How to grow white mushrooms at home

White mushroom is a desirable prey for any mushroom picker. Strong, beautiful mushrooms just ask for a basket. But they are found in the forest less and less. This is due to the reduction of forest area, poor ecology and many other reasons. Therefore, many lovers of this forest delicacy are increasingly thinking about how to grow porcini mushrooms at home. And if there is such a desire and opportunity, this must be done, because regular use of this product brings great health benefits.

How to grow white mushrooms at home

The benefits of white mushrooms

  • Increase immunity.
  • Help in the fight against atherosclerosis and angina pectoris.
  • Good prevention in the fight against cancer.
  • They contain a large amount of vitamins and microelements.
Warning! Mushrooms, even white mushrooms, are heavy food for the stomach, they contain a lot of extractive substances, so not everyone can eat them.

If you decide to organize the cultivation of porcini mushrooms at home, you should familiarize yourself with the biology of the boletus so as not to make mistakes.

Mass cultivation of mushrooms in an industrial way does not justify itself because of the complexity and high cost. But in a small amount to grow them is quite realistic.

How to grow white mushrooms at home

Characteristics of the bilberry

White fungus belongs to tubular fungi and is a symbiont – its mycelium fuses with the root system of the tree under which it grows. They exchange nutrients to mutual benefit. Each type of boletus forms a symbiosis with a certain tree species.

This is one of the few mushrooms that is tolerant of the bright sun, it grows well in lighted clearings. Mushrooms can also live in the shade, but they feel much worse there, in shady places they can only be found in the harvest year. The boletus does not like very wet places, but it will not grow at all without water either. White fungus does not tolerate extreme heat and low daily temperatures. In summer, it grows best at 15-18 degrees Celsius, in autumn 10 degrees is enough for it. To grow to the size of an adult mushroom (a hat up to 50 cm in diameter and a leg up to 25 cm high and up to 5 cm in diameter) – a boletus takes a whole week. Soils for it are best sandy, sandy loam and loam.

How to grow white mushrooms at home

When it is known what conditions need to be created for the successful growth of mushrooms, let’s try to grow porcini mushrooms at home.

There are two ways to breed this mushroom delicacy:

  • extensive – mushrooms are grown on their own plot in natural conditions;
  • intensive – cultivation in enclosed spaces, in which the necessary conditions are created by a person.
Advice! If you decide to turn mushroom cultivation at home into a business, then it is better to choose the second method.

Let’s consider each method in more detail.

How can you grow mushrooms on the site

This growing method is seasonal. Success in this matter can be achieved provided that there are suitable trees on the site, next to which the mushrooms will be comfortable. In nature, they most often grow under birches, oaks, pines and spruces. Young trees aged 5 to 10 years are most suitable. They may be older, but not younger than 5 years. There is no symbiosis with the roots of young trees in the porcini fungus.

Advice! It is best to plant mushrooms in the spring, then the mycelium will have time to grow before the fall.

On a site that is suitable in all respects, we dig up the earth without turning the reservoir. Weeds are a must. If there is no rain, the area needs to be moistened. Further preparation of the site depends on the method by which mushrooms are going to propagate.

How to grow white mushrooms at home

Methods for propagating white mushrooms

  • store-bought mycelium;
  • fragments of mycelium brought from the forest;
  • mushroom material brought from the forest.
Attention! The mycelium bought in the store can be planted from April to October.

In the first and second cases, the soil must be made nutritious with the help of specially prepared compost. It is made from leaves, pieces of bark beginning to rot, with the addition of a small amount of horse manure.

In order for the compost to ripen faster, it needs to be moistened from time to time with a weak solution of ammonium nitrate with a concentration of 1%.

Device beds for planting mushrooms

The earth is taken out in the chosen place to a depth of 20 cm and set aside. Fill the bed in layers with compost and selected soil. The mycelium of porcini mushrooms is simply laid out on top of the soil, deepening it by 7 cm, in accordance with the standards indicated on the package.

How to grow white mushrooms at home

Advice! White mushrooms are unable to synthesize the organic matter they feed on themselves, so the soil should be enriched with it annually.

Fresh manure is not suitable for this. Much better if it is fully ripe humus. To enrich it with beneficial bacteria, spill it with a solution of EM preparations according to the instructions.

