How to grow seedlings of decorative and fruit rose hips

How to grow seedlings of decorative and fruit rose hips

Saplings of fruit and decorative rose hips do not require special care. The main thing is to choose the right place for them and cut them off in time.

How to grow rosehip seedlings

Breeding rose hips is not difficult, but it takes a lot of time. This is especially true for growing from seeds.

Over time, rosehip seedlings turn into beautiful bushes.

There are several ways to grow seedlings:

  • from seeds;
  • from root suckers;
  • green cuttings.

The first method is the most time consuming. You need to collect more brown fruits, grind them, rub through a sieve, mix with wet sand and refrigerate. The seeds should be planted in late autumn. Under favorable conditions, seedlings will appear in the middle of summer. By the end of the second year of life, rosehip seedlings grown from seeds reach a height of 35-40 cm.

Root offspring can simply be dug up in the fall or spring and transplanted to another place. But for better survival, they can not be dug out, but well covered with humus. The offspring will take root and can be separated from the mother plant the following year.

Cuttings need to be prepared at the end of June. Each stalk should have three nodes, at the bottom you need to remove the leaves. It is advisable to soak the cuttings in heteroauxin and plant them in a peat-sand mixture. After 3-4 weeks, roots are formed.

How to plant rosehip seedlings

Rosehip prefers fertile loamy or sandy loamy soils with moderate moisture. He likes sunny open areas with low water table more. In a swampy place, the dog rose withers and dies, as its root system goes deep into the ground.

For successful breeding of rose hips, it is imperative to plant at least two bushes of different varieties so that they are pollinated. It is most convenient to plant plants in a row near the fence, on the border of the site or in separate bushes near outbuildings.

Rosehip seedlings take root best in autumn.

Suitable for planting 1-2-year-old seedlings with a well-developed root system. At a distance of 1,5-1,8 m, you need to dig holes with a size and depth of 30-40 cm.For a decorative hedge, it is advisable to make the distance less – 50-60 cm. the perimeter of the pit is pieces of slate. It is advisable to shorten the roots of the bushes to 20 cm, this will improve the survival rate.

After completing the preparatory work, you can plant young plants. Carefully spread the roots of the seedlings and cover them with earth. The root collar of the plant should be buried in the soil by 7-8 cm. Then the plant should be watered abundantly and the soil around it should be mulched, sprinkled with a layer of peat or sawdust. The above-ground part must be cut off, leaving several branches 7-10 cm high.

In the future, caring for the rose hips consists in harvesting and regular pruning.

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