We grow an early harvest in a greenhouse or greenhouse. The first vegetables will be on the table in May – early June. Our consultant – engineer of landscape gardening and landscape construction Natalia Krasnikova gives valuable advice.
March 1 2017
First, check the bins. You can buy tubers at the store (usually in March they sell potatoes suitable for early planting). If the kidneys woke up on the potato, then the experiment can be carried out. Cut off the part of the tuber with eyes or sprouts. Wind the cuts or dust them with wood ash (crushed charcoal). Use the rest of the tuber for food. Plant the pieces with sprouts as seedlings in pots or in transparent 1,5- and 2-liter plastic bottles, having previously cut off the necks. Put drainage on the bottom of the bottle (eggshell is suitable), sprinkle with nutritious soil and plant potatoes, covering with earth. When pulling out the sprouts, gradually fill the top of the bottle with soil. This is how we hilling. We plant seedlings in March-April in a greenhouse or a warm greenhouse with additional shelter and subsequent hilling.
When to wait for the harvest: young potatoes will appear in May – early June.
Before planting, it is better to soak the seeds in growth stimulants, then keep them in a damp cloth or gauze for 1-2 days. After planting in the greenhouse, cover it with plastic wrap, and insulate the film with lutrasil (spunbond). As soon as the shoots hatch, the shelter needs to be raised by 15-20 cm. You can open the film during the day in sunny weather, and close it again at night. Water the seedlings once a week with warm water.
When to wait for the harvest: by mid-May.
Self-pollinated cucumbers are suitable for planting, for example “Ragtime F1”, “Picas F1”, “Raphael F1”, “April”, “Zozulya F1”, “Berendey F1”. Among the tomatoes, you need to choose varieties that do not require pinching, with a friendly ripening period, undersized (up to 40 cm): Snegirek, Garden Pearl, Pinocchio, Room Surprise, Minibel, Sanka, medium-sized ( up to 70 cm) “President F1”, “Greenhouse early maturing”.
First you need to get seedlings of cucumbers and tomatoes. We sow 1-2 cucumber seeds in a pot, since this vegetable does not tolerate transplanting. In tomatoes, we carry out a pick (pinching the main root by a third) for better root development. Before planting, hardening of seedlings is necessary. To do this, take the plants to the greenhouse, covering them with non-woven material, and plant them in the ground a few days later. When the plants are strong, root and foliar feed every 7-14 days. It is better to use an extract from natural organic fertilizers (humic, biohumus) and liquid mineral fertilizers: Uniflor Growth, Uniflor Bud, Uniflor Micro.
When to wait for the harvest: cucumbers will ripen in 50-60 days after sowing, tomatoes in 100 days.
By the end of spring, you get organic vegetables for your summer salad with new potatoes