How to grow cucumbers on the window
It’s very cool to grow cucumbers with your own hands, but not everyone has a summer cottage or time to travel to it. The easiest and most original way out of this situation is to grow cucumbers on the window! To implement the idea, you only need a box or pot of a suitable size and a properly selected variety of seeds. And if you grow cucumber seedlings for the greenhouse on the windowsill, then you can enjoy fresh fruits already at the beginning of summer.
How to grow cucumbers in an apartment by the window: tips for home gardeners
When choosing seeds, you need to focus on small bush varieties that do not require pollination, so that they have enough space on the window. For summer cultivation, planting seeds should be done in April, and if you dream of fresh cucumbers for the New Year, then in October.
Cucumbers grown on the window must be protected from drafts
When sowing in autumn, it is necessary to take care of additional lighting and warmth for the plant. Place the pot on the south or east side of the room. The air temperature for growing cucumbers must be at least 20 ° C
Before planting, the seeds are kept for 2 hours in a weak manganese solution for disinfection. The germination rate depends on the variety and air temperature, it must be at least 22 ° C. After the appearance of the 4-5th leaf, all the whiskers of the plant should be removed. Cucumbers need daily watering and proper feeding. Top dressing should be done once a week with mineral fertilizers. In a couple of weeks, you will be able to harvest your first crop!
Seedlings of cucumbers on the window – we grow ourselves
The main conditions for growing good seedlings are sufficient warmth, no drafts and plenty of light. The main steps in the process are as follows:
- Seed calibration performed – Submerge seeds in salt water. The unfit ones will float to the surface, they must be thrown away.
- Disinfection. Soak the seeds in a 1% manganese solution. If you purchased seeds in a special shell, then this step should be skipped.
- Place the seeds on a napkin moistened with growth stimulant. For the first shoots to appear, it is usually enough to keep them in a humid environment for 2-3 days.
- Fill the planting containers with prepared soil and gently plant the sprouted seeds.
- Cover each container with plastic wrap. This is done to create a greenhouse effect and maintain the desired temperature. The film is removed after germination.
After germination of 2 leaves, the first feeding of the seedlings is required. You need to take 2-3 tsp. nitrophosphate, dilute in 3 liters of water and pour the seedlings with this solution. The second feeding is carried out in two weeks. Remember that cucumbers need to be watered daily with warm water.
If you follow all the recommendations, you will get an excellent harvest of your own cucumbers. Agree, this is not very troublesome, but very nice!