Hazelnuts are commonly referred to as cultivated hazel, a type of hazel. It is this species that most often takes root among lovers of gardening. Most often it is propagated using natural shoots, but it is no secret to anyone that hazel can be bred using hazelnuts.
General information
Hazelnut is a perennial plant, which is an analogue of the wild-growing forest hazel culture, which develops in the form of a shrub and reaches a height of four meters. One hazel bush can produce inflorescences of different sexes: female buds that open together with leaves, and male buds, whose ripening period falls on a slightly earlier period.
If we talk about the natural cycle of development, then male earrings appear in early spring and function exactly until the moment when female buds open (and this happens simultaneously with the start of the natural development of foliage). As a rule, the appearance of male buds does not come into contact with the female period, so a situation arises when a hazel of one species grows on a site, difficulties arise with the pollination process.
In fact, the hazelnut fruit is a medium-sized rounded nut, protected by a woody shell and storing a sweetish nut inside. Often, the growth of culture is not associated with any difficulties, therefore, the opinion has become stronger that hazelnuts do not require special care, on the contrary, the decorative properties of the shrub will bring aesthetic pleasure to you and your descendants.
Video “Growing”
From the video you will learn how to grow hazelnuts.
Taking on a difficult task, such as growing hazelnuts, one should not miss the moment of light-loving culture: the plant is planted in those places where young shoots will receive maximum sunlight and heat. At the same time, it is better if the soil on which the planting is supposed to be well-moistened and well-drained. As you know, hazelnut is a fairly moisture-loving plant, but it does not tolerate excess water in the soil. An excess of moisture in the soil can lead to the development of fungal diseases or other infections.
Walnut cultivation
As a rule, few use the method of how to grow hazelnuts from a nut: this is due to the fact that the grown plant basically does not inherit the characteristics of the mother’s body, as a result, such trees will begin to bear fruit no earlier than in 10 years. There are a few tips that will allow you to grow a full-fledged shrub without any particular difficulties:
- in order to propagate the culture, it is worth choosing only mature, full-fledged fruits, without the effect of damage;
- before sowing the selected nuts, they must be stratified for a period of at least 5 months;
- so that the seed does not deteriorate during the specified period, it must be checked regularly, diagnosing the condition of the seeds and preventing them from becoming unusable. In the case when the probability of damage to the seed is high enough, the nuts and the sand in which they are stored are mixed, and the spoiled material is destroyed.
You can plant a crop at any time of the year, but it is better in the spring. At the same time, it is better to carry out all the necessary procedures for fertilizing and preparing the location for planting the crop, digging and fertilizing the planting site properly.
At the same time, caring for young plantings will not be difficult. All that needs to be done is to loosen the soil in a timely manner, carry out fertilizer, and also do not forget to weed weeds.
If necessary, after two years, young hazelnut plants can be transferred to the place of permanent habitat of the culture.
Diseases and pests
As long-term practice shows, hazel bushes are quite resistant to numerous diseases. However, if there are favorable factors, namely, wetlands or excessive watering, certain problems may arise. The main danger is fungal infections, the fight against which takes a lot of time and effort. We must not forget about the need for annual treatment of shrubs from pests, while spraying is best done at least twice a year.
Hazelnut is a nut whose composition can cause envy among many other members of this family, its kernels are more than half made up of nut oil, being also a source of proteins and carbohydrates. The value of hazelnuts is due not only to its high nutritional and taste qualities: it is also used as a medicine, having anti-inflammatory, softening and enveloping effects.
As you can see, hazelnuts should not be underestimated, and if you approach the cultivation of the crop in a complex way, you can not only get a high yield of hazel fruits, but also become the person who can say a new word in the history of pharmaceuticals, because we are sure that the reliable properties of drugs on are not well understood today.
Video “Sowing”
From the video you will learn how to sow hazelnuts.
Author: Svetlana Galitsina