How to grow ginger from the root in the country
Forecasters promise warming soon, which means that we will have time to plant a spicy plant in the open ground so that we can drink tea with our own ginger in the fall. In the meantime, we study the theory.
Everyone already knows about the beneficial properties of the “horned root”, as it is called in South Asia – decoctions of ginger root are used for colds and dietary nutrition, treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, oil is used for massage and sedative psychoanalysis sessions, etc. etc.
Many people appreciate it for the spicy taste that it gives to tea, for the sharp “petals” of the pickled root, which are served as a seasoning for many dishes of oriental cuisine.
Usually we go to the store for ginger. But it can be grown – both at home, from the spine bought in the supermarket, and in the country. Moreover, in the summer, while the soil will gain its volume and accumulate rhizome amino acids, the upper part of the plant will pleasantly delight the eye. Growing ginger is a real exotic at their summer cottage. It looks like a tall bush one and a half to two meters high, with a thin stem and pressed narrow leaves, somewhat reminiscent of a cypress.
It looks like a blooming ginger
For decorative purposes, you need to plant several tubers at some distance from each other. True, in one season ginger is unlikely to give out buds, but if you organize the care it needs for this, you will be surprised at the bright unusual beauty of its flowers. And don’t be intimidated by the southern origin of ginger – gardeners have long been accustomed to growing it in an open area in different climatic conditions.
Where to start?
We start by buying planting material – this can be done at the nearest supermarket or in the market. We are guided by the usual criteria when buying root crops: the root should be light golden in color, young, dense, smooth, without damage or traces of rot.
At home, we immerse the root in warm water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate for several hours. This procedure will help rinse off the solution that is used in industrial production in order to keep the root without germination as long as possible. And at the same time, the kidneys will “wake up” in the water. Next, using a sharp thin knife, cut the tubers into small pieces about 5 centimeters wide, so that each has one or two buds. Sprinkle the place of the cut with activated carbon.
Choosing a place on the site
Naturally, ginger grows in tropical forests – it needs warm weather, bright lighting and good humidity. The plant must be protected from strong winds, drafts and bright sun. And, since ginger loves space, there should also be a lot of space in the open area.
If your region’s climate is harsh for exotic plants, plant ginger in a greenhouse or greenhouse. It will be even better for him – the conditions (humidity, calmness and warmth) will be closer to natural ones. A greenhouse can even be built from an old barrel.
You can insure against spring temperature changes by covering the beds with film material when planting. In the southern regions, ginger grows easily outdoors.
Preparation and landing
Here is an important point: ginger will appreciate moisture, but not excess water in the soil, the roots can rot. Provide the planting site with good drainage and drainage in case of heavy rainfall.
Before planting, destroy the weeds, dig up the ground and loosen with a rake. For ginger, a nutrient soil of neutral acidity is ideal. It is possible to improve the quality of the soil with a composition of part of the sod land with one part of sand and two parts of leaf humus.
Pieces of ginger rhizomes with outlined “eyes” will be laid horizontally into prepared grooves with a depth of no more than 20 cm and at a distance of at least 20 cm from each other. Do not forget about drainage: at the bottom of the recess, lay expanded clay and cover it with a three-centimeter layer of sand. After the tubers are laid out, sprinkle on top with a small layer of soil so that the buds can easily hatch. Water the garden bed with warm water from a spray bottle. Further, until the plant has risen, we make sure that the soil does not dry out, watering is needed regularly.
What kind of care is required
The first shoots will appear in a month and a half. We continue to monitor watering, checking the soil for moisture. The grown plant also needs to be irrigated, it is recommended to do this in the evening. In addition, the soil needs to be loosened regularly, while removing weeds.
Ginger needs feeding. They should be brought in every 10-15 days. Starting in August, water the plant with fertilizers containing potassium, this will speed up the formation of the root system. If you grow ginger for decorative purposes, then phosphate fertilizers are good for feeding. And if the plant is needed in order to harvest the roots, then fertilizer will not work: with the appearance of flowers, the tubers slow down growth and lose their beneficial properties.
When caring for ginger, it is important to protect it from negative weather conditions: summer heat has come – increase watering and evening irrigation, from gusts of wind – build mechanical protection if possible.
When to harvest
Ginger roots are harvested around early October. A sign of ripening is the wilting of the upper part of the plant – yellow leaves and shoots. Already from September, you need to gradually reduce watering, keeping the soil until dry. Harvest by digging in the ginger bushes with a shovel. The stems are removed, the roots are cleaned from the ground and dried.