Growing dill on a windowsill is fairly easy. However, compared, for example, with green onions, it requires mandatory illumination and even a single fertilization. Thanks to proper care, the first harvest can be obtained within 1,5 months after seed germination. The second wave will come after another month.
Is it possible to grow dill on the windowsill
It is quite possible to grow dill, parsley, onions and other herbs at home, since the right temperature is always maintained in the apartment. This is a simple process, but there are some nuances that should be considered.

For growing dill on the windowsill, special conditions are not required, the main thing is to provide good lighting.
In order to successfully grow dill on the windowsill in winter, beginners should pay attention to the main practical tips:
- it is desirable to plant plants in the spring, and harvest in the summer;
- even in the warm season (in cloudy weather), it is imperative to highlight the culture (day length is at least 12 hours);
- the temperature should be room temperature or slightly lower: the plant tolerates 13-15 ° C well;
- feed dill only after the first shoots appear, and water regularly so that the soil is moderately moist;
- it is better to buy seeds from a fresh crop and only in stores. You can collect them if the variety produces good greens. Before planting, they must be disinfected with potassium permanganate;
- the seeds of the plant do not germinate for a long time (for two weeks), this is normal – do not worry.
Otherwise, the rules for growing dill at home are practically no different from growing, for example, parsley. It needs to be watered regularly and most importantly – make sure that the greens do not fade and do not go into flower stalks. To do this, maintain an acceptable level of humidity by spraying, which is especially important in the hot season.
Varieties of dill for the windowsill
There is no special variety of dill for growing on the windowsill. For these purposes, one or another type can be selected, depending on the speed of its maturation.
- Gribovsky – a good early ripening variety, undemanding to care, tolerates temperature differences and various diseases. The greens smell good, bushy enough;
- Grenadier – another early ripe dill, which will give a quick harvest on the windowsill;
- Richelieu – fragrant dill with blue-green foliage, refers to mid-season varieties;
- Kibrai – late-ripening appearance, giving wide, beautiful leaves that are perfect for serving dishes;
- high-yielding late-ripening varieties of dill: Salute, Gourmet, size.

Grenadier – one of the classic salad varieties of dill
How to plant dill on a windowsill
Sowing dill on a windowsill is easy. To do this, you should choose a convenient container, purchase soil (or make it yourself) and prepare the seeds.
Soil preparation and planting capacity
Any soil for growing dill on the windowsill will do. For example, you can purchase seedling mix from the store or make your own. For this, several components are used:
- garden soil – 1 part;
- humus – 1 part;
- sand – 1 part;
- peat – 2 parts.
You can mix the same amount of humus with garden soil by adding 2-3 handfuls of sand. If in doubt, it is advisable to disinfect the soil by putting it overnight in a container with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
Any container for growing dill on the windowsill is suitable: small flower pots (volume 1,5-2 liters) or wooden boxes. The latter option is more practical – you can plant a whole row of greens.

In aesthetic terms, it is better to choose pots, then dill on the windowsill will decorate the interior
Preparation of planting material
You can plant dill at any time from March to the end of August. At the same time, early spring is considered the optimal time, since there will be fewer problems with backlighting due to natural sunlight. Dill is a heat-loving crop, and it is better to cultivate it in the summer season.
Dill on the windowsill is grown from seeds that must first be prepared. For several days they are laid out between layers of damp gauze, which is placed in a warm place, for example, next to the battery under the windowsill where dill will be grown. After 2-3 days, they start landing. A few hours before this, the seeds are treated. They are placed in a container with a weak, slightly pinkish solution of potassium permanganate. Water can be changed 1-2 times.
Rules for planting dill at home on the windowsill
Landing technology is very simple. It consists in the following points:
- The dill pot is washed and a small layer of small stones is placed on the bottom. Then pour the prepared soil
- Grooves are made on the surface.
- Seeds are planted to a depth of 1 cm.
- Sprinkle with soil on top, no need to tamp.
- Water abundantly and put in a warm place (temperature 25 ° C) for several days.
The container is covered with a film or glass, periodically removed so that the soil has time to dry out a little. At night, it is recommended to transfer the pot to the windowsill and open the window a little so that the temperature drops, for example, to 16-18 degrees.
The first shoots will appear after 10-15 days. Both in open ground and on the windowsill, dill grows rather slowly. The soil must be periodically moistened with a sprayer so that its surface always remains moderately wet (but not too much).
As soon as the first shoots appear, the film is removed, but the boxes continue to be kept in a warm place. After a week, it can be transferred to the windowsill, where room temperature (18-22 ° C) is maintained. In other conditions, dill will not feel as comfortable and may fade into color rather than green.
At the same time, an interval of at least 10 cm is maintained between the rows of seeds.

