How to grow banana seeds at home
Do you want to eat fresh bananas all year round, and the prices on the market “bite” strongly? Then plant an exotic plant at home! But before that, let’s find out how to get a banana from seeds, how to properly care for it and which plant variety is best.
Banana from seeds: how to choose
There are 2 types of bananas – decorative and fruit. Decorative varieties include lavender, bright red and velvety varieties. They are grown for landscaping and interior decoration.
Fruit bananas are edible and most delicious. Among them, the Cavendish dwarf, the Kiev dwarf and the Kiev superdwarf are distinguished. They grow well on plantations and at home.
Choose bananas based on their type, height, method of propagation, care, and fruiting.
The listed varieties of fruit bananas grow up to 2 m, when their other counterparts reach a height of 12 m. Due to their low growth, they are grown in residential premises.
Edible bananas are hybrids that propagate vegetatively because they do not have seeds. Therefore, it is impossible to grow them on your own – you can buy a germinated young shoot or an adult plant.
For decor, varieties of any undersized bananas that are sold in the store are suitable. Some of them are eaten, but they have a low taste in comparison with store ones.
The fruiting and growth of a banana from seeds directly depends on climatic conditions and care.
How to grow a banana from seeds
Ornamental banana seeds are covered with a strong shell – scratch it slightly before planting so that the future shoot can receive water and nutrients. Just don’t damage the seed.
To grow a banana, you need a substrate, drainage and a 5–7 liter pot. How to plant a banana:
- Remove the topsoil 5–10 cm thick from under linden, birch or acacia.
- Mix soil with wood ash, river sand and vermicompost. Pour the resulting mixture with boiling water for disinfection.
- Use small pebbles or expanded clay for drainage. The height of the first drainage layer is 1,5–2 cm.
- The drainage is followed by a layer of substrate – wet sand 4 cm high.
- Cover the substrate with soil up to the edges of the pot.
- Press the seed into the soil without falling asleep from above.
- Cover the pot with plastic wrap and store in a lighted place out of direct sunlight.
Banana loves water, light and fertilizers. Water it liberally when the topsoil is completely dry and spray the plant’s leaves with warm water. The optimum room temperature is 25–30 ° C.
Banana is a light-loving plant, but it gets sick and dies from the action of direct sunlight. Therefore, watch the plant: in summer, take it out to the balcony or street under the shade of trees, and in winter, keep it on the windowsill.
After 2-3 months after planting, a green outgrowth of the plant will appear. Intensive development will begin: it will bloom, give offspring, fruits and die. Separate the banana babies and transplant them into separate pots.
Feed the plant with herbal tinctures and vermicompost. For banana, infusions of weeds, quinoa and lupine are useful, and chicken and pork humus are harmful. Important: dressing is added to moist soil so as not to burn the plant.
Grow a banana from seeds at home, following basic planting and care rules. But do not forget that each variety has its own characteristics and requirements.
Jeg bor i spania og opplevde noe merkelig da jeg skulle legge bananskall oppe på jorda til en plante jeg har fordi jeg husker bestemor sa at det var god gjødsel. Etter noen uker så begynner bananskallet og spire og bli til en liten plant. Eneste jeg har gjort er å vanne eksisterende plante og det her hadde jeg ikke forventet