Morels are spring mushrooms that appear after the snow melts. In forests, they are collected at the edges, clearings, places after a fire. Growing morels at home will ensure a stable crop of these mushrooms. To do this, they acquire mycelium or collect fruiting bodies in the forest. Then create a microclimate, as close as possible to the natural.

Is it possible to grow morels

Morels are edible mushrooms that grow in temperate climates. They are found in early spring, from April to the end of May. On the territory of Our Country, they are harvested until mid-June, sometimes even in autumn there is a second wave of fruiting.

Morels are characterized by an unusual cap structure, covered with a layer of oblong cells. Its shape is ovoid or conical. Partitions have a pronounced brown color, which gradually become darker. The height of the cap is up to 7 cm, in girth it reaches 8 cm. The leg is cylindrical, hollow, no more than 9 cm long.

In nature, morels prefer fertile soil and lighted places. Often grow in deciduous forests dominated by birch, willow, alder, oak, ash. Sometimes these mushrooms are found in gardens, front gardens, parks, lawns.

What morels look like in summer cottages and more interesting information about this variety – in the video:

Morels in the country, The very first spring mushroom – conical morel Morchella conica

Morels are suitable for growing at home. To get a crop of mushrooms, it is important to provide a number of conditions:

  • the presence of a substrate rich in lime and organic matter;
  • high humidity;
  • penumbra;
  • prepared mycelium.

Morels are prized for their early maturation and good taste. In many countries, this species is regarded as a real delicacy. Mushrooms require minimal heat treatment. They are stored dried or frozen. At home, an environmentally friendly product is obtained, ready for use.

How to grow morel mushroom: growing technologies


Morel cultivation technologies

There are several technologies for growing morels. These methods allow you to collect regular and high yields on an industrial scale. Each method has its own nuances and advantages.

American technology

In America, the morel is a symbol of the local mushroom industry. It is his image that is placed on the emblems of many organizations that are engaged in mushroom cultivation. For mushroom pickers, morel is considered one of the most valuable mushrooms. The main crop is harvested in Oregon, where special beds are equipped.

It has been observed that morels often appear in places where forest fires have passed. According to American technology for growing at home, a fire pit or wood ash is required. Mycelium is planted in the prepared substrate. It is obtained by mixing peat, gypsum and ash.

For 1 sq. m beds require 500 g of chopped hats. It is allowed to use ready-made mycelium. Mushroom mass is poured onto the beds, the substrate is poured on top and watered abundantly with warm water. During the season, moisture is regularly applied so that the soil does not dry out.

Important! The fruiting period of the mycelium is 3-5 years. Feeding with Epin or another growth stimulator will help to increase this period.

In the United States, a technology has been patented for growing morels. Mycelium is planted indoors. Work is carried out in the same manner as in the cultivation of champignons.

Algorithm for planting morels at home:

  1. Prepare a cellar or basement: clear debris, concrete the floor, seal holes and cracks, treat surfaces with an antiseptic. Ventilation must be provided.
  2. At home, maintain a temperature of about +16 ° C and a humidity of 70%.
  3. To obtain a substrate, peat, humus, wood ash are mixed. The mixture is poured into boxes or bags.
  4. Mycelium is placed in the substrate, which is abundantly watered with warm water.
  5. After 2 weeks, soil, peat and limestone are poured onto the mycelium. The temperature is lowered to +14 ° C and the first shoots are waiting.

How to grow morel mushroom: growing technologies

french technology

In France, morels have been observed to appear more often in apple orchards. Therefore, when growing them, a special substrate is prepared. Any waste from apples is added to it – peel, peeling, etc. This composition contributes to the active growth of fruiting bodies.

A separate bed is allocated for growing mushrooms. Find a dry place in the shade that is not prone to flooding in the spring. It is good if begonias or phloxes grow nearby. For a sunny area, a burlap canopy is built, which will protect the beds from the direct rays of the sun.

