It often happens that we are given beautiful roses, and then the bouquet fades, and we are sad about the lost beauty. Of course, it is a pity that cut flowers do not please us for long, but this is a good time to think about how to grow a rose from a bouquet at home. Long, half-lignified stems can be cut into cuttings and try to root in at least one of several known methods. There are many opinions about how to grow a rose from a cutting from a bouquet, but the main thing is that it is quite possible. If at least one of the methods brings success, then the wonderful rose presented cut will continue its life and will delight with its flowering for many years.
Rules for preparing cuttings
Well, if the idea to grow roses from cuttings came to you immediately, as soon as you saw the bouquet. Some flower growers say that you can wait until the petals begin to fall, and then prepare the cuttings, others suggest doing this as soon as possible, because the flowers have been cut for a long time. Over time, the edges of the stems, especially with a rare change of water in the vase, begin to rot, destructive bacteria rise higher along the stem along with the water. The longer this process lasts, the less likely it is to grow roses from a bouquet at home, simply because roots do not form if pathogens take over the plant.
Before placing roses in a vase, they cut off the edges of the stems by 1,5 – 2 cm, pour clean, better spring water into a vase, it is advisable to change it daily, and at night keep the flowers in a bucket or other deep container so that above the surface of the water were only their heads.
A city apartment is equipped with a water pipe, not a spring, so the water needs to be defended and filtered, or at least filtered. With such care, you can admire the bouquet for several days, and then prepare the cuttings, but this process should not be delayed too much.
The most productive cuttings are obtained from the middle of the stem, leaving 2-3 live buds on each. This is the rule that should be adopted. The stalk is cut into pieces 15–30 cm long, with an eye to the location of the kidneys. At the bottom, the stem is cut obliquely (angle 45 degrees), starting from the bud itself, and the top one is made horizontal a little higher (0,5 – 1 cm) of the upper bud. If there are leaves on this segment, then the lower ones are completely cut off, and the upper ones are shortened by a third, the spikes are also removed. You need to cut the stem quickly with a very sharp and disinfected tool – use a knife or pruner, which injures the stem less. Some flower growers advise to treat the upper cut with paraffin. Now the cutting is ready for rooting.
Video “How to quickly and easily grow a rose from a cutting”
From the video below you will learn how easy it is to grow a rose from cuttings.
Methods for rooting cuttings
Cuttings can be rooted in different ways, more precisely, there is only one way – to place them in a moist nutrient medium, moisten, maintain the desired air temperature and wait for the roots to appear. But this nutrient medium is created in different ways: it is convenient to put cuttings in water, plant them in the ground, use potatoes or even newspaper and bags. How to grow roses – there are many ways, you can only find the best one by trying everything.
Local varieties are easiest to grow, and Dutch roses take root the worst – they are treated with special means to slow down the wilting of flowers, but it also slows down rooting. But you can also root such roses, you just need experience and patience. An instance grown from an imported hybrid may not retain the qualities of the mother plant, this must be remembered so as not to be upset when, after several years of cultivation, a flower that is completely different in color and shape is suddenly found.
Roots germinate fastest in spring and until mid-summer, slower in autumn and winter. To simplify the procedure, special means for stimulating root growth help – “Kornevin” and the like, cuttings can be lowered into the solution by a third of their length, left for 6 hours. Some flower growers prepare such a remedy themselves from aloe juice or honey diluted with water: only 1 teaspoon of honey or 1 g of juice is dissolved in 100 liter of water. Such a gentle stimulant affects the cut of the cutting for a day.
Germination in water
The easiest way is to place the prepared branches in the water, dropping no more than a third. Water should be prepared – filtered or settled, and better, of course, spring. Water must be changed every other day, the place should be without drafts or sudden changes in temperature, bright, but without direct sunlight, if it happens in summer.
After 2 – 3 weeks, light thickenings or growths form on the sections of the stems, roots should develop from them. It is better to plant in the ground when good strong roots already appear.
