*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.
To achieve the desired length of nails, you can use the following methods, including combining and combining them with each other:
Prevention of external and internal causes of brittle nails.
Regular grooming routines.
Cosmetic techniques – paraffin therapy, massage.
Protect nails from damage.
In order to strengthen and grow nails, first you need to understand why this cannot be done in a normal situation. There are a number of factors that can negatively affect the health of nails and prevent them from growing normally. If you eliminate them or reduce their impact, it will be much easier to solve the regrowth problem.
Factors that prevent growing long legs
Why do women often fail to grow long nails? The problem is not that they grow slowly, it is impossible to increase the growth rate of the plates, it is genetically laid down and averages from 0,1 to 0,15 millimeters per day (and it can only be normalized). Nails can be very difficult to grow back because they break off at some stage. It is enough that at least one nail out of 10 cracked, and you need to cut off all the nails, start all over again, the effort spent is reduced to zero.
Why do nails break off? This can happen for several reasons. Experts have compiled a list of the main negative factors that impede the process of growing beautiful nails, if you think that one or more of them are relevant in your case, try to eliminate them.
Unfavorable external reasons that do not allow you to grow long nails:
Bad habits. This may be smoking, which disrupts the functioning of the cardiovascular system, preventing oxygen saturation of all body tissues. Or the habit of biting, biting nails in stressful situations; to pick, peel, or scrape something with one’s fingers.
Lack of hand protection in contact with household detergents, especially aggressive (household chemicals); with prolonged contact with water; in contact with caustic solvents and paints and varnishes; in contact with liquids of very high or low temperatures.
Mistakes in manicure – regular mechanical traumatization of tissues with a nail file, scissors, V-shaped blades to remove the cuticle; the use of cheap low-quality varnishes and acetone to remove the decorative coating; uncontrolled nail extension and coating with polymeric materials, followed by traumatic removal of artificial nails.
Negative internal factors, which do not allow growing long nails, can be much larger. These are, for example, poor nutrition, diets, starvation, hypovitaminosis and beriberi. The body simply lacks vitamins and minerals, and it directs any intake of these biologically active substances to vital organs – to the heart, brain, etc. Nails “care” the body the least, so they suffer from a lack of nutrients. To remedy the situation, you need to increase the consumption of foods rich in vitamins B, C, E, A, minerals – iron, calcium, zinc. You need to eat vegetables, fruits, greens, legumes, dairy products, eggs, grains, lean meat, fish. The use of such products will not negatively affect your weight, but will definitely help improve the health of the nail plates. In addition to the methods for solving the problem of lack of biologically active substances, start taking a multivitamin complex that your therapist will advise you, for example, a 3 in 1 complex for skin, hair and nails.
Lack of fluid in the body can also cause brittleness and dryness of the nail plates. This problem can be exacerbated if the girl often indulges herself in wine, cocktails or other alcoholic beverages. Alcohol contributes to the removal of minerals, which makes the nails brittle. It also provokes the emergence of thirst, which is quenched, as a rule, not with ordinary water, but with tea, juice, and other drinks. All organs suffer from dehydration and, last but not least, the nails are negatively affected. Compliance with the drinking regimen (1,5-2,5 liters of clean water per day) will help solve the problem.
Insufficient physical activity or conversely, large, excessive physical exertion. Both that, and another negatively is reflected in a condition of an organism as a whole, and also on a condition of nails in particular. A leisurely walk or jog at a slow pace will help disperse the blood, saturate the body with oxygen, normalize the function of all organs and systems, which will inevitably lead to an improvement in the condition of the nails, as a result of which they will stop breaking.
Stress, sleep deprivation, fatigue, impaired immunity directly affect the condition of the nails and their growth rate. It has been scientifically proven that in people with central nervous system disorders who are constantly stressed, sleep deprived or suffering from a decrease in the body’s defense mechanisms, the growth of hair on the head and nails on the hands, and especially on the legs, may stop altogether. Therefore, it is important to try to provide yourself with a certain period of time during the day when you can fully relax, recover and gain strength.
General chronic and acute diseases of the body. Everything is simple here – if there is a serious disease – the whole organism as a whole suffers. He spends energy on restoring balance and norms, but the condition of the nail plates is again not a priority.
Psychosomatic factors. If you are focused on the goal of growing your nails, it can only hurt. Get distracted by other tasks, shift priorities, take care of your nails daily, but without fanaticism, and you will not notice how the problem will be solved by itself.
Obviously, a variety of factors can affect the growth rate of the nail plates. If you try to eliminate them, then you can not only normalize the condition of the nail plates, strengthen them, accelerate regrowth, but also improve the condition of the body as a whole.
