Many gardeners and summer residents of Siberia dream of growing hydrangea in their garden, but because of the harsh climatic conditions they do not dare to do so. Thanks to the work of breeders, new frost-resistant flower varieties have appeared that are suitable for planting in the northern regions of the country. Growing hydrangeas in Siberia requires certain knowledge and regular care, but the result is worth the effort.
Selecting the right variety
For cultivation in the harsh climate of Siberia, varieties of tree-like and paniculate hydrangeas are used, which tolerate frost well. In order for the plant to take root, it is better to buy seeds and seedlings from experienced, local gardeners.
Tree hydrangea can grow up to 3 meters in height. The most frost-resistant and spectacular of its species: Anabel, Grandiflora and Invincibelle. The shrub blooms from July to the end of autumn.
Paniculata hydrangea is usually used to decorate parks and gardens. Some shrubs stretch up to 10 meters in height and produce large inflorescences. In Siberia, the following varieties of panicled hydrangea have proven themselves well: Limelight, Magical Flutes, Pink Diamond, Magical Fire. For a small area, dwarf varieties up to 1 meter high are suitable. These include Vanilla Fresh, Sunday Fresh and Bobo.
The photo shows panicled hydrangea.
Other varieties of hydrangeas can be grown in Siberian conditions, but this is a laborious process. Every autumn, the plant will have to be dug up and moved to a cool room. And with the advent of spring, plant again on the site.
Features of agricultural technology
It is not difficult to grow hydrangea in Siberia. But in order for the bush to take root and grow well, planting must be carried out taking into account the climate of the area. Properly chosen place and optimal soil composition guarantees abundant flowering.
Site Selection
Hydrangea feels comfortable in lit areas, but direct sunlight burns shrubs. Therefore, the flower is planted in a shaded place. Since there are very cold winds in Siberia, you need to find a quiet place for hydrangeas. The best option is to place the plant next to the fence or against the wall of any building. Lilac, vesicle or spirea shrubs are well suited for hedges.
Hydrangea loves fertile and slightly acidic soil. In alkaline soil, the plant develops slowly, and its inflorescences and leaves are pale. It is undesirable to plant hydrangea in red soil and sandy soil.
Planting pit preparation
In Siberia, hydrangea seedlings are planted in late spring, in the second half of May. By this time, the soil will have time to warm up and soak with melt water. A couple of weeks before planting a seedling, they prepare a pit:
- Dig a hole in the selected area not less than 50×50 and a depth of 40-60 cm. For an adult plant, a freer pit is required – 80×80.
- The top layer of soil, 18-20 cm thick, is laid separately.
- 20-30 liters of water are poured into the recess. Leave for a day so that the soil is well saturated with moisture.
- The deposited soil is mixed with peat, sand and humus in a ratio of 2:2:1:1. Urea, superphosphate and potassium sulfide can be added to the mixture.
- The soil mixture is mixed and poured into the planting hole. A small mound should form.
Landing scheme
Roots and shoots are pruned before planting. Only a few buds need to be left on it. The plant is carefully lowered into the prepared hole, and its roots are straightened. Cover with soil and lightly tamp. The root neck of the hydrangea should be at ground level. A depth of 2 cm is allowed.
After planting, the flower is watered abundantly so that water seeps to a depth of 30-40 cm. If there are several bushes, then the interval between them should be at least 250 cm. To preserve moisture, the hydrangea is mulched. To do this, wood chips, needles, peat chips or leaves are laid out around the bush with a layer of about 10 cm.
Care instructions
Hydrangea planted in Siberia does not require special care. But in order for the flower to be strong and healthy, you need to follow the basic rules and recommendations.
Hydrangea loves moisture. Drought can lead to disruption of flower growth and development. The plant is watered every 14-16 days with 1-2 buckets of water. In dry and hot weather, the bush is irrigated every week. In rainy summers, 4-5 waterings per season are enough. The procedure is carried out in the morning or in the evening, when the sun is not so active. To help the plant survive the winter in Siberia, moisture-charging watering is carried out in the fall.
Hydrangea prefers soft and warm water. Experienced gardeners add 2-3 g of potassium permanganate to the watering can, which prevents rot.
