How to grow long hair

Many girls dream of luxurious thick hair, but not everyone has the patience and knowledge to achieve what they want. How to properly grow hair and maintain its beauty and health?

Woman’s Day was told about this by the Nizhny Novgorod Zlatovlaska – a student of the N.N. N. A. Dobrolyubova Natalia Shevarkina.

“I have been growing my hair for a long time, since school. Now I am 18 years old, but when I was little, I had a bob haircut. And then I entered the gymnasium, and my parents suddenly realized that they had a girl, not a boy, and it’s time to think about pigtails and bows (laughs). Since then, my hair has always received due attention. Although there were times when I really wanted to have a haircut. The reason for this was not even that I was tired of wearing such wealth, but a desire to change something in myself. Like many girls, I wanted drastic changes and, of course, the first thing there was a desire to do something with the hair. I am immensely grateful to my parents who dissuaded me from this. “

“In my opinion, there is no concept of ‘standard beauty’. Each person is individual: one has long hair, the second has expressive eyes, the third is distinguished by growth, the fourth may have a mole that adorns him, and the fifth is simply a bright personality in itself. My head of hair gives me absolutely no discomfort. On the contrary, thanks to her I feel more confident. I realize that hair is my wealth. I like to catch the goggles of passers-by, it’s so funny! Often they come up to me and give me compliments. Although, unfortunately, it cannot do without envious people. I heard them say behind my back: “Yes, she’s definitely not her own hair, she glued it on!” I don’t react to such statements, I just smile. I think that long hair is a pride for a girl, and it is a pleasure for me to wear such beauty. “

“I am so used to the length of my hair that taking care of it is not a problem at all. And in general, for such a head of hair, I must say a huge thank you to my relatives. Mom and grandmother also have long thick hair, and grandfather shared the color with me (by the way, it is natural, without paint). Fortunately, I have a good hair structure, so they don’t require any special care. Like everyone else, I try to choose a good shampoo. After using it, be sure to apply a balm, thanks to it, the hair becomes softer. I try not to use a hairdryer, so as not to drain them once again. From time to time I make a natural mask to strengthen my hair. And once a year I cut them about 15-20 cm to prevent the ends from being cut, and the braid grows even faster from this! I trust home procedures more than salon treatments: this way the costs are lower, and the most pleasant thing is to make yourself more beautiful. “

“I would really like to keep my hair long as long as possible. Unfortunately, there is a risk that they will no longer be so thick with age. Does length make sense without volume? I will not guess, wait and see. In any case, I believe that whether you are a little girl, an attractive girl or a solid woman, you always need to match your gender and status. It so happened historically that short hair is for the male part. And we, girls, have always been distinguished by the desire to do all kinds of hairstyles for ourselves. I am sure that long, well-groomed hair suits a woman of any age. “

“Of course, they pay attention to me and give compliments. But, oddly enough, in the first place everyone notices the length of the hair, but their color. And I am very pleased with the attention from the stronger sex. Fortunately, at the school desk, they never pulled my pigtails, and my hair remained intact! (laughs). I also did not hear any disapproving words from the girls. On the contrary, I often hear: “But if I hadn’t cut it, I would have had such hair too” or “I want it that way too.” Well, probably, if you make an effort and desire, any girl will be able to achieve such a result and grow hair like mine, or even longer. “

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