Rooting in pots
This method is used most often, probably due to the fact that it is simply traditional. Small containers are taken, these can be pots, cut plastic bottles or 0,5 liter cups. Before use, it is advisable to disinfect them with a strong solution of potassium permanganate, and then dry them. Down be sure to put a drainage layer of pebbles, foam or expanded clay. A soil consisting of garden soil and compost is laid out on top, and about a couple of centimeters of clean sand is placed on top of it. The soil should be fertile and loose, you can add peat if necessary. Experts advise calcining the soil in the oven to kill all threatening microorganisms and weed seeds.
The prepared soil is moistened, the cutting is placed with an oblique cut to the border of sand and earth, watered, the soil is pressed against it, tightly closed on top with a transparent cap that creates a greenhouse effect, it can be a glass jar or just a bag. Here, the opinions of experts differ on how to plant the cutting – at an angle or straight. Experience suggests that a positive (as well as negative) result will be in any case.
If several cuttings are planted in one box, then they do it after 7 cm.
And then 3 – 4 weeks should be watered as needed, sometimes sprayed, kept in the light at a temperature of +23 degrees during the day and +18 degrees at night. When sprouts appear in the axils of the leaves (and this indicates the appearance of roots), you will need to start accustoming them to fresh air, removing the jar for a short time. Gradually increasing the ventilation time, the shelter is completely removed. And it will be possible to plant in a permanent place with the advent of real young shoots.
Rooting with potatoes
A rose is grown from a bouquet in potatoes to maintain the necessary nutrient medium. Potato, in which the lower cut of the cutting is placed, creates nutrition and retains moisture. The tuber is chosen healthy and strong, all eyes are removed, washed, dried, a hole is made with a screwdriver or a nail (but not through), into which the cutting is inserted with the lower oblique cut, having previously dipped it in a root growth stimulator.
A trench up to 15 cm deep is prepared in the garden, sand is poured into the bottom with a 5-centimeter layer, potatoes with cuttings are placed on top and covered with earth so that the upper kidney must remain on the surface. From above, the earth is thoroughly watered with water, covered with something transparent to create the effect of a greenhouse. Next, you need to make sure that the earth does not dry out. With the advent of sprouts, they begin to remove the shelter for a short time, then gradually accustom the plants to fresh air. A place for rooting should be chosen bright, but quiet.
Growing roses in a bag
The most exotic and unusual way is called “burrito”. Prepared cuttings (and it is advisable to soak them in clean water for a day) are wrapped in a very well-soaked newspaper like the filling in this Mexican dish – they are carefully hidden, bending from the ends so that not a single cutting looks out into the air. Newsprint can be 3 – 4 layers. Then this bundle is placed in a dark plastic bag, tightly tied, cleaned in a cool place – well, not in the refrigerator, of course, but it is desirable to create a temperature no higher than +20 degrees.
Once a week, it is advisable to unfold the bundle, check the condition of the cuttings, throw away the rotting ones, if any are found, in this case the newspaper must be changed. The newspaper should always be wet. Roots form by the end of the second week.
Planting cuttings in a permanent place
Rooted cuttings should be stored until spring at home or in a cool cellar, and it is best to plant them in a permanent place in warm spring, when good weather is already established. The place for new roses is well lit and calm, it should not be in a lowland – the rose will not like the water accumulating near it.
You need to dig a hole a little more than the root system of a new seedling, fill it with fertile soil, into which you can add compost and humus (but not fresh manure) and mineral fertilizers. The shoots of a new seedling are shortened, leaving no more than 4 buds. After planting, the bush is watered with settled water, the ground around it is mulched with sawdust or peat.
For the first time, the plant must be closed from direct sunlight.
After a couple of weeks, the young plant will adapt to the new location and begin to grow. It can be watered with herbal infusion or very strongly diluted mullein infusion. The first year the rose does not need to be allowed to bloom, it is advisable to cut off the buds from the beginning of their formation. For the winter, it will be necessary to properly cover the new bush, spud it high with earth. And in the second year of life, let him please you with the first color.
Video “Planting a rose from cuttings”
In this video you will see how to properly plant a rose from cuttings.