How to grow bonsai or dwarf plants

Bonsai originated over a thousand years ago in China, but it was in Japan that this method grew to the level of fine art. In Japanese, the word “bonsai” means not just a dwarf plant, but the culture of its breeding on a tray, in a shallow pot, dish or on a pallet.

For many centuries, the Japanese have lived in a rich natural environment and in a continuous change of seasons, which has developed in them the desire to reproduce their native landscapes in miniature. In the XIV century, bonsai was carried away by aristocrats, Buddhist monks and high-ranking samurai. A bonsai bonsai tree is more than just a houseplant grown for beautiful leaves and colors.

The main part of the exposition at the Bonsai Center is a collection of evergreen trees native to Southeast Asia, Europe and Japan. And also specimens grown by Russian bonsai masters.

  • Gallery of the Moscow “Bonsai Center”
  • Moscow, st. Shukhov, 8.
  • Opening hours: Mon-Fri 8:00 – 20:00, Sat-Sun 10:00 – 18:00.
  • The exhibition will run until December 31, 2008.
  • All the details here.

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