How to grow spherical chrysanthemums

Chrysanthemums are one of the most ancient ornamental plants. If a thousand years ago these flowers were grown for their medicinal properties, today it is customary to decorate the local area with chrysanthemums of different varieties and shades and use them in landscape design. One of the newest, but already very popular, varieties of chrysanthemum is the spherical Multiflora. Distinctive features of this group of chrysanthemums are the rounded regular shape of the bush and many small inflorescences. Spherical varieties are very unpretentious, in their lineup there are many species with different stem heights, hundreds of shades and shapes. However, Multiflora also has disadvantages, and the most important of them is mediocre frost resistance.

How to grow spherical chrysanthemums

More details about the perennial garden spherical chrysanthemum, the rules for its planting and care will be described in this article. Below you can learn about the varieties and varieties of this flower, as well as how to save a spherical chrysanthemum in winter.

Characteristic view

Chrysanthemum multiflora belongs to the Compositae family and has small-flowered inflorescences. In the process of development, the bushes of this plant independently take on a rounded shape, which explains the origin of the second name of the flower – spherical garden chrysanthemum.

Attention! Multiflora is a perennial plant, so it is enough to plant a flower once and enjoy the beauty of its flowering for several years.

How to grow spherical chrysanthemums

Chrysanthemum perennial spherical is a relatively young species, but already has several hundred varieties and hybrids. This flower is loved, first of all, for its decorative effect – compact, regular-shaped bushes do not need shaping and pruning, and they can bloom in absolutely any shade (now there are spherical chrysanthemums with blue and even green flowers on sale).

The advantages of the spherical Multiflora are many:

  1. Long “life” – a perennial flower can grow in one place for 4-5 years, after which it needs to be divided and simply transplanted to another place.
  2. Multiflora is unpretentious, it develops well on any soil, and the only thing on which the beauty of a flower depends is a sufficient amount of sun.
  3. The high decorativeness of neat spherical bushes makes it possible to widely use Multiflora both in landscape design and for decorating balconies, gazebos, and interior interiors.
  4. The variety of varieties and shades makes it possible to make interesting combinations using spherical varieties.
  5. The flowering time of the spherical perennial chrysanthemum is quite extended – the flowering of the species can last from the end of summer until the first serious frosts.

How to grow spherical chrysanthemums

Important! In principle, the spherical Multiflora has only one drawback – poor frost resistance. Florists have to solve this problem by insulating flower beds or digging up roots for the winter.


Spherical bushes of flowering chrysanthemums can be found in gardens and parks, in flowerbeds and alpine hills, they are often grown in flowerpots or boxes – all this is one variety, only plant varieties differ.

How to grow spherical chrysanthemums

About four thousand varieties and hybrids of Multiflora are classified according to several criteria. One of the main signs of dividing chrysanthemum varieties into groups is the size of the bush. Depending on the length of the stem, there are:

  • dwarf chrysanthemums, which can still be called undersized – the bushes of these varieties usually grow to a maximum of 25-30 cm;
  • medium-sized spherical chrysanthemums can have a height of 30 to 50 cm;
  • tall varieties form rounded bushes with a diameter of about 60-70 cm.
Advice! Undersized spherical chrysanthemums can be grown not only on the street, they are great for planting in pots, flowerpots and flowerpots.

By the way, novice flower growers should understand that the Chinese chrysanthemum and Multiflora are one and the same. But Korean chrysanthemums represent a different group: the inflorescences of these plants are larger, and the bushes are not able to take the form of a hemisphere without outside help.

The timing of flowering in spherical chrysanthemums may also differ slightly, but the common quality of all varieties is their ability to bloom until real cold weather. By choosing Multiflora with different flowering periods, you can create a unique composition of these flowers and enjoy their bright colors from late summer to the last days of autumn.

How to grow spherical chrysanthemums

Given the timing of flowering, varieties of spherical chrysanthemums are divided into the following groups:

  • early flowering, blooming their buds in early August;
  • medium-flowering varieties delight with abundant flowering in mid-September;
  • late varieties bloom no earlier than the first days of October and bloom until snow and frost.
Attention! It is not necessary to form bushes of perennial Chinese chrysanthemums or cut them into the correct shape. Bushes in the form of a ball are a genetic feature of these flowers. Although some flower growers, nevertheless, pinch the tops of sprouts with 2-4 pairs of leaves – this is how they achieve the ideal shape of a bush.

There are many varieties of perennial Multiflora, below are just a few of them.

Branbeach White

The variety is medium-sized – the bushes of this chrysanthemum can grow up to half a meter in height. The inflorescences of the plant are white, small-flowered, numerous. Flowering time is mid-August.

How to grow spherical chrysanthemums

Branindio Branindio

This globular chrysanthemum blooms in mid-September. Her inflorescences are of a golden yellow hue, very bright, in perfect harmony with the tones of the autumn garden. The diameter of the bushes is decent – about 50 cm.

How to grow spherical chrysanthemums

Branbeach Sunny

An early flowering variety with bright yellow flowers. Bushes of medium height – about 0,5 meters. The buds open in the second half of August.

How to grow spherical chrysanthemums

Branhill Ed

Compact early-flowering bushes, the height of which does not exceed 40 cm. The flowers of this Multiflora are of a beautiful wine-red hue.

How to grow spherical chrysanthemums

Branfountain Salmon

In mid-September, this medium-sized variety begins to bloom with bushes about 50 cm tall. Chrysanthemums are covered with delicate pink flowers.