Hydrangea growing in Siberia needs regular pruning. In the spring, the procedure is performed before the awakening of the kidneys. The best time is the second half of April. Shoots of tree hydrangea are cut to 3 buds from the ground. To give the desired shape to the shrub, weak and inward-growing branches are removed. Panicled hydrangea is cut differently – last year’s stems are shortened by one third. In autumn, faded inflorescences are cut off.
To rejuvenate an old bush, you need to cut off all the shoots at a height of 5-6 cm from the ground. Next spring, young branches will appear, and the decorative effect of the flower will be restored.
Additional fertilizing
In order for the hydrangea in Siberia to bloom profusely and magnificently, it needs to be fed. For the whole season, the plant is fertilized 3-4 times:
- Early spring, early to mid-May. For each square meter of land, 20-25 g of urea, 25-30 g of superphosphate and 20 g of potassium sulfate are added. Feeding is repeated after two weeks.
- during bud formation. 60-80 g of superphosphate and 40-45 g of potassium sulfate are diluted in water and the plant is watered with the resulting solution.
- After flowering, 6-7 kg of compost or rotted manure is added under each bush.
For top dressing wood ash is not recommended. It must be remembered that excess fertilizer will do more harm than good.
Shelter and preparation for the winter
Even the most cold-resistant variety of hydrangea will not survive the frost in Siberia without shelter. To prevent the plant from freezing, perform the following steps:
- The shrub is spudded with soil, and the trunk circle is mulched with dry foliage, peat, needles or rotted manure.
- Plant wrapped in burlap or any other covering material. They bend the stems to the ground and fix the structure with stones, cover it with sawdust, spruce branches or dry foliage on top.
- If the bush is large, then it is carefully pulled together with a rope. Around him form a wire frame shelter, which should be 8-11 cm higher than the flower. The hut is filled with dry leaves, and a film or roofing felt is pulled over it.
When snow falls, a snowdrift can be collected around the hydrangea, which will serve as additional protection. It will not only insulate the shrub, but also nourish it with moisture with the advent of spring.
Shrub propagation
Hydrangea in Siberia is propagated by several methods:
- seeds;
- cuttings;
- layering.
Growing hydrangeas from seeds is a long and laborious method., which is used very rarely. In the conditions of Siberia, it is almost impossible to grow a flower in open ground. Therefore, for several years, seedlings are grown in boxes, and only then the grown plant is planted on the site.
Gardeners of Siberia prefer to propagate hydrangea cuttings. To do this, the leafy part of the stem with 2-3 buds is cut from young plants. It is best to cut cuttings from side shoots grown on last year’s growths. The cut part of the plant is placed in a growth stimulator solution for 2 hours. Cuttings are rooted in open ground under a film or in a greenhouse. So that the young flower does not die from the Siberian frost, it is dug up for the winter and transplanted into a box. The container is cleaned in a closed cool room. With the advent of spring, the shrub is planted in open ground.
Hydrangea is propagated by layering in early spring. Grooves are dug around the bush about 2 cm deep. The lower shoots of the shrub are laid in them and sprinkled with soil. In this case, the end of the escape must remain on the surface. A year later, the layers are separated from the mother bush.
Diseases and pests
Hydrangea growing in Siberia is susceptible to downy mildew or downy mildew. Fat spots appear on the leaves, and a yellow coating forms on the stems. Bushes should be sprayed with the following solution: 140 g green soap and 15 g blue vitriol dilute in a large bucket of water.
The flower may be affected chlorosome. The leaves turn yellow and brighten, there is a deformation of the buds and the shallowing of the foliage. Reason – the plant lacks iron. To process Hydrangea, a solution is prepared from 2 g of ferrous sulfate, 4 g of citric acid and 1 liter of water, or from 40 g of potassium nitrate and 10 liters of water.
Of the pests, the bush attacks spider mite. The leaves begin to dry up and fall off. To save the flower, it is treated with a solution of thiophos (7 g of the substance is diluted in a bucket of water). Aphids can live on hydrangea leaves, which suck the juices from the plant. To reduce the number of insects, the site is cleared of weeds and the bush is treated with insecticides.
Hydrangea is an unpretentious flower that can be grown even in the harsh climatic conditions of Siberia. But in order for the plant to please with lush and long flowering, efforts must be made. The bush needs careful care and shelter for the winter. Then the hydrangea will feel comfortable even in Siberian, severe frosts.