Regular care techniques that allow you to quickly grow long and beautiful nails
In order to grow nails, you can use the following methods:
Massage the fingertips with a nourishing cream or vegetable oil. There is nothing complicated in this – just massaging, rubbing successively each finger, starting from the first phalanx and gradually going down to the palm, is enough. This procedure is very useful for the nail plates, as it normalizes blood microcirculation, lymphatic drainage, metabolism and tissue oxygenation. For a simple massage of two hands, it is enough to allocate 20 minutes – 2 minutes for each of the 10 fingers.
Baths for fingers, in which you can add liquid vitamins, vegetable oils, decoctions and water infusions of medicinal herbs, juice and puree of various fruits, milk, honey.
Finger masks based on dairy products, honey and other useful ingredients.
Care of the nail plates with the help of special cosmetics – Vitamin E Nail & Cuticle Oil by Sally Hansen, Nail and Cuticle Beauty Oil by Zeitun or other preparations.
Hygienic manicure. Keep the tips of your nails in good condition, they should have a rounded shape. If the slightest crack, peeling, etc. occurs on the free edge of the nail plate, be sure to file the nail to prevent further damage.
All these care activities are recommended to be carried out in the evening, a few hours before going to bed. The frequency of sessions is from 2 to 7 times a week, the average course duration is 30-60 days. You can combine and combine care methods, for example, make a nail bath on Monday, and massage using burdock oil on Tuesday.
Strengthening nails with paraffin therapy
Paraffin therapy or wax therapy is a highly effective technique for healing the skin, cuticles and nail plates, as well as tissues that are in the lower layers. The benefits of this procedure simply cannot be overestimated, it has a low cost and it is not at all difficult to carry it out if you have wax, honeycombs or cosmetic paraffin at hand.
What are the benefits for accelerating the growth of nails can be obtained by applying hot wax or paraffin 1 or 2 times a week:
The hot substance, which covers the nail plates in a dense layer, activates metabolic processes, improves blood supply and absorption of nutrients, and helps to eliminate toxins, toxins and decay products.
While solidifying and cooling, paraffin or wax creates compression, slight pressure on the tissues, which can be compared to a very soft massage.
During the thermal procedure, if you have no contraindications to it, there is a general relaxation of the body, which has a positive effect on the state of the central nervous system, on the quality of sleep, if the event is held in the evening.
In addition, paraffin therapy is the prevention of fungal diseases, which can also interfere with the normal growth of nails.
How to carry out paraffin therapy or healing nails, allowing them to grow to the required length:
Melt a small piece of paraffin or beeswax by placing it in a container and heating it in a water bath. For one session, it is enough to soften 30-50 gr. substances.
Cool the paraffin or wax to a tolerable temperature of 45-55 degrees, stirring the product and not letting it harden.
Test the temperature of the melted mass by placing a drop on the skin.
Dip the fingertips in a tolerably hot substance, remove, allow the layer to dry. Dip in the mixture 1 or 2 more times (optional).
Wrap your fingers with cellophane film, then with a terry towel.
Take a horizontal position and relax for 20-30 minutes.
At the end of the procedure, it is enough to remove the wax from the skin, it is separated very easily, it is not necessary to wash your hands.
Tips to follow while growing nails
The process of growing nails will not be successful and may even be accompanied by unpleasant complications if you do not follow the elementary rules and recommendations of specialists. You can make sure that they are quite simple and not difficult to perform.
Nails will grow well if the care methods you choose are applied systematically. Once you start using any type of therapy, do not stop the treatment for at least 2-3 weeks. During this time, the result, if any, will manifest itself and become noticeable. Within 2-3 months, the effectiveness of the procedures will reach its peak. Remember that beneficial substances must accumulate in the tissues in order for their effect to be maximum, do not expect a pronounced effect after 2-3 sessions, in which case you will not be disappointed.
It is important to follow a specific schedule for medicinal or nursing procedures. Form it yourself, starting from your capabilities, but after that do not break it. It is recommended to take care of the nail plates to accelerate their growth in the evening, at least 2-3 times a week with equal intervals between procedures. Cosmetic techniques – paraffin therapy, etc. It is recommended to apply no more than 2-3 times within 7-10 days.
If you are using any new nail care product, test it for allergy potential before starting your main use. Even if you are not prone to such reactions, still test on a small area of uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe skin, as unfavorable environmental conditions make many people allergic.
If you use substances such as lemon juice or vinegar, red pepper in home recipes, never exceed the recommended treatment time. Otherwise, adverse effects may occur, such as skin irritation or increased dryness of the nail plates.
If you use hot substances, such as paraffin or beeswax, carefully monitor the temperature so that you do not get tissue burns or just discomfort.
Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.