How to grow beans in the country, at home, in the open field,

How to grow beans in the country, at home, in the open field,

Looking to harvest tasty and nutritious beans from your garden? Or maybe you dream of raising her at home? In this article, you will learn how to grow beans.

How to grow beans outdoors

Preparing the soil and beans.

Beans are thermophilic; it is recommended to plant them in open ground no earlier than May, when the probability of frost fades away.

Before planting it, you need to prepare the soil: dig it up, drill it well so that it is soft and crumbly. If the soil in your area is viscous, you need to add sand to it, otherwise the beans will not take root.

You can feed the soil with compost, wood ash. Before planting, it must be disinfected. This is done with a light pink solution of potassium permanganate, you need to spray the ground well with it.

Before planting, beans must be sorted out, damaged, rotten, shriveled beans must be removed.

To prevent the beans from becoming a victim of pests, they should be washed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Before planting, it is recommended to soak it overnight in cold water, but if you do not have time, you can do without it: just fill the beans with hot water for 10-15 minutes and plant them in the ground.

Landing in the ground.

You need to plant beans like this:

  • make grooves 5 cm deep in the soil;

  • pour them well with water;

  • sprinkle the bottom of the grooves with a thin layer of humus;

  • the beans should be laid out at a distance of about 15 cm so that they do not oppress each other;

  • the grooves are sprinkled with soil, and on top they are laid with a small layer of sawdust.

After planting, the garden bed should be well watered and covered with foil. In the daytime, in good weather, it should be removed to ensure air circulation, and when seedlings appear, remove it altogether.

There is also a dry planting method. When the grooves are not watered, the beans are planted in dry soil, which, after planting, is mulched: they are covered with a layer of cut grass 10 cm thick, and poured abundantly with water on top. In order not to disturb the structure of the soil, watering should be carried out with a watering can with a perforated nozzle.

Mulch will create the right microclimate and protect the soil from environmental influences. When shoots appear, it is carefully removed from the garden.

Shoot care.

How to grow beans in the country? Bean shoots twist, so for them you need to make supports from slats at an angle. As soon as the shoots reach 2 m in length, the tips need to be pinched off so that the energy of the plant is spent on ripening the fruits, and not intensive growth.

The soil around the shoots should be regularly loosened and watered. If this is not possible, use mulching.

If at some stage of growing there is a threat of frost, the bed must be covered with a film, otherwise the seedlings will die.

In order for pollination to proceed properly, it is worth attracting as many pollinating insects as possible to the site; spraying the beans with sugar syrup is well suited for this.

For fresh consumption, the pods are harvested as they ripen, for storage – after the pods turn yellow.

Growing beans isn’t that hard

How to grow beans at home?

It is extremely problematic to grow a full-fledged crop of legumes in a city apartment, the plant needs much more space, soil, air and pollinating insects than can be found at home. Therefore, beans are usually not grown at home, but are germinated for planting in the ground or adding useful sprouts to food. How to do it?

  • remove unusable seeds, put in a container, fill with water;

  • rinse the beans after 5 hours;

  • put a piece of pure cotton on a flat plate, seeds on it, moisten well;

  • cover the top with another piece of cloth soaked in warm water. Beans should be completely covered with a damp cloth or gauze. Place the plate in a warm place;

  • approximately every 6 hours, the beans need to be washed, moistened with a cloth.

It is not difficult to grow beans, they grow quickly and are well stored, and bean sprouts will saturate the body with vitamins and microelements.

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