How to grow and when to remove onion sets from the garden

How to grow and when to remove onion sets from the garden

By planting onion sets rather than onion seeds, the gardener grows a more hardy plant that is resistant to diseases and pests. With this planting option, the likelihood of harvesting a generous harvest in summer becomes higher.

How to grow onion sets from seeds

There are two ways to grow onions from sets in the garden: buy sets for planting at the bazaar, or grow it yourself. Onions bought for planting will not always give a good harvest, so growing your own set from seeds is a more reliable way to get a high-quality onion harvest.

Onion sets are more resistant to diseases and pests than seeds and seedlings

It is better to place a garden bed for growing sevka under the sun in a well-ventilated place. In order to avoid various diseases that onions are susceptible to, it should not be planted for two years in a row in the same place.

Seeds are planted in mid-April after the snow melts:

  1. The seeds must first be soaked in water or in a damp cloth.
  2. Dry and treat them with remedies for onion diseases.
  3. Place the treated seeds in rows in the grooves. The distance between the seeds in the row should be about 1 cm. If it is larger, the seed will grow larger than necessary and become unsuitable for planting. And if the distance is less, then the bow will have to be thinned.
  4. It is advisable to cover the garden bed with a covering material so that the seeds take up better and do not freeze from sudden frost.

After planting the seeds, you need to take care of the garden bed: weed, loosen, water. One month before the planned harvesting of onions, it should stop watering.

When the onion sets are removed from the garden

Cleaning takes place from late July to early August. By this time, the feather should turn yellow, and the top layer of yellow husk has formed on the bulb. If the summer was rich in rains, then the onion sets must be removed without waiting for its final ripeness. Otherwise, it will be poorly stored and deteriorate until spring.

It is customary to dig such a crop in dry weather and leave it in the garden for several days to let it dry in the sun and wind. Then it is brought into the room and continues to dry in a dry place with good air circulation. To do this, lay it out in an even layer on a dry surface. To prevent decay of the bulbs, they must be periodically agitated.

The storage temperature of onion sets should be + 18–20 ° С

After 2-3 weeks, when the feathers are completely dry, they are trimmed. Next, the resulting set is sorted by size. A medium-sized sevok is used for planting in the spring because it will yield a better onion yield than a small one. And large bulbs are used to produce greens.

Dry sets are placed in nylon nets and hung in a closed dry place until spring. And with the onset of warm days, they plant it in the garden.

In April, you should get sorted onions for planting. Before planting, the onions are sorted again and heated at about 40 ° C for the whole day. This will help to reap a higher yield.

You need to choose a bed for him in the same way as for planting seeds last year. The best place for a garden bed is the soil from the zucchini, cabbage or cucumbers that grew here last summer. Sowing begins in mid-April.

The smallest bulbs are planted before everyone else, as they are not afraid of frost and will take longer for them to grow a good harvest. Large bulbs are planted a little later – when the heat is established and frosts pass. If this is not taken into account, then instead of the harvest of onions, green arrows form.

Planting stages:

  1. The bed must be dug up, fertilized and grooved on it.
  2. To deepen each onion into the ground by about 3 cm, and maintain the distance between them 7-8 cm.
  3. Sprinkle the planted seeds with earth and level.

After planting, onions require frequent watering. All other care and harvesting is done in the same way as when growing seedlings.

By learning this simple yet most effective method of planting and growing onions, you will always have a rich vegetable crop. Onions sown in this way are the most resistant to diseases and parasites, and the harvest ripens earlier and more abundantly.

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