It is widely known that you can grow fragrant basil in a pot on your own windowsill throughout the year. Agree, the spicy basil aroma creates a unique atmosphere of comfort at home. However, having set such a goal, we often encounter difficulties. And if the main problem is nothing more than compliance with the rules of agricultural technology, the presented material will certainly come in handy.
Varieties for growing at home
Growing basil at home involves the use of small-leaved low-growing varieties: it is better if the plant does not grow more than half a meter up.
The following varieties have proven themselves well in apartment cultivation:
- dwarf forms a small compact bush, no more than 20 cm high. It has a high decorative effect, therefore it is often grown by housewives not only for spicy-aromatic greenery, but also simply for beauty. Especially if you plant plants of different colors – green and purple;
- marquis is another popular variety with a medium early ripening period and small growth – only up to 25 cm. This type of spice has a pronounced clove-pepper aroma;
- troll – bushes reach 40 cm in height, the leaves are small, purple-green.
Video “Benefit”
From the video you will learn about the benefits of the spicy basil plant.
What conditions are required for growing
For basil, deep, capacious containers are best suited: the culture has a fairly powerful, well-developed root system. Under the soil, it is imperative to place a drainage layer consisting of expanded clay or fine gravel – the plant needs abundant watering, but in such a way that good water permeability of the soil is maintained and the water does not stagnate.
The soil should contain humus, peat and clay. Basil belongs to light-loving crops, so a sunny window sill is best for growing it, even in winter, a central heating battery will provide enough heat for the seedlings.
If natural lighting is not enough (when the window sill faces the north side), it makes sense to organize additional illumination. It is very important to provide the sprouts with effective protection against drafts.
In order for the germination of basil to be successful, it is important to provide it with a temperature of at least +25 degrees. April is considered the best time for sowing seeds, then for the period of active development of plants they will receive a sufficient amount of light and heat. But if you are a fairly experienced indoor grower, you can sow basil at any time of the year and place boxes on the kitchen windowsill: a battery and additional lighting can easily replace the sun’s rays.
Basil cuttings
There are two ways to grow a spice: germinate from seeds or root cuttings. When cutting, use the upper or middle part of the adult shoot. The selected material is placed in a container with water, where the seedlings should give roots. This usually happens within seven days, and after another week they can be planted in the ground. Or you can try to root the cuttings immediately in the ground, for this you will have to organize a small greenhouse, covering the cutting with a jar or a cut plastic bottle.
As a rule, rooting of basil occurs quickly and without problems, and very soon the plant will reach a size that allows you to collect the first crop. However, cuttings that have just taken root are very capricious and whimsical, while sown plants are more viable and hardy. That is why sowing is considered more practical options.
Sowing and preparation for it
Pre-sowing treatment will be required for both soil and seeds. If you decide to use the soil collected by yourself, be sure to decontaminate it by heating the soil in the oven for an hour. Those mixtures that are sold in specialized stores do not need additional processing.
On the eve of sowing, the seeds should be soaked for 24 hours in a special growth stimulator or simply between two layers of damp cloth.
It is necessary to make shallow grooves in the soil, no more than 1 cm, keeping a distance between rows of about 10 cm. At the same time, when sowing seeds, keep a distance between grains in a row of at least 7 cm. Crops are sprinkled with earth and moistened. After that, it is necessary to cover the container with glass or a transparent film, and place it in a warm place. It usually takes about a week to germinate. Young seedlings need to provide a sufficient level of lighting: daylight hours for them should last at least 16 hours.
As soon as the sprouts grow to 5 cm, they can be planted in separate containers or transferred to a deeper box.
Until young seedlings reach 5 cm, it is enough just to water them, without resorting to loosening. After the plants are sufficiently rooted, the ground around them needs to be loosened every few days. Basil is watered at about the same frequency, when the earth ball dries out a little. You should not allow waterlogging of the soil, the roots can be affected by a fungus or other infection. Watering is best done in the morning, using water at room temperature. For the first time, you can feed the plants at the stage of the appearance of two or three leaves, and then – about once a month.
To stimulate the intensive development of green mass and side shoots, you can pinch the top, but not before the bush forms 5-6 true leaves. When the plant forms an ovary, it must be removed (unless, of course, you plan to grow the spice for seeds). So you can extend the growth period of the bush, and the leaves themselves will be more fragrant.
In room conditions, basil develops rather slowly. It is not worth picking off the leaves until the plant grows to at least 10 cm. And even after that, it is better to start collecting by breaking off the tops or excessively elongated side shoots so that the plant bushes better. If necessary, you can cut off almost the entire bush, leaving only 4 lower leaves, such a plant will again give lateral shoots formed from the axils of the remaining leaves.
Possible problems
Concerned about how to grow basil at home, you may encounter the problem of gray mold, which appears as a result of excessive watering. It is better to remove the affected plant, and sprinkle the earth with ash and loosen it.
Video “Growing at home”
From the video you will learn how to grow basil at home.