How to grow spherical chrysanthemums

Branfountain Lemon

Lemon yellow globular flowers bloom in mid-September. Bushes of medium size – about 45-50 cm in diameter.

How to grow spherical chrysanthemums

Branfountain Purple

This variety of chrysanthemums has lilac inflorescences. Bushes of medium size, bloom in September.

How to grow spherical chrysanthemums

Branbeach Lilac

Very bright lilac-pink inflorescences of Multiflora, blooming in the second half of September. The bushes are quite high – about 50 cm.

How to grow spherical chrysanthemums

Branbeach Orange

The flowers are quite large, rich orange hue. Multiflora blooms in September.

How to grow spherical chrysanthemums

A photo of spherical chrysanthemums of various varieties once again proves their uniqueness. Such a variety of shades and shapes allows you to effectively fit spherical chrysanthemums into almost any exterior of the plot and garden.

Growing rules

There is nothing difficult in planting and caring for spherical chrysanthemums – these are very unpretentious flowers. The only difficulty lies in preparing Multiflora for the winter period. The wintering method is largely determined by the climatic conditions of a particular region and can be chosen by the grower independently.

How to grow spherical chrysanthemums

Reproduction and planting

Ball chrysanthemum can reproduce in several ways, but the option of dividing an adult plant is considered the most effective and affordable. Given the weak frost resistance, the planting of spherical chrysanthemums in the fall is not performed. The optimal time for planting these flowers is mid-April. (small return frosts the plant can withstand without problems).

How to grow spherical chrysanthemums

Important! A place for growing spherical chrysanthemums must be well lit by the sun. If the site is located in the shade or in partial shade, the shape of the bush will suffer – individual shoots will begin to reach for the sun, breaking the harmony of the ball.

How to grow spherical chrysanthemums

Landing technology is recommended as follows:

  1. Before planting flowers, you need to prepare the soil. Land for Multiflora should be loose and moderately nutritious. Too much fertilizer will lead to an increase in green mass and poor flowering, so you should not be zealous with top dressing. It is enough to add a little peat or humus to the soil.
  2. With an interval of 50-60 cm (depending on the height of the spherical chrysanthemum), holes are made. The depth of the holes is about 40 cm.
  3. At the bottom of each hole, you can pour a handful of coarse river sand – it will act as a drainage. From above, you should pour a little fertile earth and thoroughly water the holes with water.
  4. The seedling is set in the center of the hole, its roots are straightened and carefully sprinkled with earth. Do not deepen chrysanthemums too much – the root system of these flowers is of a superficial type.
  5. For tall varieties, supports may be required, it is better to install them immediately at the time of planting.

Planting is over, now it remains to provide competent care for the spherical Multiflora.

How to care for flowers

Spherical chrysanthemum is not capricious – caring for this flower is very simple and easy:

  1. Since chrysanthemums are planted in the spring, immediately after planting the plant is recommended shade from the burning sun. For these purposes, it is better to use a non-woven material, it is positioned so that the fabric does not touch the leaves of the Multiflora.
  2. Water chrysanthemum will often have to, because it is moisture-loving. Water for irrigation is better to use rain or settled. If this is not possible, you can add two drops of ammonia (per bucket) to plain tap water to make it softer.
  3. In the year of planting, Multiflora is not fertilized. Subsequently fertilize recommended twice per season: at the initial stage of the growing season (mullein or humus) and in the budding phase (50 grams of superphosphate per square meter of flower bed).
  4. If chrysanthemum bushes are planted in partial shade or grown from seeds (in this case, there is a high risk of losing genetic qualities), you may have to adjust the shape plants. Immediately after planting, the apex is plucked from the sprouts, after three weeks the procedure is repeated, removing the entire upper part of the central shoot.
  5. Of diseases and pests Multiflora is most often attacked by powdery mildew and caterpillars. For the purpose of prevention, it is recommended to observe the irrigation regime, loosen the soil and spray with special preparations.

Wintering Rules

How to grow spherical chrysanthemums is clear, now it remains to figure out how to save them until next spring. These perennial flowers could easily grow in one place for 4-6 years, but in most regions this is impossible – the bushes have to be dug up annually for the winter.

How to grow spherical chrysanthemums

Important! The frost resistance of some varieties is quite enough to survive the winter of the southern and even central regions. When buying planting material of Multiflora, you should pay attention to the recommendations for wintering flowers.

In the warmest regions, chrysanthemums can overwinter in flower beds or in pots. Before the onset of cold weather, it is recommended to cut the stems of flowers to 10-15 cm and cover their roots with a thick layer of organic mulch.

Where winters are more severe, drastic measures cannot be avoided – spherical chrysanthemums will have to be dug up for the winter. To prolong the variegated flowering, you can install a plastic frame around the bushes. When the stems begin to dry out, they are cut off and the rhizomes are dug up. Flowers are placed in sand or in soil mixed with sawdust, sand, peat (for better moisture retention) and cleaned in a dark, cool place.

How to grow spherical chrysanthemums

At the end of March, spherical chrysanthemums are taken out of their shelters and placed under the sun’s rays in a warm place, so the flowers will begin to wake up. When the earth warms up well enough, you can return the Multiflora to the flower bed.

Advice! Do not rush and cut the stems of flowering chrysanthemums. These flowers set buds in late autumn, and early pruning can harm this process.


How to grow spherical chrysanthemums

Globular perennial chrysanthemums are a great way to decorate a garden or flower bed. These flowers are very unpretentious, they delight with a variety of varieties and species, and they have only one drawback – poor frost resistance.

Spherical Chrysanthemums – FEATURES OF GROWING

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