The order of growing morels according to French technology:

  1. On the selected site, they listen to the soil layer.
  2. A substrate is placed in the resulting pit, consisting of peat, wood ash and gypsum in a ratio of 10:5:1. Additionally, apple waste is added.
  3. Water the soil thoroughly before planting. Mycelium is sprinkled on top.
  4. The beds are covered with fertile soil 5 cm thick.

German technology

The easiest way to grow mushrooms is offered by German technology. First, mycelium is prepared at home: morel caps are crushed and cut into slices. The resulting mass is placed in a bucket of water and 1 tsp is added. salt and 1 tbsp. l. Sahara. This composition stimulates the germination of spores. The mass is left for 4 hours, stirring occasionally.

Then the contents of the container are divided and kept in a cool place at a temperature of 10 – 15 ° C. After 2 days, landing work begins. Mycelium is poured into the soil under the roots of trees, covered with a layer of earth on top. The landing site is watered with water left when soaking morels. The first mushrooms appear after 2-3 weeks.

Advice! According to German technology, it is best to grow morels in an apple orchard.

How to grow morel mushroom: growing technologies

How to grow morels at home

Growing morel mushroom at home is a simple and fun process. Mycelium is planted in boxes that are kept on the windowsill. Outdoor cultivation gives the best results.

How to grow morels at home on the windowsill

At home, a window sill or balcony is suitable for growing mushrooms. Windows should face west or north. Under direct sunlight, the mycelium does not grow. Mycelium is placed in jars, pots or boxes.

The procedure for growing morels on the windowsill at home:

  1. The containers are half filled with a substrate of peat, gypsum and wood ash.
  2. Then pour the purchased mycelium or chopped caps.
  3. From above, soil from a deciduous forest is poured.
  4. The soil is abundantly watered with warm water.

Within two weeks, the mycelium is looked after by watering. Do not allow exposure to direct sunlight and drying of the soil. If all conditions are met, seedlings will appear in two weeks.

How to grow morels on the site

Any suitable technology is chosen for growing morels. Work is carried out from April to August. First, the mushroom mass is prepared: the caps, which contain spores, are crushed and soaked. If purchased mycelium is used, then the consumption is 10 g per 1 sq. m.

Regardless of the technology chosen, when growing morels, the following algorithm is followed:

  1. Buying or harvesting mycelium.
  2. If necessary – mixing the substrate for the beds.
  3. Planting mycelium in the ground.
  4. Abundant watering.
  5. Shelter for the winter with dry leaves from a deciduous forest.
  6. Removal of shelter in the spring, watering in the absence of precipitation.
  7. Feeding mycelium after fruiting.
Attention! With a favorable microclimate from 1 square. m receive up to 5 kg of morels.

How to grow morel mushroom: growing technologies

Tips and Tricks

To grow morels at home, follow these guidelines:

  • use a substrate containing peat, birch or oak sawdust, wood ash and gypsum;
  • do not add fresh manure or other organic matter to the soil;
  • during the period of mushroom growth, they are regularly watered, preventing the soil from drying out;
  • at home, do not use chlorinated moisture, it is best to take melt or rain water;
  • in drought, water consumption is increased to 15 – 20 liters per 1 sq. m;
  • mulch beds with dry leaves and branches;
  • for the winter, the landing site is covered with a layer of foliage or straw;
  • annually contribute up to 1 liter of ash per 1 sq. km. m landings.

At home, morels actively develop in warmth and high humidity. The first crop is harvested the very next year after sowing the mycelium. Mineral fertilizers are not suitable for top dressing. The best version of the composition is wood ash, which is added to the water before watering. In addition, the mycelium is fertilized with pomace from fresh apples.


Growing morels at home will help to collect a regular harvest of mushrooms. First, choose a suitable place – a windowsill or a garden plot. Then they acquire mycelium and substrate.

Morels in the country, The very first spring mushroom – conical morel Morchella conica

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