant, but the growth process of the bulb is slow. It is formed only in a four-year culture. Buying planting material is not easy. You can borrow from neighbors in the area or bring wild onions from the forest.

Dig up a bush in early spring or late autumn, when the plant is at rest. It is taken into account that the root system is deepened by about 10–15 cm. The work must be carried out with care so as not to injure the root. Each bulb should be well formed. Carefully separate the young shoots from the mother bush. All parts of the bush are planted on the site. Sequencing:

  1. Furrows are made 7–10 cm deep.
  2. Seedlings are placed at intervals of 20 cm.
  3. Deepen the bulb by 2/3 into the furrow, distribute the roots, fall asleep, avoiding the air space near the root.
  4. Water and mulch with a layer of peat, cover with leaves on top.

In early spring, part of the mulch is removed, because wild garlic is a frost-resistant plant that is not afraid of night frosts. In the first two years of the growing season, the stem with peduncles is removed, this measure helps the development of the bulb. Cutting leaves is possible for the 4th year of growth of wild garlic. If bulbs are used, care must be taken to replace the culture with new seedlings.

How to grow wild garlic in the country

How to grow wild garlic in the country or on the site

Growing wild garlic in a country house or garden plot is a long process. The vegetation of the plant is fast, and the annual growth of the bulb is insignificant. In a year, wild garlic grows only 0,5 cm. An annual crop produces only a small thin sprout. In the second year, it forms two small leaves. Only by the age of 4 is a full-fledged adult bush with powerful leaves and arrows. From one bush, all the leaves are not cut off, the bulbs are not touched. Arrows are usable when seed pods appear on them.

In one place, the Bear Bow forms a strong bush for no more than 7 years. Then the plant ages and degenerates. Growing wild garlic in the country does not require special agricultural technology. If the location and composition of the soil meets the requirements, care is minimal.

Watering Schedule

Wild onions require moderate watering, only in moist soils does the plant produce healthy, well-formed foliage. The frequency of watering is determined by weather conditions. If the bed is located in the shade, and the soil is mulched with leaves or straw, rainfall 2 times a week will be enough. In the case of a dry summer, if the bed is located in an area open to the sun, watering is carried out daily. Moisten the soil in the morning, in the evening manipulations are undesirable, due to the threat of night frosts.

Loosening and mulching the soil

Loosening the soil is undesirable, because the root can be damaged. So that weeds with a deep root system (wheatgrass, nettle) do not damage the bulb as they grow, they are removed manually.

Mulching is mandatory immediately after planting. Peat is poured in a layer (15 cm), covered with fallen leaves on top. Mulch is renewed every spring. Straw or pine needles are not used to cover the soil. Straw does not retain moisture well enough. The needles create a too dense layer, blocking access to oxygen. High soil moisture is undesirable for bulbs.

Do I need to feed wild garlic

Subject to the recommendations for preparing the soil, the Bear Onion has enough nutrients for 5 years. Every spring, mulching with peat is carried out, which is also top dressing. If the plant is planted in infertile soil, superphosphate and ammonium nitrate are added. When breeding a culture with a bulb, for better root formation, they are fed with potassium-containing agents and phosphorus.


Planting and caring for wild garlic in the open field is not difficult even for beginner gardeners. The plant after the mass destruction is listed in the Red Book, so the collection of wild onions is prohibited. When creating conditions close to the wild habitat on a backyard or summer cottage, the plant feels comfortable and reproduces well, occupying a large area for vegetation.

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