How to grow a peach from a seed at home

Most of us love the juicy fruit of the peach. They are associated with the south, relaxation. The path of an amazing plant to Europe from China ran through Persia. Hence the name. It has taken root very well in our lands. Many novice gardeners dream of having this tree on their site. Moreover, the benefits of its fruits are undeniable. They are tasty not only fresh, but perfectly retain their qualities in canned form. Even more so at home. And peach oil is very popular with folk, cosmetic medicine. If you are a happy owner of a summer cottage, learn how to grow a peach from a stone. Moreover, such cultivation does not present any particular difficulties.


Which variety to choose?

It is better to plant trees that have proven themselves in your area with a good harvest. After all, different varieties have different characteristics. If you have a harsh climate, and the variety does not tolerate frost well, then such a fruit is likely to die.

Ask local experienced gardeners, they know better than anyone what will take root better. It will be absolutely great if they share the fruit from their tree with you. First, you will be able to see what kind of plant you will grow. Secondly, you will know exactly the grafted tree or its own root. Give preference to the latter. Its characteristics are much higher. And the grafted may even be infertile. Of course, your tree is unlikely to inherit all the qualities of the donor. However, it is still better than store-bought fruit.

How to grow a peach from a seed at home

How to prepare the fruit?

In order to grow a luxurious peach from a stone, you need to carefully select the fruit itself. It should be juicy, mature, ripe, healthy. If it just started to deteriorate, then this one is not good.

Unfortunately, simply bought peaches can give an undesirable result. If you buy them in the market, then you need them to be from your own garden. Keep them in a damp cloth for a week.

Separate the bone from the fruit. Rinse it thoroughly. Inspect for the complete absence of defects, insect moves. Choose a few seeds in case one doesn’t germinate. Soak them for a week, changing the water daily. Dry before use. Then split without damaging the core. Actually, you can start landing.

Landing – instruction

Place, time, soil

Peach loves a lot of light. Therefore, choose a site illuminated. So that other trees do not shade it, you need to grow it away from them. The minimum distance between plants is up to 5 meters.

The ideal planting time is autumn. Planting in spring or summer will produce weak shoots that can freeze in winter. In winter, the stone in the ground will endure exposure. The weakest will perish. In fact, natural selection will take place. But the shoots that sprout in the spring will be viable.

How to grow a peach from a seed at home

To grow a quality product, pre-feed the soil with organic fertilizers. Thoroughly loosen it so that it is soft enough. Deepen the nucleolus of the stone into open soil. Depth – 5-10 centimeters. No more. The distance between planting material is up to 10 centimeters. Additional watering or fertilizer is not needed.

Growing homemade peach in a pot

It turns out you can grow a peach tree at home on the windowsill. It is very difficult to rise from the bone. There is a possibility of a complete absence of escapes. Harvest in indoor fruit appears much later. The quality of these fruits is also far from garden. Flowering will take 5 years.

The method of growing peach in a pot is the same as in the open field. Just before planting, hold the bone for 2 hours in a growth stimulator. The soil must be constantly moist. Cover the pot with a plastic bag. Take it off every day. If you’re lucky, the nucleolus should sprout.

young tree care

The bone will sprout roots. Then a stem will form. In the spring, it must be watered abundantly every day.

Feed the tree with liquid manure. Spray with pesticides (Ridomil, Thiovit). Since small seedlings are very susceptible to disease.

By autumn, a peach from a stone will grow up to one and a half meters. When its height is from 70 centimeters, it will be necessary to form a crown. Then the side branches will appear. They are cut off. Also remove diseased, deformed, weak parts. Frozen shoots are removed in the spring.

When the next spring the peach is planted in a permanent place, carry out spring pruning annually before flowering. Leave the distance between the branches up to 20 centimeters. The most beautiful crown will turn out in the form of a bowl.

When choosing a permanent site, dig a deep hole (at least 1 meter) in the fall. This should be the most lit place, well protected from the wind. Pre-fertilize the pit with organic and mineral fertilizers 1: 1. It’s good to dig. After planting the seedling, tamp the ground. Make circles around the trunk. Pour 2-3 buckets of room temperature water into it. Cover the holes with a layer of mulch or humus.

How to grow a peach from a seed at home

If you grow a peach from a stone, then you will get fruits in 2-3 years. That is, later than if you grow it from a seedling. But such a plant will be more frost-resistant, healthy, less susceptible to attack by pests. And what is important, it will give richer harvests.

Video “Growing peach in a greenhouse”

The video below will tell you how to grow a peach in the north in a greenhouse.

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