How to grow a walnut from a fruit: rules and recommendations

Walnut is a very durable plant that gives useful fruits. It lives for about 300 years and does not need special care. It has a powerful root system that penetrates deep into the soil. Loves light and moisture. Thus, it is very easy to understand where the walnut grows. Most often it is a good fertile soil with the presence of groundwater to maintain moisture.

Preparation of seeds (nuts)

To understand how to grow a walnut from a nut, it is important to choose the right fruit, because the main way to plant this tree is to propagate by seeds.How to grow a walnut from a fruit: rules and recommendations

Nut germination occurs after one year. For sowing, large fruits with a thin shell and good taste characteristics are selected. Take only whole nuts without any damage. They can be collected when they have fallen or knocked down from a tree.

The shell should have a good appearance, without damaged segments, spots, dots. It is not advised to use store-bought fruits, they may be old and unsuitable for growing.

The pericarp can not be removed, but in this case the germination process will slow down. When peeling, it is advisable not to damage the inner skin, but to detach only the outer shell.

It is recommended to use rubber gloves or any other hand protection during the process, since dark, poorly washed spots can be obtained when working with a nut.

The peeled nut should be placed in a bucket of water. Those fruits that have sunk to the bottom, select for planting, as they do not have damaged kernels.

After the nuts are peeled, they should be dried. To do this, they are laid out in the sun, laying out in one layer. After a couple of days, they hide in the shade to dry out. Do not keep seeds near heating appliances. Fruits intended for autumn planting do not need drying.

Video “Growing from seeds”

From the video you will learn how to grow a nut from seeds.

Growing of walnuts from seeds

Planting seeds in open ground

It is important to understand not only how to germinate seeds, but also how to plant them in open ground. You can do this in autumn or spring.

In the autumn, seeds are sown immediately in a permanent place, because later, when transplanting, you can damage the root and “kill” the plant. 

The diameter and depth of the pits should be up to 1 meter, it will provide the necessary amount of nutrients for the future tree. Seeds are deepened by 15-20 centimeters and covered with a mixture of soil with humus.How to grow a walnut from a fruit: rules and recommendations

In addition, in order to understand how a walnut grows, one should also follow the rules for planting it in order to get good fruiting. So, the seeds should be laid seam up.

There are about three fruits per hole, which are placed at a distance of 20-25 centimeters from each other. When planting, nuts are laid in the form of a geometric figure, depending on their number (three seeds – a triangle, four – a square).

Having filled the hole, the mound that forms should be tamped. The strongest is chosen from the grown seeds, and watering of young trees is carried out from May to July for 1 square meter four buckets of water. If the weather pleases with precipitation, then watering is not carried out, and when summer ends, it stops altogether.

If the landing is carried out in the spring, then the process itself is carried out in May. Until this time, the seeds are stored in a cool place. Stratification is carried out in 3-4 months. Nuts are planted at a temperature of + 4 + 7 degrees in wet sand. Before that, they can be kept in a jar of water, at room temperature.

Seeds are deepened by 7-9 centimeters. After 10 days, a growing seedling can be observed. By autumn, it already reaches 15 centimeters. Initially, the growth process occurs upwards, and then the trunk becomes denser over time. With abundant watering, they reach a considerable length, but because of this, they endure the cold season more difficult.

Preparing a seedling for planting in the garden

Some gardeners recommend, especially for beginners, growing with seedlings. In order for a walnut to grow and be cared for, you will need an equipped nursery and a lot of the nuts themselves.

For a nursery, a site that is good in terms of lighting and reliably protected from the wind is chosen. The soil in the area to be prepared is dug up and humus is added. This procedure is done in the fall.

Sow nuts in rows with a distance of 50 centimeters between them. Between the seedlings themselves, the distance should be at least 15 centimeters.

The earth periodically needs to be loosened and weeds removed. When dry, be sure to water regularly. After 1-2 years, the seedlings will be ready for transplanting to a permanent place. How to grow a walnut from a fruit: rules and recommendations

Having this nursery, there is a great opportunity to choose the seedling that will bear fruit best of all, as it is stronger among its “relatives”.

You can also grow a seedling in a pot. Then the collected material in the fall will be ready for transplantation by spring. To do this, the nuts are placed in water for several weeks. Then they are germinated in sufficiently moist sand, and after their germination they are transferred to a pot with fertile soil. Those plants that were grown at home must be hardened. To do this, in the settled warm weather, they are periodically taken out for a while to the street, to a windless place, protected from direct sunlight.

Choosing a place to plant a seedling

In order to have complete information on how to grow a walnut, you need to know how to choose a place to plant it. The yield in each year depends on the correctness of the place.

Since the walnut loves light, it is worth choosing a well-lit and spacious area, because the tree will need to spread the crown somewhere. Then the fruits will ripen on all branches.

The distance to the nearest tree should be at least 5 meters. Due to the fact that the walnut is a fairly tall tree, then later it can block the sunlight from the low trees that are planted near it.How to grow a walnut from a fruit: rules and recommendations

It is important to remember the power of the root system, so it is not advisable to plant near buildings in order to avoid damage to the foundation.

If the composition of the soil is not the most suitable, it must be fed. A tree is planted on the south or southwest side of the buildings.

Planting a seedling

In the process of planting a seedling for a permanent “place of residence”, it is very important to do this procedure carefully so as not to damage the root system and trunk. It is necessary to straighten and expand the roots of the seedling. First, the lowest roots fall asleep, then the next ones are laid out and again sprinkled with earth. The uppermost layer of rhizomes should be in the ground at a depth of 7-8 centimeters from the surface.How to grow a walnut from a fruit: rules and recommendations

It is necessary to take care of the tree to avoid walnut disease, and if the branches or leaves are damaged, they are cut off, and the rest are treated with appropriate solutions.

It is important to know how to grow a walnut from a walnut, as well as follow a simple rule for its care, and this beautiful and useful tree will delight not only you, but also your descendants.

Video “Landing”

From the video you will learn how to properly plant a walnut.

Planting a walnut

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