The first shoots of dill will appear 2 weeks after planting.
Dill care on the window
For the successful cultivation of dill on the windowsill, the main condition is to ensure stable lighting, moisture and a temperature not lower than room temperature.
Optimal conditions for growing dill on the windowsill in winter
Garden greens are very photophilous. Therefore, at home, you will need mandatory lighting with the help of one or more phyto- or fluorescent white lamps. Rules for their use:
- lamp power should be at least 100 watts to illuminate 1 m2 squares;
- hang it at a distance of 50 cm from the tops of the shoots;
- the total length of daylight hours is 12-15 hours;
- additional illumination is carried out not only during twilight, but also in cloudy weather;
- daily routine should be constant. For example, every day you can use the lamp from 8 to 22 hours;
- in summer, in sunny weather, additional lighting is used only for the northern and western windows.
Every day, the room must be ventilated to create conditions as close to natural as possible. It is not necessary to additionally humidify the air and greens from the sprayer, except for hot days. Moisturizing will also be needed if it is noticeable that the leaves have begun to wither.
Watering dill at home
Water the plant as needed 2-3 times a week, maintaining moderate soil moisture. Water for irrigation should be at room temperature. It is preliminary recommended to defend it for two days. If the house has a filter, it is better to use purified water, as tap water may be too hard.
How to feed dill on the windowsill
Despite the fact that dill belongs to unpretentious plants, top dressing is required when growing it on a windowsill. In a limited amount of land, nutrients are consumed faster, and the soil cannot be replenished with new compounds.
The first time top dressing is made after the appearance of three leaves. During this period, the plant needs a complex fertilizer with a high nitrogen content. Thanks to this, the grass will begin to grow even faster, and the greenery will be truly lush. The second (phosphate-potassium) top dressing can be applied at the stage of umbrella formation, but it is only needed to obtain seeds, and if there are no such plans, then it is not necessary to fertilize.

For a lush harvest, dill is enough to feed only once – after the first shoots.
Useful Tips
For the successful cultivation of dill at home, it is useful to know some tricks.
The first harvest is obtained within 6 weeks after germination. Greens need to be cut with a knife so that a distance of 10 cm remains between the nearest branches. This can stimulate further growth. As a result, the next crop can be harvested in a month.
In winter, it is advisable to water the greens with melt water. To do this, they collect snow in a pan, allow it to melt and warm up to room temperature.
For a small window, it is enough to buy 1 phytolamp and hang it in the center (often it is sold with a support, like an ordinary lamp).
In order for the plant to receive more light, the walls of the window can be laid out with several sheets of foil.
In May, containers with dill can be taken out to the balcony or to the glazed loggia. There they will be better ventilated and receive more sunlight. However, this is not necessary – under the conditions described, dill also feels good on the windowsill.
It is not necessary to specially treat with insecticides and other drugs, since at home the culture is practically not affected by infections or pests. The only problem can be associated with a lack of moisture – if the foliage begins to turn yellow or wither, watering should be increased. It will not be superfluous to spray the greenery in the evening, after sunset.
To grow dill on the windowsill, you will need a container and ordinary soil. Of the equipment, it is enough to purchase a phytolamp. These conditions are enough to get your own rich harvest of fragrant greenery.