If the mushrooms are propagated by earth with a part of the mycelium, and for this a layer of 15 by 25 cm is enough, it is divided into 10-15 fragments, laid out at an equal distance over the area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe beds and also sprinkled with earth a little. The soil is well moistened. The mushroom picker is taken under the corresponding tree in the forest, under which porcini mushrooms grow. The layer must be cut carefully and it is imperative to fill the damaged area with fresh earth so that the damage to nature is minimal.

How to grow white mushrooms at home

Warning! The young mycelium of the white fungus is sensitive to a lack of moisture, so the soil must be moistened regularly, especially if the weather is dry.

To keep the moisture longer, it is good to mulch the bed with dry leaves or moss.

Mushrooms can be propagated by fragments of mushroom bodies. There are two ways – dry and wet.

  • With the dry method, whole hats of fully mature mushrooms or their pieces can be decomposed in the chosen place, the spore layer should be at the bottom. Lightly cover them with soil. You can lay mushroom caps on a sheet of clean paper and let them dry well in the sun, and then plant them out.
  • The wet method has been known since ancient times. Fully ripe and even overripe porcini mushrooms were put into wooden dishes and poured with soft rain water for a day. Added 3-4 tbsp. spoons of sugar or alcohol. The mixed infusion was filtered through gauze and watered over the bed prepared for planting.
Attention! Collect mushrooms for breeding under the same trees under which you intend to plant them.

For example, when planting under an oak tree, pick porcini mushrooms grown in an oak forest.

How to grow white mushrooms at home

Harvest with a successful early planting can be expected already in the first year, but sometimes this process is delayed for 2 or even 3 years.

Growing white mushrooms indoors

Greenhouses, basements, hangars, sheds are suitable for this. The main thing is the ability to create conditions suitable for growing mushrooms, namely a temperature in the range of 8-12 degrees Celsius and a humidity of about 90%.

Attention! It is necessary to provide for good ventilation of the room; without sufficient oxygen, porcini mushrooms will not grow.

A very important point is proper lighting. The light should be diffused and dim. It is required by mushrooms after the appearance of fruiting bodies. Up to this point, the room can not be illuminated at all.

How to grow white mushrooms at home

Stages of preparation and cultivation of mushrooms indoors

Greenhouses are best suited for this. In the southern regions, a simple polycarbonate greenhouse is sufficient. In the more northern ones, heating will have to be provided. And where it is completely cold, it is easier to install it in a room in which it is easy to regulate the temperature.

  • Choose a room for growing.
  • If necessary, we install a heating system.
  • We take care of maintaining the required level of humidity.

    How to grow white mushrooms at home

    The easiest way is to arrange vessels with water, between which there should be a distance of about 2 m, or containers with constantly moistened sawdust.

  • Getting the right lighting. If necessary, we throw opaque materials on top of the greenhouse or those that only allow diffused light to pass through. For already germinated mushrooms, it is enough to turn on the light of low intensity for 4 hours a day.
  • We install the ventilation system. In cold weather, the supply air must be heated.
  • We are preparing a container for growing porcini mushrooms. Disinfected wooden boxes installed on special shelves are suitable for this.
  • Proper soil is one of the most important components of success. It is prepared in advance. Soil components: fertile soil, a small amount of sawdust and horse manure or humus.

    How to grow white mushrooms at home

  • So that the sawdust does not draw a lot of nitrogen onto itself during decay, it is better to moisten them with a weak solution of ammonium nitrate. The prepared soil should ripen for at least one week.
  • We fill the boxes with prepared soil.
  • When everything is ready, we buy the mycelium of the fungus. Mushrooms brought from the forest are not suitable for growing mushrooms at home. Holland has already developed intensive technologies for growing this forest delicacy. Special races of porcini mushrooms have also been bred, the most suitable for home conditions. If possible, it is best to use the Dutch mycelium.

    How to grow white mushrooms at home

  • We buy the required amount of mycelium, grind it without removing it from the bags.
  • We distribute evenly over the surface of the substrate in accordance with the instructions. Mix with soil. We monitor the moisture content of the substrate. The layer of earth above the mycelium should not be thicker than 7 cm.
  • We monitor all the parameters in the room where mushrooms are grown, and we are waiting for the harvest.

To imagine the process of growing mushrooms more clearly, you can watch the video:

How to grow white mushrooms in your area?

The technology for growing porcini mushrooms at home is much more complicated than that for growing champignons. It requires a lot of initial investment and time. But it all pays off in the end result. For those who have not yet been involved in home mushroom growing, it is better to start by growing mushrooms on the site. And experienced mushroom growers can get quite a tangible income from their indoor plantations.

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